Midsized Organizations Are Particularly in Need of Better IT Resiliency
February 29, 2016 No CommentsLook for Modern, Hybrid Approaches to IT Resiliency
Everyone depends on data access. Midsized organizations are just as dependent as big companies are because so many knowledge workers these days need access to digital information to do their jobs. So, it’s not surprising to see most IT teams at midmarket organizations (100 to 999 employees) now reporting that they operate under standard SLA fulfilment ranges of less than two hours—for high-priority and normal workloads alike.
Unfortunately, midsized organizations’ IT professionals have typically been overburdened and underfunded. And the solutions they really needed the most were too complex or too costly. They are typically more vulnerable to cash- flow changes, which can be exacerbated by IT crises.
Download this whitepaper to learn how midsized organizations today can benefit from more IT resiliency.