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How Dentists Are Embracing Technology

December 19, 2017 No Comments

Featured article by Sally Writes, Independent Technology Author


When you think ‘high tech’ perhaps ‘dentistry’ isn’t the first industry that comes to mind. However, in recent years, dentists have being embracing technology to improve their care and streamline their services. Here’s how.

Crown while you wait

dental crown is a tooth shaped cap placed over a tooth to restore shape, size and appearance. Until recently, if you needed this done, it would take two visits and more than a week’s wait for the mold and crown to be made. Recent years have seen the rise of ‘crown while you wait’ where dentists make crowns in the office while the patient makes using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies.

Finding cavities with lasers

Traditionally, dentists would have to find cavities manually with an instrument called an ‘explorer.’ Even in the hands of the most skilled dentist, there was a significant potential for human error, causing cavities to be left unchecked. Today the diode laser allows dentists to determine if there is decay in the tooth.

X-rays and CT imaging

Accurately knowing what’s going on is the first step to fixing it and that’s where recent advances in x-rays and CT imaging come in. Advances in digital radiography allow today’s x-rays to produce a clearer image in a shorter time with less radiation. In addition, Dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) is a special type of x-ray equipment used when regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. The x-ray rotates around the patient’s head to allow a 3-D view of the teeth, jaw, gum and nerves. An additional benefit of CT is that it identifies possible tumors and other diseases that don’t appear on standard X-rays.

Appointment services

All the dental technology in the industry won’t be any good if you can’t sort out an appointment. Both general and cosmetic dental practices are embracing online appointment preference services, so the phone line being engaged isn’t a barrier to getting booked in. Practice management software is also streamlining the referral process and making the administrative side of a dental practice.

The impact of new tech is most keenly felt in the tech sector but it trickles down into other aspects of our lives. Our homes, offices, health, teeth… all are benefiting. You still need to remember to brush, though.

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