4 Business Benefits of Cloud Management Technology
April 12, 2011 No CommentsSOURCE: Forbes
Those who create or leverage clouds, whether private or public, need to manage those clouds while they support core business processes. Cloud management is a set of approaches and technologies that are evolving as the world of cloud computing becomes more complex, and as the applications, data, and processing that reside on clouds become increasingly critical to the success of the business.
Cloud management is the ability to operate and monitor single or multiple cloud instances, including IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS, as well as underlying server or application instances. It’s about keeping things working and under control while leveraging cloud-based resources, as well as monitoring core subsystems and making sure they all work and play well together.
While the technology behind cloud management tools is well known, the business value is not as well understood. There are several business reasons to consider cloud management technology right now, before you begin to roll out private, hybrid, and public cloud-based systems and infrastructure. These reasons include:
- Additional uptime
- SLA reporting
- Compliance management
- Understanding disasters
Additional uptime means additional productivity, and that translates into additional money saved. While it’s sometimes tough to put a value on up-time stats, many businesses will lose as much as a million dollars a day, or more, if their core business systems are not functioning correctly. Cloud management technology can spot issues before they become true outages, and can pay for itself with a single