Inside the Briefcase

Augmented Reality Analytics: Transforming Data Visualization

Augmented Reality Analytics: Transforming Data Visualization

Tweet Augmented reality is transforming how data is visualized... Membership! Membership!

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Women in Tech Boston

Women in Tech Boston

Hear from an industry analyst and a Fortinet customer...

IT Briefcase Interview: Simplicity, Security, and Scale – The Future for MSPs

IT Briefcase Interview: Simplicity, Security, and Scale – The Future for MSPs

In this interview, JumpCloud’s Antoine Jebara, co-founder and GM...

Tips And Tricks On Getting The Most Out of VPN Services

Tips And Tricks On Getting The Most Out of VPN Services

In the wake of restrictions in access to certain...

Can a Plain Old PC Beat Google TV and Apple TV?

November 11, 2010 No Comments

Apple TV or Google TV? After you work your way through the myriad configurations, you get stuck with a limited selection of content, a ridiculously clunky search interface, weird remotes, skimpy storage, and perhaps an underwhelming picture. Given these options, the perfect TV setup is anything but clear. Could it be… a garden-variety computer?

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