A Linux Attack Considered
December 6, 2011 No CommentsSOURCE: TechNewsWorld
Well the last ruckus over operating systems had barely settled down here in the Linux blogosphere when another one started up anew.
The cause this time? Oh, just a little article entitled, “The Disadvantages of Using Linux” by a blogger known as “DarkDuck.” [*Editor’s note – Dec. 5, 2011]
“No standard edition,” “learning curve,” “non-compatible software” and “unsupported hardware” are just a few of the charges DarkDuck makes against our beloved operating system, [*Editor’s note – Dec. 5, 2011] sparking numerous outbursts of outrage from the crowds over on LXer, where the topic was picked up with gusto.
Click here to read more of this blog post by Katherine Noyes