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How Technology is Changing the Face of Employee Training

May 24, 2022 No Comments

Featured article by Ian Simms

It is no secret that technology has profoundly impacted virtually every aspect of our lives. The world of work is no exception, with employee training and development being one area in which technology has had a significant impact. While some lament the loss of personal interaction with traditional employee training methods, technological advances have made it possible for employees to receive a more personalized and effective training experience.

Here are just a few ways in which technology is changing the face of employee training:

Increased Accessibility

One of the biggest advantages of using technology for employee training is that it makes training more accessible. Employees can now access training materials and courses from anywhere in the world, at any time of day. This is especially beneficial for employees who work remotely or have irregular hours.

Greater Engagement

Another improvement of using technology for employee training is that it can help to engage employees more effectively. Online courses and materials can be more interactive and engaging than traditional methods, making it easier to hold employees’ attention and motivate them.

More Effective Learning

Technology-based employee training is more effective at helping employees learn and retain information. In addition, research has shown that online learning can improve outcomes, including better test scores and increased knowledge retention.

Increased Flexibility

One of the most significant advantages of using technology for employee training is increased flexibility. With technology-based training, employees can learn at their own pace and schedule. This is especially beneficial for employees who have busy schedules or need to balance work and family obligations.

Enhanced Convenience

Another advantage of using technology-based employee training is the enhanced convenience it offers. Online courses and materials can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. This is especially beneficial for employees who work remotely or have irregular hours.

Greater Interactivity

One of the biggest gains in using technology for employee training is that it allows greater interactivity. Online courses and materials can be more engaging and interactive than traditional methods, making it easier to hold employees’ attention and motivate them.

Improved Tracking and Assessment

Technology also allows for improved tracking and assessment of employee training. For example, online courses often include quizzes and tests that can help assess employees’ understanding of the material. This feedback can be used to improve the effectiveness of the training program.

Some Best Practices for Technology-based Employee Training

If you’re considering using technology for employee training, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

Use an intuitive platform

Make sure the learning platform is user-friendly and intuitive. The last thing you want is for employees to get frustrated with the technology and give up on the training altogether.

Use a variety of media

Don’t just rely on one type of media, such as videos or text-based materials. Instead, use various media to keep employees engaged and ensure that the material is accessible to all learners.

Incorporate assessment tools

Include assessment tools, such as quizzes and tests, to gauge employees’ understanding of the material. This feedback can be used to improve the effectiveness of the training program.

Provide support

Ensure you provide adequate support for employees using the technology for employee training. This may include technical support, as well as instructional design support.

Use gamification

Gamification is a great way to make learning fun and engaging. Use game-based elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, to encourage employees to complete the training.

Leverage social media

Social media can be a great way to promote employee training and encourage employees to share their learning experiences with others. Use hashtags, create a dedicated group or page, and post updates regularly.

Keep it updated

Make sure the content is kept up-to-date, relevant, and engaging. Regularly revise and update the material to ensure that it meets the needs of employees.

Sample Curriculum for an Employee Training Program

If you’re looking for a sample curriculum for a technology-based employee training program, here is a basic outline:

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

This module will provide an overview of the course and its objectives. In addition, it will outline the structure of the course and the topics that will be covered.

Module 2: Technology Basics

This module will cover the basics of using technology for employee training. In addition, it will cover some common terms and concepts and tips for getting started.

Module 3: Course Content

This module will provide an overview of the course content. In addition, it will outline the topics that will be covered in each section of the course.

Module 4: Assessment

This module will explain how employees will be assessed during the course. In addition, it will outline the quizzes and tests that will be used to evaluate employee understanding.

Module 5: Resources

This module will provide an overview of the resources available to employees during the course. It will include links to helpful websites and contact information for support.

Module 6: Conclusion

This module will provide a summary of the course and its objectives. It will also offer some final thoughts on using technology for employee training.

Some Other FAQs About Employee Training

Here are some other frequently asked questions about employee training:

1. Is employee training required by law?

No, no federal law requires employers to provide employee training. However, some states have laws that require employers to provide certain types of training, such as sexual harassment prevention training.

2. How often should employees be trained?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The frequency of employee training will depend on the type of training and the needs of the organization.

3. Who is responsible for employee training?

The responsibility for employee training typically falls on the employer. However, employees also have a responsibility to participate in the training and apply the concepts learned in the workplace.

4. What are some common employee training topics?

Common employee training topics include sexual harassment prevention, diversity and inclusion, customer service, and job safety.

5. How can I make employee training more effective?

There are several things you can do to make employee training more effective. Some tips include using technology, leveraging social media, and ensuring the content is kept up-to-date.


Technology can be a great way to improve employee training. Using technology can make the learning process more fun and engaging. You can also make sure that the content is up-to-date and relevant. And by leveraging social media, you can encourage employees to share their learning experiences with others.



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