The B2B Marketing Data Report: Power Up Your Data Strategy with the Fourth Annual Report from Dun & Bradstreet
October 28, 2016 No CommentsFeatured report by Dun & Bradstreet
Did you know that the average health of marketing data is categorized as “questionable” at best? It seems that we often pay lip service to the importance of good data, but fail to actually clean it up. However, as modern marketers we operate in a world where the success of our initiatives, as well as the latest technology and trends depend upon the quality of our marketing database.
Dun & Bradstreet analyzed 695M customer contact records and surveyed more than 500 B2B marketers to provide the truth about the state of B2B marketing data. Among the pages of the fourth annual report, you will also discover:
– The disturbing chasm between data quality belief and reality
– Three revenue-generating trends marketers will miss out on without good data quality
– Essential industry benchmarks for measuring your own data quality
Everything in this report is from, about and for you — the B2B marketer. We urge you to use it to generate ideas on how to create an effective data strategy that delivers sustainable growth to your business. Remember, great marketing starts with great data.