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The Benefits of a Keyless Entry Card Access System

April 16, 2018 No Comments

Featured article by Catherine Hernandez, Independent Technology Author


Need a better way to keep your building secure while letting specific people in and out? You may benefit from a keyless entry card access system.

Perhaps you’re about to move your business into a brand new office building, and are looking for a reliable access system? Maybe you’re tired of your current access system, and are looking for a new one?

If so, you’ve got quite a few different types of access systems to choose from.

One of the most technologically sophisticated access systems on the market today is the keyless entry card access system. When compared to other types of access systems, it carries a number of advantages.

Here are the benefits of a keyless entry card access system.

Benefits of a Keyless Entry Card Access System

Keyless entry card access systems are, in some ways, hybrids of traditional key systems and electronic keypad systems.

They make use of electricity, but require a handheld implement in order to be accessed.

However, when compared to those two systems, keyless systems have a lot of advantages.

No Key Changes Needed

One of the great things about keyless access systems is that they allow for the administrators of said systems to never have to change keys. This comes in handy in a number of different situations.

For instance, if someone leaves your company, it’s not necessary for you to collect a key from that person. It’s also not necessary for you to change any of the locks.

Because keyless access systems are controlled by a computer software, they can make swift changes to designate which cards still work with the system. If you don’t want someone accessing your building anymore, you can just deactivate that person’s card with the software.

Cards are Almost Impossible to Copy

While keys have served their intended purpose admirably for centuries, the fact of the matter is that keys have their downsides. One of the biggest downsides of keys is that they can be easily copied.

Cards, on the other hand, are almost impossible to copy. If you’re going to copy an electronic access card, you’re going to have to be able to understand some fairly complex electronics.

Unlike keys, cards can’t be copied at a big box store such as Walmart.

What this means is that you’ll never have to worry about un-issued cards floating around. The only access cards which will exist will be the ones which you want to exist.

Don’t Require Memorization

While electronic keypad access systems certainly have their upsides, they have one fairly substantial downside. That downside is that they require memorization in order to be accessed. When using such a system, you must be able to remember a digital code.

Keyless card access systems, on the other hand, require no memorization whatsoever. As long as you have a designated electronic key in your possession, you will be able to access designated doors.

When you have dozens of employees entering your building every day, this can be very helpful.

Difficult to Pick

When you’ve got manual locks, they can be picked by intruders. In most cases, unwanted individuals will be able to break into the gears of the lock so that they can disturb them and jimmy open locks.

Electronic card access systems, on the other hand, are close to impenetrable. The only way you would ever be able to pick such a lock is by ripping the access strip off of the door. This, to put it simply, is very difficult to do.

In essence, if you want your building to remain as secure as possible, it’s recommended that you use a keyless card system.

Endless Access Possibilities

As was stated above, keyless card systems are controlled through software which allow for changes to be made remotely. This software is capable of a number of things, all of which serve to make your access system a little more convenient.

Geocom, Inc., a national project management and installation company, has noted how important it is for workplaces to have access configuration capabilities. They understand that, in the world of business, things are ever-changing, and that access capability needs to be ever-compatible with these changes.

Want your doors to be accessible to anyone at a given time every day? With this type of access system, this is a possibility.

Want to allow some people into a room while keeping others out? Again, with this access system, it can be so.

Want to cancel a cardholder’s access to your building? A few clicks on the software interface, and that cardholder’s access will be denied.

Each different access card which you distribute can be programmed to perform different functions. What does this mean? It means that you are supplied with essentially endless access possibilities.

Can Keep Records of Access

Wouldn’t it be nice to know who is going in and out of your building at a given time? With a card system, this is a possibility.

Every time a card is swiped at an access panel on your building, your access system’s coinciding software will detect and track it. Building a log of all swipes, your access system will enable you to see who is entering and who is leaving your building at a given time.

This enables you to keep tabs on the different rooms in your building, helping you to prevent theft and other unseemly activities.

Give Your Building with a Feeling of Maximum Security

Card access systems don’t just make your building more secure, they make your building feel more secure as well. Having such sophisticated technology protecting your building is sure to give you a feeling of ease.

This allows you to spend time outside of your building in a sense of contentedness and comfort.

You never have to worry about whether or not an unwanted individual is making his or her way into your building.

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