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The 3 Best Ways To Stay Safe While Using The Internet

July 19, 2024 No Comments

by John Moran

Everything you do online leaves a trace of your personal data involved. Hackers and scammers can pick up these traces and use them against you. Since hackers have become more skilled, they can easily use this information to access your bank accounts and even steal your identity.

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks, phishing scams, and weak passwords can all lead to data breaches. Once your data falls into the wrong hands, you risk identity theft, financial fraud, and even personal safety risks. In this article, we will go over several tips to help keep your information secure.

1 – Use software and technology

One of the best types of technology to use to protect yourself is by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN encrypts your data and makes it difficult for hackers to access your information. If you are outside your home, assume your connections are not secure and use a VPN when you are online.

Another way to protect yourself is to use a service like DeleteMe. This service helps by removing your personal details from data brokers who collect this information from your social media and browsing history. This helps you limit who has your information and will keep your data safe.

Choosing browsers and search engines that focus on privacy can also help. There are browsers that don’t collect as much information about your online activities so you can surf the web anonymously.

2 – Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication

Using strong passwords is an easy and effective way to keep your accounts and information safe. A good password is long and includes a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters to make it hard for others to guess. Don’t use obvious things like your name, birthday, or simple words. Use a password generator to create one with the right criteria and then keep it safe.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a good way to get an extra layer of security after you enter your password. With 2FA, you also need to verify who you are with another step, usually by entering a code sent to your phone so even if someone figures out your password, they can’t get into your account without also having your phone.

3 – Keep up to date

Your software will need to be updated periodically to patch up any vulnerabilities that can be exploited. When you update your software, you close these openings and your devices can’t be used to access your personal information.

Companies make these updates to make their software work better and safer. As soon as your device alerts you that an update is ready to be installed, take action right away. If you wait too long, your system could be at risk because attackers look for old flaws to break into.

To make things easier, you can set your devices to update automatically. This way, you’ll always have the latest security fixes without having to remember to do it yourself.

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