Inside the Briefcase

Enterprise Social Networking Space Seeing Consolidation

Enterprise Social Networking Space Seeing Consolidation

Written by: David A. Kelly and Heather Ashton, Upside Research
Social networking tools aren't just for connecting with friends. Specialized enterprise social network technologies are also starting to be widely used on an enterprise scale, for enterprise needs....

Hybrid Restore – The Missing Piece in Cloud Backup and Recovery

Hybrid Restore – The Missing Piece in Cloud Backup and Recovery

Written by: David A. Kelly and Heather Ashton, Upside Research
Cloud backup and recovery solutions have at least one important consideration: the amount of time it takes to restore data. While backups can be done incrementally, in...

Extending IT Governance From Private to Hybrid Clouds through Consistency and Portability

Extending IT Governance From Private to Hybrid Clouds through Consistency and Portability

Public cloud resources can augment in-house IT in many useful ways. In fact, they can be so useful and easy to consume that we see public clouds widely used in organizations without going through the usual IT processes and procedures—indeed, that’s...

Briefcase Highlights

Top Stories

Building a Trusted Mobile Strategy: Increase User Trust to Further your Mobile Platform Strategy

June 16, 2011 No Comments

Tweet As mobile growth continues, an increasing number of companies are creating mobile applications and mobile formatted websites. Consumers’ use of mobile apps and websites, however, is hindered by the perception that mobile devices are less safe and secure than home computers. Consumers are hesitant to share personal and financial information with mobile websites and […]

Business Intelligence Poised for Significant Growth in the U.S. SMB Market

June 16, 2011 No Comments

Tweet SOURCE:  AMI Implementing business intelligence/business analytics (BI/A) software has become an increasingly important priority for small and medium businesses (SMBs). According to AMI-Partners’ recent study U.S. SMB Cloud Playbook, the opportunity for BI/A software as part of an SaaS-bundled offer will increase by 25% through 2015, to $500 million. “The study’s findings reflect two […]

Use Your Cloud CRM to Create Loyal Customers

June 15, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Keeping valuable customers happy is the key to any good business plan. Creating satisfied customers is a challenge in any environment, however, and requires a focused approach to customer relationships. Soffront Software recently examined this topic, focusing on the five best practices that can be implemented in any size organization to create loyal customers. […]

The Challenges of Administering Active Directory

June 13, 2011 No Comments

This white paper outlines seven common challenges associated with securely administering Active Directory.

DATA and ANALYTICS , Featured White Papers, Top Stories

CXO Expectations Still Clouded on Virtualization

June 13, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Enterprise-level business and IT executives and decision-makers may now have a greater understanding of the benefits of private and hybrid cloud computing environments, but a new study has found that there is still a large gap between expectations and the reality of what cloud computing and virtualization offer. Symantec’s “2011 Virtualization and Journey to […]

Market Overview: Privileged Identity Management

June 13, 2011 No Comments

Privileged identity management (PIM) is composed of password safes, sensitive entitlement management, and session recording and auditing. In the past, controlling distribution of passwords to these environments was enough, but today, auditors have started to pay much closer attention to what administrators actually do in these environments.

DATA SECURITY, Featured White Papers, Top Stories

Independent Research Report: Build Security Into Your Network’s DNA: The ZeroTrust Network Architecture

June 13, 2011 No Comments

By John Kindervag – Forrester Research, Inc. This report is a deep dive into a potential way in which you could use the concepts of the Zero Trust Model and conceivably implement them in a real-world environment.

Broadcasting: The Wrong Metaphor for Social CRM

June 9, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Too many companies regard their social CRM channels as analogous to radio broadcasts. They speak, customers listen, the end. That completely misses the point of social media. Social media is much more effectively used when a company looks at it like a radar system: Go ahead and send your signal, but listen to what […]

Enterprise Social Networking Space Seeing Consolidation

June 8, 2011 No Comments

Written by: David A. Kelly and Heather Ashton, Upside ResearchSocial networking tools aren’t just for connecting with friends. Specialized enterprise social network technologies are also starting to be widely used on an enterprise scale, for enterprise needs. Many of them have grass-roots support from departments within a larger company, and some of them are actually sanctioned by and managed by IT across the enterprise. The challenge for companies is to find the tools that are best suited for particular functions. Read More…

Virtualized Environments Painfully Insecure?

June 7, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Less than 20 percent of organizations using virtualization technology are adopting security tools to work in tandem with the software in order to decrease the risks that are inherent in a virtualized environment. This according to John Burke, Principal Research Analyst with Nemertes Research, who spoke Tuesday at the IT Roadmap Conference and Expo […]

Maximizing the Value of Business Rules – Decision Management Streamlines and Focuses Business Rules Projects for Faster, More Effective Deployment

June 7, 2011 No Comments

Business rules management systems deliver on the promise of costs savings, agility and happy customers. Yet for many companies, business rules efforts remain point solutions. Decision Management is a proven framework to drive the widespread adoption of business rules and drive improved business performance across the company.

The Decisions at the Heart of Your Process – How Decision Management Simplifies Business Processes and Improves Results

June 7, 2011 No Comments

Companies applying Business Process Management can create simpler and more agile processes, and more flexible business applications, by externalizing decisions and applying business rules to effectively manage those decisions. Integrating Business Rules Management Systems in the most dynamic parts of a business process improves visibility, builds in agility and helps ensure business/IT alignment.

Business Process Management and Middleware Market Accelerates Sharply, Gaining Share in Overall IT Spending, IDC Finds

May 26, 2011 No Comments

Tweet SOURCE:  EON News Recent International Data Corporation (IDC) research shows that the worldwide business process management (BPM) and middleware market recovered strongly from its 2009 growth slump and for 2010 revenue totaled nearly $16.1 billion, representing growth of 9.2% – up sharply from a growth rate of 2.2% in 2009. “The BPM and middleware […]

Hybrid Restore – The Missing Piece in Cloud Backup and Recovery

May 26, 2011 No Comments

Written by: David A. Kelly and Heather Ashton, Upside ResearchCloud backup and recovery solutions have at least one important consideration: the amount of time it takes to restore data. While backups can be done incrementally, in the event of the total loss of data, organizations want to restore completely. A newer option in this market is a hybrid online/local service that allows organizations to maintain up-to-date local copies of critical business data that are available to speed the recovery process in the event of a data loss. Read More…

Top 10 Reasons to Choose an Open Source Application Integration Solution

May 20, 2011 No Comments

To help you evaluate various solutions and technologies available on the market, and to compare the leading open source application integration technology with alternatives, this white paper presents top the 10 reasons why organizations are choosing open source for application integration.

Are Mobile Apps the Key to Reducing Hospital Readmissions?

May 19, 2011 No Comments

One of the major goals of health reform and accountable care is to reduce hospital readmissions–and mobile apps have the potential to make this happen.

Compressed Data Search Tech Goes Mainstream

May 19, 2011 No Comments

After selling its data compression and search technology to the auto industry for six years, WindSpring is eyeing the storage market with a compression management technology that can find information while the data is still compressed.

Dawn Of An Intelligent Age

May 16, 2011 No Comments

Knowing what happened is no longer adequate. Leaders say they need to know what is happening now, what is likely to happen next and what actions they should take. Smart analytics driven by intelligence data analysis can help us know what we know, and significantly, what we don’t.

Top 5 Considerations for Cloud Storage

May 13, 2011 No Comments

The ideal storage solution for bio-research must deliver capacity, speed, manageability, scalability, and security.

Implications of EHR on Medical Research

May 13, 2011 No Comments

One of the major purposes of the federal program for the meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) is to produce improved clinical outcomes for patients.

Gartner Highlights Three Trends That Will Shape Master Data Management Market

May 4, 2011 No Comments

As the master data management (MDM) market grows and matures, new trends will help shape its evolution, according to Gartner Inc. IT and business leaders involved in MDM programs need to understand trends involving multi-domain MDM, MDM in the cloud, and MDM and social networking, so they can keep their strategies up to date.

Communicating Carbon Transparency Through Environmental Business Intelligence

April 26, 2011 No Comments

Organisations are increasingly feeling the pressure to report environmental impact in clear and measurable terms. Regulation means many large organisations are obliged to comply with reporting standards, whether self imposed internal obligations, external voluntary entities or from the government. Meamnwhile, many organisations and industries are seeking to be seen as ‘carbon transparent’ whereby they commit and report to specific environmental goals.

Two Open-Source Cloud Standards: What It Means to You

April 22, 2011 No Comments

Tweet It’s unlikely that hordes of VMware, Citrix or Microsoft Hyper-V users will flock to open-source virtualization or cloud-computing platform as an alternative to the hypervisors and virtualized infrastructure-management software they’ve already chosen, analysts say. So where does open source fit in the cloud world? Think lock-in and migration flexibility. Cloud computing customers will want […]

Green Data Centers Are Where It’s At

April 22, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Data centers are where it’s all at — literally. They’re where information is stored, managed and retrieved — and typically, they use a lot of energy. Enter the next- generation data centers, which promise a streamlined approach to data storage and management, as well as a lighter environmental footprint. Read More…

Extending IT Governance From Private to Hybrid Clouds through Consistency and Portability

April 20, 2011 No Comments

Public cloud resources can augment in-house IT in many useful ways. In fact, they can be so useful and easy to consume that we see public clouds widely used in organizations without going through the usual IT processes and procedures—indeed, that’s often sort of the point.

Gartner Says Content Management Deployments Need User Level Buy-in

March 9, 2011 No Comments

Businesses need to have the support of users from the bottom up, not just from senior level executives, in order to successfully implement enterprise content management (ECM) systems, according to Gartner.

What is ECM?

February 18, 2011 No Comments

Tweet Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization’s unstructured information, wherever that information exists. Read More

Is it time to start thinking ECM-as-a-Service?

February 2, 2011 No Comments

Tweet One of my predictions for 2011 is that the new opposing forces in enterprise content management are self-service and gate-keeper vendor models. Enterprises ready to adopt content management tools today have vendor and architectural choices very different from those of the last decade. More choice means buyers can select a vendor not only for product […]


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