Learn About Some of the Top Money Management Apps
November 19, 2015 No CommentsFeatured article by Derek Lawson, financial analyst
You must be spending a lot of time on your Android phone by just browsing through pictures or playing some tap-tap games. Instead, if you can spend some time for your money management through apps it can definitely be much more worthy. Let us go through some financial apps that can help in effective money management process.
Apps For Investing:Are you confused about where you can invest your hard earned money? These apps can help you with excellent investment options which can be helpful for your future.
Robinhood: This app can help you in free trading process. Previously, you are required to pay at least $10 / trade in most of the brokerage firms. With Robinhood, you will find plenty of ETFs and stocks which are easily available for trading purpose. This app is suitable for individuals who are dealing with several stocks and not just a single stock bought impulsively.
Betterment: With the help of Betterment app, investing process is as easy as playing a game of angry birds. As soon as you register yourself with this app, you will be asked with questions like investment goals, diversified portfolios and ETFs. After that, they will manage all your reinvesting and rebalancing with dividends. The app also helps in managing the retirement accounts like SEP IRA, Roth ad traditional IRAs. You can use this app for free for 6 months and can pay after that for further usage.
Apps For Saving: If you want to observe more money in your savings account each month, then these apps can be really helpful. The lawsuit loan firmscan also use these apps for maintaining their savings account in a proper manner.
Digit: This app can be very effective for the individuals who require a right guidance for saving their hard earned money. It helps to connect your bank account and analyze your average expenditure in a secured manner. When it figures out, an algorithm is being used to transfer a very small amount from your bank account into your savings account. The best part is that, you will never notice that small amount is missing from your account. This way, you can save a lot of money each month in an unnoticing manner.
Qapital: If you want a smart approach to savings, then Qapital can be the right app for you. The individuals can create goals with the help of this app and can find interesting ways to reach towards those goals. You can set up a scheduled transfer in your savings account with the help of this app.
Apps For Advising: You may require some valuable advice for your money management. Here are some apps that can help you out in this situation.
FutureAdvisor: As the name suggests this app help in advising about your future. They will at first create a customized portfolio for you and will scale with different grades starting from A to F. They will provide you with advice when you require changes in the categories and can even make the changes on your behalf. You may be saving for your retirement or for your college, they will work out the savings according to your specialized needs.
LearnVest: This app helps in budgeting, accounting management and financial planning as a whole. If you require an action plan, they will go through your accounts and suggest the best plan against a monthly fee.
Beside these apps, you will find various charity apps like Charity Miles, One Today, I can Go Without etc that helps in your donations which is indirectly helping in your tax planning. All these reasons must be enough for putting you away from your Instagram accounts and pay attention to your finances!
Author Bio: Derek Lawson is a well known financial analyst. In this article, he is discussing the benefits of some financial apps in the market which can be helpful for lawsuit loan firms in deciding their savings and budget.