WHITE PAPER: Worst Practices In Business Intelligence: Why BI Applications Succeed Where BI Tools Fail
June 3, 2012 1 CommentThis paper provides insight into the top four worst practices for business intelligence. It also provides guidance on how to avoid or overcome worst practices in order to tap into the true power of BI. By reading this paper, you will have a solid understanding of how to avoid BI failure and achieve success with your BI initiatives
really? that’s been quite dfriefent to my experience of social applications, which has been that they provide some really rich and interesting ways to build and maintain relationships with people – some of whom I’ve known for eons, and some who I only knew in passing before connecting on FaceBook or Twitter etc.They’re very definitely providing us with fodder for some very interesting research, hypotheses and future design directions, but for me that’s secondary to the richness of the human connection that they provide. Or perhaps I just don’t get out enough