May 5, 2021
Working in the tech industry can be exhausting. Staring at screens all day is draining, and after a long day of work, the last thing you want to do is look at more screens. So more and more often, people in digital industries are finding an escape from computers in things they can touch and feel. Let’s look at 5 hobbies that will get you to shut off your laptop and think beyond 1s and 0s.
May 4, 2021
With Google’s Page Experience update coming out in May 2021, many online businesses have been anxiously waiting while working on improving their Core Web Vitals. But, what exactly are these Core Web Vitals. In this article, we will be providing you a complete guide to understanding them and how they can boost your rankings.
May 3, 2021
It’s always a challenge for businesses to keep up with technology. Before, it was optional. These days, though, everyone needs to keep up. Failure to do so might have terrible consequences. For instance, if the company didn’t secure the online data, it could lead to a security breach. Using technology also means that the process will be more efficient. While it might seem easy to bring everyone on the same page, it can be challenging if there are older employees.
April 27, 2021
Every day, the world evolves technologically. From high-speed internet to electric cars, humans always find new ways to make things easier for themselves. That’s why we have automatic vacuum cleaners, automatic recycling machines, and even virtual assistants. But can AI fully replace humans in every field? Was Sarah Connor’s fear of the terminator right all along?
April 27, 2021
Making an impressive corporate video may be difficult if you’re not an expert. Fortunately, you can hire companies like Vmation corporate video production professionals for your video needs. But if you’re working on a tight budget, you can make your own video if you equip yourself with a few tips. This article highlights the secrets of creating impressive corporate video presentations.
April 27, 2021
It’s difficult to picture today’s world without the internet. It not only allows us to interact with friends and loved ones, but it is also critical to companies all around the world. Whether it’s an IP phone system or an online service, your employees and clients rely on your internet access.
April 27, 2021
With technological advancements impacting every aspect of our lives, it is time to implement them in our schools. Let us look at the advantages of tech in education: By introducing technological devices in our education system, it is now possible to use digital simulation as part of the teaching process. This is very beneficial to students as the simulations aid them in better understanding what is being taught.
April 23, 2021
If you’re reluctant to integrate technology in your project management endeavors, we have bad news for you — you’re going to be swept away by your tech-savvy and far more efficient competition. But that doesn’t have to be the case because we’re going to discuss some ways you can use technology to take your project management to the next level.
April 23, 2021
inancial technology has evolved, especially when it comes to improving and automating financial delivery services. As a FinTech manager, you are adept with this technology, helping consumers, business owners, and companies manage financial operations and processes using software and algorithms on mobile devices and computers.
April 23, 2021
Going paperless is a good way to minimize your company’s footprint on the environment, boost transparency in your daily operations, and get more storage space from your file cabinets. If you want to create a paperless office, tools including electronic invoicing platforms and document management software are widely available.
April 21, 2021
Amazon is a great tool that helps businesses, both small and large, to grow. By listing products on Amazon, businesses get access to the millions of users that are already on the platform, and they are more likely to be trusted by those users, which means they are more likely to make a sale. Conversion rates on Amazon are much higher than on other platforms.
April 15, 2021
Since the world was hit by the pandemic, the majority of businesses has gone online. Because of it, the need for skilled website developers has soared. For many people, including students, this trend is nothing but a great chance to earn some cash and advance their computer skills.
April 14, 2021
In this interview, Mert Yentur, CEO of Pitcher discusses the changes that SaaS models and COVID have had on sales enablement technology, including which features are most likely to become permanent.
April 14, 2021
COVID-19 has changed the way we all live our lives, and many of those changes might stick around for good. For example, a large percentage of Americans believe returning to the workplace should be optional. A whopping 79 percent of people in Missouri agree, while even 68 percent of people in New York agree workers should be able to continue from home even after it’s safe to return to the office.
April 9, 2021
Anticipating necessary tech updates or upgrades sounds a little frightening, especially when examining yearly and quarterly budgets. You may be asking: Is an upgrade essential right now? The answer depends on the current state of your technology and your business. You shouldn’t overhaul your whole system or machinery for the sake of change alone. There are legitimate reasons for extensive updates, and those are what to consider.
March 29, 2021
With AI, our lives have improved in so many ways that we can barely comprehend its impact on our jobs. While the concept of artificial intelligence may sound like it only has to do with data, the truth is that you can benefit from its features to gain powerful insight, improve performance, and secure your business data from malware and threats. Here we share with you six good reasons why businesses need AI to succeed in the current market.
March 23, 2021
Whether in medicine or business, the COVID-19 pandemic has done away with the old world. The harsh reality is that it revealed a lot that’s wrong with how the world has done many things up to this point. It forced everyone to go back to the drawing board and take a hard look in the mirror.
March 19, 2021
The best slideshows aren’t the ones that grab attention, instead, they are the ones that support you in engaging the audience. To get your message across clearly, your presentation style, lines of text, and the flow of the slideshow play a very important role. If your slideshow has a poor design, loads of text, or a disjointed flow, chances are your credibility as a professional may take a blow. Here, losing your credibility is something you should not worry about since we’ve prepared a list of 6 top tips for a perfect slideshow.
March 18, 2021
Workplace productivity reflects the company’s efficiency in accomplishing tasks and goals. By maintaining productivity within the employees, its profitability and employee morale will continue to increase. It’s essential to prioritize workplace productivity because low productivity will result in lower work quality, less revenue, and negative employee engagement.
March 18, 2021
An Information Technology (IT) support group is a team of experts who handle IT operations and services. IT support aligns the business aspect with IT by efficiently managing the IT environment of the organization. Technology has become necessary for business success in the modern economy. Below is a list put together to elaborate on the importance of IT support for businesses.
March 18, 2021
AI is growing and improving at a rapid rate, and with every single day that passes, and every single improvement mode, the scope of what AI is capable of becomes wider and wider. Recently though, AI has been shown to help more than just big industries. SMEs have utilized AI to help get through the pandemic, and in this post, you can read about all the ways AI can help you and your business during the pandemic, or how to use AI to improve current systems and make improvements.
March 18, 2021
ClimaCell is an amazing weather app. When you log into it or visit their website, you’ll find the weather forecast for the entire week, as well as that for the entire day, hour by hour. This forecast by ClimaCell comes to us in a very presentable manner, with some amazing visuals. However, very few of us are actually aware of what goes on behind the scene to get these weather forecasts.
March 15, 2021
One of the primary responsibilities of the Department of Defense (DoD) is to manage the military affairs of the United States. Although the DoD has enough workforce by itself, it’s not capable of handling all military matters, especially when it comes to the production of military assets. As such, the Department of Defense outsources most of its operations and relies on the support of defense contractors.
March 15, 2021
Businesses, both large and small, are constantly faced with the risk of cyber attacks. For businesses that become victims of cybercrimes, the cost is extremely high. In 2017 alone, economies across the globe lost over USD$600 billion to cyber attacks. This growing threat has forced businesses to regularly evaluate their cyber security frameworks.
March 12, 2021
B2C and B2B online marketing is a process of multiple small, but equally crucial, steps. Companies have to design personalized mail, deliver it to potential clients, and monitor the results, among many others. A lot of resources go into engaging customers and cementing their long-term loyalty.
March 10, 2021
Frameworks for Javascript language are developing at a breakneck pace, so no programmer should be indifferent to them. One of the most popular frameworks is currently Angular with which you can read in detail in this article.
March 5, 2021
We live in an age where end-user experience is everything. If the end-users’ experience is poor with your website or applications, your prospects will look elsewhere. Monitoring tools keeps that from happening by achieving two high-level goals:
March 5, 2021
When considering which Forex account type you want to start with, there are many factors you should include. What type of trader are you? Can you tolerate risk? What’s your initial investment size, and how much time can you dedicate to trading daily, without distractions. We will give a clear illustration of common Forex account types and their pros and cons, so you can weigh out what would be the right thing for you. Let’s begin.
March 4, 2021
Technology made the proliferation of large companies possible; large companies today make technology indispensable. From the humblest business run by one person to humongous multi-national corporations employing thousands, technology is proving to be one crucial tool that any business of any size simply cannot do without. Since time immemorial, businesses have always used whatever technology is available, whether to improve production, to attract more customers, or to find new markets.
March 3, 2021
Most companies spend a lot of money, and a lot more time, to convert one lead into a customer. That’s usually very disappointing for the sales team, given how elated they were at the number of leads they’d gotten from the marketing department. As it turns out, there’s a world of difference between acquiring random leads and generating quality leads. Instead of merely counting the number of leads you’re getting, following these expert tips can help you produce quality leads.