WSO2 Summer School Features Free Class on Identity Management in the Cloud
June 2, 2011 No CommentsSOURCE: WSO2
A cloud-based environment offers convenient and cost-effective access to technology. However, it also increases the security risk and need for appropriate authentication and authorization processes–particularly as enterprise information extends from in-house systems to popular software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings, such and Google Apps. A cloud-based approach to centralized identity management provides a robust alternative to server-based solutions for enabling secure access to diverse applications, whether on-premise or running as SaaS.
IT architects and developers can learn to effectively manage access and authentication in the cloud by attending the interactive online class, “Identity Management in the Cloud.” The two-hour session is being offered at no cost as a part of the WSO2 SOA Summer School program ( It will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific. To participate, register at
The Identity Management in the Cloud class will:
* Review common challenges in using traditional on-premise software to extend authentication and authorization to SaaS applications.
* Examine open identity and security standards that enable communication among heterogeneous cloud and on-premise systems, as well as cloud-based identity management solutions, such as WSO2 Identity as a Service (
* Highlight best practices for implementing a central, cloud-based system of authentication and authorization that combines enterprise-class security with ease-of-use features, such as single sign-on.
Leading the class are Prabath Siriwardena, WSO2 architect and product manager of the WSO2 Carbon platform and security (, and Thilina Mahesh Buddhika, WSO2 technical lead and product manager of the WSO2 Identity Server ( In addition to their track record in product innovation, Prabath and Thilina both bring proven expertise in helping WSO2 enterprise customers to successfully manage identity and authentication on-premise and in the cloud.
SOA Summer School
Since 2009, the popular WSO2 SOA Summer School program has helped more than 2,000 enterprise IT architects and developers become more familiar with service-oriented architecture (SOA) technologies and best practices. The all-new classes for 2011 are open to all individuals who want to learn proven techniques for addressing enterprises’ top IT challenges. Taught by some of the industry’s leading technical experts, the classes offer an opportunity to obtain thousands of dollars worth of professional training at zero cost. For details on the program and how to sign up, visit
About WSO2
WSO2 is the lean enterprise middleware company. It delivers the only complete open source enterprise SOA middleware stack purpose-built as an integrated platform to support today’s heterogeneous enterprise environments–internally and in the cloud. WSO2’s service and support team ( is led by technical experts who have proven success in deploying enterprise SOAs and contribute to the technology standards that enable them. For more information, visit and the WSO2 OxygenTank developer portal at, or check out WSO2 on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, WSO2 Blogs (, and FriendFeed.