May 28, 2015
The proposed data breach notification legislation change making its way through the US Congress could have huge impacts on consumers and organizations across the U.S. The proposed changes would override states’ existing data breach notification laws (which are typically stricter than the proposed Federal law) and allow companies to decide whether or not to disclose data breaches to consumers, dependent on if they deem a breach to pose a serious risk to identity theft or fraud. The draft legislation would more than likely make it more challenging for state attorneys general to better protect consumers’ sensitive data. The bill states that businesses and non-profits take “reasonable” measures to protect sensitive data however the bill does not define “reasonable”.
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May 27, 2015
Over the last decade, the need to perform electronic discovery (eDiscovery) has become a fact of corporate life. What began in 2006 as a legal mandate prompted by amendments to the U.S. Rules of Civil Procedure, has rapidly spread to jurisdictions in other parts of the world. Whether the need to search for electronically stored information is being created by a pending litigation, Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) or some other directive, the process is frequently time sensitive and often onerous.
May 22, 2015
In many discussions I’m having, Jenkins is very closely associated with Continuous Integration and Delivery initiatives, and perceived as a critical system. Why is that?
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May 22, 2015
Utilizing cloud computing solutions is probably the best move big businesses can undertake to ensure they keep running for many years to come. The cloud will ultimately become the business industry’s prime architecture to deliver information technology services, and big businesses will do well to adopt cloud software technology as soon as possible to stay ahead in their game. Here’s why.
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May 20, 2015
Apps are huge business these days, particularly if you happen to own a company and are looking to expand. They can aid communication, illustrate innovations, enable businesses to connect with each other and their customers, pass around company information, and create a real buzz around your company and its products or services – phew!
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May 20, 2015
Despite knowing that we need to be as tech-savvy as possible in a hi-tech world, we’re not all cut out to really get our heads around designing a business website. If that strikes a chord with you, then what are your options?
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May 7, 2015
KnowBe4, the world’s most popular integrated Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform, cautioned IT managers to stay on top of the latest surge in phishing attacks lest they lead to ransomware infections. New CryptoLocker variants are still on the loose encrypting local drives, mapped drives on file servers and one strain focuses on video gaming files.
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April 28, 2015
Most small business owners will agree that it’s quite difficult to find balance between all there is to do, especially if you must accomplish your tasks within just a few hours. Thus, remaining focused and on track feels impossible, but the cult of productivity inspires us that we can do it– especially if we have the small business tools that can help us get organized and more productive in our work.
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April 23, 2015
Have you met Mr. Clutter? He works at your firm. Well, works is probably not the right word. But he’s there—pervasively—and has the greatest impact on your company, more than any other employee by far. Mr. Clutter floods you with innumerable emails, text messages, alerts and notifications. He knows every one of your email addresses and mobile numbers and will inundate each of those inboxes. You can run, but you can’t hide from Clutter.
April 16, 2015
Think about the amount of time it took for this webpage to load. If it had taken any longer – 2 seconds, maybe 5 seconds more – would you have waited or moved on to the next article? Chances are, you would have moved on. That’s because in today’s on-demand, constantly connected world, slow is the new broke. And this concept is manifested in no other technology quite like it is in the application.
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April 14, 2015
As a business it is of great importance that you keep those official documents safe and filed correctly to protect yourself and your customers. However, when it comes to keeping papers safe simply storing them alphabetically in a filing cabinet won’t do.
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March 26, 2015
There is a lot of competition between Apple, Google and Microsoft, especially in the smartphone realm with iOS, Android and Windows phones. Security is becoming a frequently discussed issue on smartphones as they play a larger role in people’s lives.
March 13, 2015
As of July 15 this year, Microsoft will no longer issue security updates or patches for that version of the Windows operating environment. The company will discontinue support for applications and other software programs and will no longer provide telephone support. Clearly, Microsoft’s move will have consequences for specific industries. Take financial services as an example. Systems running Windows Server 2003 will no longer comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), so major credit card companies may no longer do business with companies using non-compliant systems.
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March 9, 2015
You may have heard of botnets like DNS Changer or Conficker that have been taken down by law enforcement agencies in various countries. What you may not be aware is that millions of computers are still infected by these sorts of ‘zombie’ malware. DNS Changer, for example, has proven to be a very tough piece of malware to remove and many computers are still running it. Worse, the IP addresses that were used by DNS changer have been reassigned and some have been given to highly suspicious entities. If any computers on your network are still infected then they are probably ripe for exploitation by a new set of cyber-criminals.
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March 5, 2015
When a business is looking to reduce costs – when isn’t it? – it is often the IT department in the picture. Technological development has brought about sweeping change in every industry, drastically altering the way some businesses work and vastly increasing profits while delivering new efficiencies. But information and communications technology has far more potential than merely cutting costs. Thus a smart CEO works closely with the CIO to align IT and business strategy, as it can have a positive effect on business objectives. Here’s some ways in which the IT department delivers business benefits beyond reducing overheads…
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March 3, 2015
It is generally accepted amongst security specialists that implementing identity and access management (IAM) software is one of the most effective ways to automate tasks that have traditionally been done manually by IT staff. These solutions enhance security, increases productivity and reduces IT costs. However, how are organizational leaders to know whether they are choosing the most cost-effective solutions for their organizations?
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February 24, 2015
Socially conscious and active individuals have been around for a long time, possibly even longer than politics. However, as the world changes and new means of social activism are placed within their reach, subsequent generations adapt, taking the established methods of activism onto new forums and stages of public life, such as hashtag campaigns on Twitter, mobile apps and special interest groups on Facebook. Old-fashioned, traditional demonstrations, like rallies, protests, petitions, and marches, are still the most common and effective forms of activism, but a new branch – hacktivism – has been steadily gathering momentum and gaining relevance.
February 23, 2015
2014 will surely go down in the history books as the “Year of the Data Breach.” Hundreds of millions of records, including PII (personally identifiable information), were stolen – the consequences of which may ripple out for years to come. These consequences include not only the credit and identity monitoring that affected individuals must undertake but the good faith of those individuals toward the companies that suffered breaches.
February 20, 2015
According to Gartner, cloud will be one of the top 10 strategic tech trends in 2015.There are now active cloud deployments at most companies, ranging from adoption of SaaS solutions to storing content in a public cloud infrastructure. Many of these are still small-scale projects, but there’s a lot of focus on expanding the pace and scope of cloud deployments in the coming year.
February 18, 2015
The marketing department has been the priority in most businesses for a long time. In addition, today’s digital world is changing the math and making the technical department. This is because traditional marketing is succumbing to data driven marketing. Digital marketing strategies have become the trend, and any business that needs to remain relevant must embrace the change. The merger between technology and marketing is making companies that want to boost profits or have a competitive edge make the IT department a critical player.
February 18, 2015
As the New Year begins, we all have such grand plans don’t we? We’re going to get in shape, eat healthily, pay down our debts, be better partners, better friends, and better people. We’re going to set lofty goals and by hook or by crook we’re going to reach them. This is the year. Right? Here’s a look back at some of the biggest occurrences in 2014 internet security, as well as a few predictions for 2015 and how it’s possible to prepare, based on some insights from the security firm Incapsula.
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February 12, 2015
When trying to manage a large office, business owners must make sure to use monitoring software on all computers, tablets, laptops and electronic devices. The monitoring software your company invests in will lead the accountability of business, and help keep track of what happens within your office. Furthermore, it’s important to look for a few things in monitoring software before you buy, and understand how it’s going to work in your office.
February 12, 2015
Most companies of scale have cyber security measures in place – software solutions, policies and protocols, and regular assessments conducted by IT staff members around compliance and efficacy. With these measures in place, the executive management team might feel confident that their digital data is secure – until they’re blind-sided by crisis-inducing error or a data leakage event.
February 9, 2015
Decades ago, sage advice for college students may have sounded something like this: choose a career, find a job, and stick with it. This directive most likely came from well-intended earlier generations who rose through the ranks of one company over the course of their entire careers. But those days are long gone, thanks to quantum leaps in science and technology and workplace paradigm shifts.
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February 5, 2015
Although federation divides the work between an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider/relying party (SP/RP), this decoupling has not eliminated the need for some form of identity syncing and remapping between the two. While it sounds counterintuitive, the act of externalizing identity from applications to reduce dependencies still requires some form of coordination and identity management between an identity provider and its relying parties. Toreally deploy federation, organizations will need to do some identity syncing and provisioning.
February 4, 2015
Large Information Technology (IT) organizations are afflicted with ‘specialty’ silos that hinder productivity and fail to approach Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure (CCI) with a unified vision. However, uniting enterprise IT teams with a common goal for collaboration and process promotes innovation, streamlines workflow, and significantly impacts the bottom line.
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January 30, 2015
On January 22, 2015, San Mateo, California based Clarizen, a leader in enterprise work collaboration software announced survey results that show status meetings undermine worker productivity with lengthy preparation requirements and distracted, multi-tasking participants. Three in five employed adults reported that preparing for a status meeting “takes longer than the meeting itself,” while more than one-third of those who attend status meetings called them a waste of their time.
January 26, 2015
In today’s business world, most use computerized cash registers and systems that record sales information, keep track of inventory and show income patterns for their businesses. These records make monthly reporting easier, help address issues with individual purchases, and tell business owners which products are selling well.
January 23, 2015
“The Evolving Role of Compliance”, the Solutions Brief released today from ADTM, focuses heavily on how the explosive growth of online advertising has brought about advanced threats of fraudulent traffic. And how the industry should respond to those threats to protect the integrity of publishers, advertisers and consumers. Adaptive Medias, Inc. (OTCQB: ADTM) expects to unite the industry in the fight against ad fraud.
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January 6, 2015
For CIOs to achieve their performance management goals and remain future ready in 2015 they will need universal insight across the enterprise and timely, correlated information that enables data-driven decision making.