Tech Alone Not Enough To Manage Big Data
September 25, 2012 No CommentsSOURCE: InformationWeek
Studies show that big corporations worry about hiring enough skilled humans to manage big data–a surprising need considering all the advanced automation tools at our disposal.
Most people who have been in IT for a while have a favorite story about the staggering growth of data storage demands over the years, and the equally staggering advances in the capacities offered by storage technologies. My own is a marquee sale I made in the mid 1980’s.
It was a huge deal both financially and in terms of operational significance; the data center floor was swept of one vendor’s equipment and replaced by the new, cool stuff that I was representing. Delivery necessitated the closure of a London street on a Saturday morning in order to have a crane lift the equipment to its appointed floor. And the punch line? The total capacity was 10 GB. It is amazing when you think that today I can get a mobile electronics flash card that’s about the size of a fingernail and holds 64 GB!