Rasmussen College Adds Electronic Health Records Course
May 2, 2011 No CommentsSOURCE: Green Bay Press Gazette
A move to electronic heath records has spurred Rasmussen College and other educational institutions to develop programs that train students for careers working with those systems.
Digitization of medial records has been part of larger health care reform initiatives at both the state and national level. A federal bill mandates digitization of all medical records by 2014.
The bill, including $838 billion in stimulus funding, was part of the impetus for Rasmussen College to offer the Healthcare Information Technology program at its campuses, including the location in Howard.
In the program, students work with a simulated electronic health records and learn the ins and outs of the system. It includes a 16-hour mentorship in a facility that uses an electronic records system.
The program focuses on skills ranging from clinical work to information technology and leadership, said Hertencia Bowe, Rasmussen’s national Healthcare Information Technology program coordinator.