10 Tips on Writing a Case Study on Information Technology
December 8, 2017 No CommentsFeatured article by Lauren Bradshaw, Independent Technology Author
Writing a case study isn’t the most entertaining piece of content you’ll ever write, however, if done correctly it can generate a genuine interest in your particular product or company. Within the world of Information Technology, it’s essential to provide convincing case studies to attract new customers, especially within an already saturated industry.
Understanding the real potential of a case study can increase your revenue, reduce the time it takes for your sales agents to close a deal and provide proof of concept to a potential buyer.
Today we’ll be going over ten tips on writing a case study on information technology.
TIP 1 – Involve the Client Early on
If you’re going to be writing a case study on a specific client, you already retain, involve them in the process. Most clients will not shy away from this mainly because they will get more exposure in the case study.
It will be a document you share with other potential clients, and thus, if you have a client that is resistant to the idea of being featured in a case study, just remind them of the free publicity they will get from being featured.
Once they agree, get them involved in the process. Some clients will let you have creative control while others would like to be overseeing the process.
TIP 2 – Identify the Client
At times, due to legal restraints, you won’t be allowed to officially ‘name the client,’ however wherever possible try to identify the specific client the case study revolves around.
TIP 3 – Use a Quote
You want to increase the effectiveness of case study for the client. Let them talk about their experiences and interview them beforehand, then cherry-pick the quote (or multiple) you’d like featured.
TIP 4 – Include Keywords
If you’re going to be publishing the case study online, inserting keywords is a right way for search bots to find it. It will also become a marketing tool you can use whenever you desire. You just need to conduct keyword research in your particular niche and organically weave the keywords in it.
TIP 5 – Tell a Story
People love stories. The most effective marketing tactic is storytelling because it hardwires into human evolution. For generations, we have been transferring our history through the art of storytelling. Let it have a beginning, a middle and an end like any story. Be sure to include a protagonist (the client) and an antagonist (the problem) and guide the reader to the conclusion (the resolution).
TIP 6 – Use Numbers
To create a more credible paper, you’ll want to include numbers wherever possible. What do I mean by numbers? Facts, stats, and data that is relevant to your case study. Show how much percentage increase in revenue your product or service generated for your client.
TIP 7 – Use Images
People don’t like to read long documents. Thus breaking up the monotony of the text will increase user engagement. It is something you should consider with everything you produce, however with longer books such as case studies this is necessary.
Try using graphs, pictures or even projections within your presentation.
TIP 8 – Avoid Industry Jargon
The idea of a Case study is to reach as many people as possible. It means you have to speak a “generalized language.” What I mean by a Generalized Language is that you have to use standard terms everyone can understand. Using industry-specific jargon will reduce the reach of the potential readers to only those familiar with your niche.
TIP 9 – Use Video
The video is the medium that has the highest retention and conversion rates within the world of marketing. Utilizing video within your case study will online increase the effectiveness of the document. Furthermore, adding video to any online publication will increase the perceived value to search engines. Thus, adding a video to your case study is a brilliant idea.
TIP 10 – Get a Professional to Help
Let’s face it; writing isn’t everybody’s strong suit. Thus, if you’re having trouble compiling your case study, why not hire a professional to do it for you. While some of your reservations on this step might be money, think of it this way. Where it might take you a day or two to finish a document like this, a professional can do it in hours. It is time saved which we all know equates to money. Additionally, it will be more professional which would result in higher engagement, retention, and conversions.
There you have it, ten tips on writing a case study on information technology. Of course, the suggestions we provided here are general; they do apply to information technology all the same. We believe by incorporating these ideas into your work will have a positive effect on your case study.
About the Author
Lauren Bradshaw started writing in 2003. Since then she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, writing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging. She’s also passionate about literature and painting.