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How Web Design Can Influence The Success of Your Business

November 16, 2016 No Comments

Featured article by John Stone, web entrepreneur and a business consultant at Algorithmseosydney

Having a strong online presence is crucial for maintaining a successful business in this modern technology world that we live in. Using social media to promote your brand is considered to be very important by today’s standards. However, simply having an online presence without generating any leads and driving the consumer market is meaningless. A properly developed web design needs to grab and hold the customer’s attention in a way that directly translates into profit. Changes in consumer needs have changed the standards for the way designers make profit-driven websites.

Make sure your website is responsive

Responsive web design allows for more accessibility for both mobile and desktop users. It’s no longer just a poorly used catch-phrase. Rather, the term describes the websites ability to adapt to different devices on which it’s being viewed. Another term that’s being used more and more is adaptive design and it describes the websites capability of predicting the user behavior and changing in response to said behavior. Whether your website is adaptive or responsive, for it to become successful it must be able to perform well no matter what device is being used.

Integrate social media into your business

Most of the web searches we make are, well, unnecessary. It’s not like we search for equipment used to save the endangered wildlife or new life-saving drugs. Purchasing over the internet is generally considered to be what researchers now describe as situational involvement. People browse for things all the time, but if the purchase hasn’t been made the moment people see something they need, they simply move on and quickly forget everything about that product. That’s why a good e-commerce website needs to have social media integrated into its business. You can also use coupons to change the participation from situational to inherent and drive better sales.

Communicate with your audience

The effectiveness of a good graphic design extends far beyond the logo and the website. Graphic design can help convey your message to the customers using different visual aids. Whether it’s an informative picture or a well thought-out video, these aids are used to transmit and idea which normally couldn’t be conveyed using words alone. If you want to avoid any potential misunderstandings between you and the customer, then hiring a professional to create an image with a positive connotation might be the best choice.

Create a user-oriented website

The business will most likely fall short of success unless the designer constantly has the user experience in mind. According to expert web designers from Sydney, the website responsiveness needs to revolve around the user experience. For example, the website must be able to recommend new products based on what the customers have purchased in the past by integrating the best possible search system. The website also needs to provide the customers with useful and relevant information, even if that information includes actions such as filing complaints and making a return.

Establish an online presence

Establishing a web presence provides your business with an online storefront, whether you’re a home business or you have an actual, physical location. For a business with a physical location, having an online store not only helps move into the online market but also directly leads to an increase in revenue. It represents the easiest way of legitimizing a business and providing the target viewers with another point of reference. Without a strong online presence, your business is at risk of missing an excellent opportunity to spread into a different market.

Generate more leads

Having a website can actually help your brand and business by generating leads, whether it’s using offline or online marketing techniques. You can use your website to provide potential customers with tempting offers and free giveaways, which helps both with building prospects lists and increasing the lead generation. It’s crucial to get customers directly into your marketing funnel, by generating leads at first and following up and closing the sale afterward. Not only that, but a good website can automate the entire marketing plan, which makes it even more useful.

Keep it fresh

Revise and refresh your website on a regular basis. A website which has visible old content can end up looking unprofessional and ultimately make you lose customers and revenue. If people see that you don’t put any effort into your online presence, they’ll try to replace you with a business that updates their content regularly. And content is king, remember that. You can always try replacing the main graphics on your website for a newer version or at least add some news regarding your company. This web designer advice can only make your company bloom and grow bigger than it ever was.

Bottom line

Ignoring the graphic design changes your brand may need can only have an adverse effect on your business. It negatively impacts the employees, vendors, and clients, which results in loss of returning customers and in turn, a loss of revenue. However, using a proper design can only benefit your business and not only help you build a trusting relationship with your existing customers, but also attract new ones and generate more sales. Make sure to follow this advice, you don’t want to end up being behind the competition.

Author bio

John Stone is a web entrepreneur and a business consultant at Algorithmseosydney. You can get in touch with him on Twitter.



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