Collibra sponsors the Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Orlando
October 15, 2012 No CommentsSOURCE: Collibra
Dates: October 21, 2012 – October 25, 2012
Twelve months ago, Gartner urged CIOs and senior IT executives to re-imagine, rethink and reconsider what IT means and how it can be applied to the needs and goals of the enterprise. Today, the quest for IT re-imagination has escalated — reflecting a powerful nexus of forces that will require the business to think, work and connect in entirely new ways. Join 8,000 of your professional peers — including 2,000 CIOs — at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2012. There you will:
*Learn how IT can be used to amplify the enterprise, creating new levels of strength, visibility and power
*Understand how connections both inside and outside the enterprise can be made richer and more valuable
*Recognize how an unprecedented nexus of forces will render traditional IT concepts obsolete
*Receive in-depth industry insight during Industry Sunday and throughout the week