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Announcing the Release of the Casewise Portal & WebModeler

November 15, 2010 No Comments

Source:  Casewise

Casewise, the thought leaders in Business Process Analysis, Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture and Governance Risk & Compliance are delighted to announce the release of the Casewise Portal and WebModeler 2009.2 R2.

The new release takes onboard the feedback from existing Portal and WebModeler users in addition to having assessed the overall needs, requirements and trends within the modeling tool marketplace.

The introduction of Portal and WebModeler 2009.2 R2 represents a major step forward in the development of the Casewise solution portfolio whilst demonstrating our continued commitment to deliver first class enterprise tools and solutions.

The Casewise Portal is a complementary module to the Corporate Modeler Suite. Based on the latest web technologies, the Portal offers user’s direct access to the Casewise Extensible Repository (Corporate Exchange) via a web browser ensuring total architectural alignment.

This latest release sees the compatibility of the Portal with Corporate Modeler Suite 2009.2 and features a number of improvements and enhancements including:

A Completely New Tasks User Interface (UI)

When switching to Task view, the layout is now organized into three vertical panes which provides for a much more intuitive user experience when accessing Task information.  Within the new UI, Tasks are grouped into three working folders; an ‘Inbox’ folder for Tasks requiring attention, including escalated items,  secondly, an ‘In Progress’ folder for Tasks the user is involved with but has no current actions on and finally  a ‘Complete’ folder for Tasks that have been marked as Accepted or Stopped by the Administrator.

The benefit to this new UI is that all the information for any Tasks you are involved with are available in one place.  The UI also now includes a Task Administration dialog which enables users, who can administer Tasks, to do so. Administration actions include: Reassigning Tasks, Stopping (cancelling) Tasks, and Deleting Tasks. When stopping a Task, users have an option to archive the Task for reference.

New Landing Page Option

This latest version of the Portal also provides users with an optional alternative landing page, or home page.

Home.aspx provides a read-only interface to your diagrams and data, and is loosely based on a familiar search-style interface. As with the existing home page, you can specify a default diagram/model to be displayed, and users can either use the diagram itself for navigating to objects or detail diagrams, or can use a search box to search for objects and diagrams. The interface provides a breadcrumb navigation so that you can easily return to objects and diagrams you have previously viewed.

As well as searching from within the main alternative home page, a stand-alone search home page is available which can be used as a starting point for navigating your repository. Search results are listed in a familiar search engine style, and when clicked take users to a read-only page displaying the properties of the object. If the selected object is a diagram, the diagram image is displayed and beneath it the properties, including details of the objects on the diagram.

So that you can make the Portal fit in with your own company’s corporate branding, the new landing page can be configured to fit within a frameset where you can provide custom navigation and look and feel.

Users also now have the option to customize the new landing page in accordance to their organizations corporate brand identity. In addition, Casewise also offers a more comprehensive customization service; click here for further details.

Diagram Interaction

Several enhancements have been made to improve Diagram support within the Portal. These include the ability to edit some of the properties of a diagram from within the Portal. Furthermore, a new Print View for Diagrams enables users to specify the resolution of the diagram image to be printed, and gives users the option to Save diagram images.

Hide Properties that are not Set

A new configuration option enables administrators to specify that when users are viewing object or diagram properties, only those properties which have been set are actually visible – all unset properties are hidden in the properties pane. This feature makes it much easier to view information which is set without having to scroll past properties with no data.

Portal Access Rights Management Improvements

The Portal Access Rights Manager (PAM) now has enhanced synchronization with Corporate Modeler User accounts, meaning users who have been removed from the Corporate Modeler repository are now also removed from PAM. Users that are not a member of any Group are now prohibited from viewing any access-controlled objects in the Portal.

MS SharePoint Document Management Plug-in

Improvements to the usability of the SharePoint Document Management Plug-in have resulted in a reduced click-count for attaching documents. The plug-in also remembers the last list or site the user uploaded to.

Casewise WebModeler

WebModeler, Casewise’s web based modeling application sees a number of enhancements which continue the process of ground-breaking online applications.

WebModeler now fully supports the display of shape regions on diagram objects. All Corporate Modeler region types are supported, including Property Visualizations, Gauges, Association Types and Explosions meaning that whether you are editing an existing diagram, or creating a new one, if you add or move objects that have regions, they are displayed exactly how they are supposed to look.

Support for Viewing and Creating Hierarchy Diagrams

WebModeler users now have the ability to open, edit and create Hierarchy diagrams through the introduction of an innovative method for adding and connecting shapes. When adding a new shape to the hierarchy, a user simply clicks on the object which the new shape is required to be the subordinate of and WebModeler automatically positions the shape in the hierarchy.

New Objects Palette Usability Improvements

The New Objects palette within WebModeler has been updated to display the now supported shape regions and also allows for better scaling when customizing the WebModeler user interface.

Multi-Select for Shapes

WebModeler now enables users to select multiple shapes on a diagram and then perform operations on them.  Multiple objects can be selected with a simple Ctrl + click, and can then have numerous actions performed on them, including Align, Move, Clear and Set as Same Size.

Drag & Drop Associations

Users of WebModeler are now able to create and delete associations between objects directly on the diagram. Objects can be dragged and dropped onto other objects such as swimlanes, and associations are automatically created between them – assuming a relevant Association Type exists. When two associated objects are separated on a diagram, such as moving a process from one swimlane to another, then the existing association is deleted and the new one is created.

Make Shapes the same Size

Continuing the theme of providing features which improve usability and the speed at which diagrams can be created; WebModeler now includes features to make two shapes the same size. Echoing similar functionality from within Corporate Modeler, when two shapes are selected, they can be set to be the same width or height.

Shape Alignment & Distribution

This latest release of WebModeler includes some extremely useful new features for aligning shapes.

These include new Dynamic Alignment Guides that appear as you are moving shapes around on the canvas whereby the guides indicate when the shape you are moving aligns with the edges or center of another shape. By using the guides you can snap shapes to the left or right edges, or center, of another shape.

New Toolbar options enable you to select two or more shapes on a diagram and align them to one another. In addition, when multiple shapes are selected, you can distribute them horizontally or vertically so they are equally spaced. When combined together, the new alignment and distribution functions dramatically improve the speed at which you can create aesthetically-pleasing, aligned and well-spaced diagrams.

View Original Press Release

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