September 30, 2015
PHP is a powerful scripting language that is especially designed for website development. The scripting language powers everything from millions of simple blog sites to the most popular websites such as Facebook, Digg, and many others. Most website developers prefer using PHP language to other server side scripting languages such as Ruby and Python. The reason for its immense popularity in the online community is that it is open source and allows development of dynamic websites with flexible features and robust security options. There are so many different PHP tools available online that finding the best ones is a difficult task indeed.
September 28, 2015
Many IT organizations are now exploring or actively moving to a cloud-centric paradigm. They are also attempting to transform their role from a components supplier to that of a service provider. This is the nature of the related idea known as IT as a Service (ITaaS). As a service provider, Corporate IT teams may now have to deal with the prospect that they may even be competing with public cloud providers for the right to service end users’ specific IT needs.
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September 23, 2015
These days, it’s hard to imagine a world that’s not connected to the Internet in some way. High-speed connections and Wi-Fi have quite literally changed the way we live and while some may argue we are turning into a society of tech-crazed zombies, the potential of the Internet can’t be denied.
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September 7, 2015
Outsourcing is becoming more common than ever before. There are a lot of things to consider before deciding whether it’s right for you though. Here are the pros and cons.
September 1, 2015
It’s been an interesting summer for Samsung smartphone owners. Following the release of the critically lauded Galaxy S6 in April, the phone manufacturer has experienced a wave of security and design flaws that have left many users reeling. These flaws are just one detail in a larger narrative concerning the security of our personal data. SInce the compromise of nearly 40 million Target credit card numbers in 2013 to the recent Ashley Madison hack, digital security has become a regularly trending topic. In Samsung’s case, the flashy headlines surrounding their most recent security flaws didn’t necessarily capture the nuances of each incident.
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August 31, 2015
You may be aware of the SDDC – the Software Defined Data Centre – and even be part way to using it in your business. Presently, the likelihood is many environments are either still fully hardware driven or have a partial software facility – but this is changing in favor of software.
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August 31, 2015
Since it was first invented, television technology has come a long way. What was once viewed on a little black and white box has become an on-demand experience on sleek, large flat-screen TV’s. Not only that, but more and more viewers are watching their favorite movies and television shows on not just their TV, but on their tablets and smartphones as well. Along with the evolving technology, the way in which television is viewed has also been subject to development and change. Gone are the days of making sure that you were home at a certain time for your favorite show, as with streaming video, DVR’s, on-demand services and recording technology you can watch pretty much what you want, whenever you want. We’ve put together a list of trends that are contributing to the change in how we watch TV.
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August 27, 2015
I don’t have time to write this blog. You don’t have time read it. In today’s always-on society time has become our most precious resource. There has never been more content or information readily available for people to consume than today. We have evolved from an era where information was difficult to discover to a post-scarcity era where we have an abundance of content at our fingertips.
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August 25, 2015
You have probably come across this acronym a few times while researching what type of web hosting would be right for your situation. This short introduction to LAMP hosting will hopefully answer some of the questions you had about it before you decide to go ahead and use it.
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August 24, 2015
If you are an IT manager, the number of Big Data products contending for your attention these days is simply mind-blowing. Hive, Impala, HBase, MongoDB, Cassandra, Drill, Redis, Couchbase, Aerospike, Flink, Spark, Tez, YARN, Mesos, Pig, Storm, Heron – If you haven’t heard all these buzzwords yet, rest assured that you will soon. How do you choose the right platform to solve your Big Data problem?
August 17, 2015
You may not be aware, but Brazil’s federal government is considering the creation of a National Plan for Communication between Machines and the Internet of Things. The objectives of the plan include the promotion of standardization of IoT systems; the creation of legislation to address issues such as privacy, security and consumer rights in IoT services; and the launch of funding programs for IoT.
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August 10, 2015
There are many free online tools available for today’s investors, most of which can help calculate your investment returns as well as help keep track of fees and asset allocation. Two of the best online analysis tools that investors can use are Personal Capital and Morningstar; others include Mint, Google Finance, SigFig, and Betterment.
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August 6, 2015
Tweet Featured Article by Robert Cordray, Independant Technology Author Technology Advances Logistics For many years, logistics was guided by human management. As technology advanced, the logistics industry realized the advantages of investing in hi-tech equipment that reduced error and created higher quality service for customers. One of the best advantages of technology used by the […]
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August 4, 2015
Even a couple decades ago, it would sound like something out of a B rated Sci-Fi flick to hear that technology has advanced to the point where it can actually prove effective as a ‘quit smoking’ aid. Today, greater numbers of people than ever before are looking to technology for everything from being proactive in their own healthcare to kicking bad habits. If you are among the millions of people who have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking, you might want to consider the following three types of technology that have proven useful to others.
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August 3, 2015
Electronic payment methods are on the rise, and more governments are taking note. With the electronic payments industry fast becoming a vital driver of economic performance, Monica Eaton-Cardone of Global Risk Technologies poses the question, could the U.S. become a cashless society?
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July 23, 2015
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of companies allowing employees to use their own devices at work including mobiles, tablets and laptops. In fact more than just allowing it, some businesses actually encourage ‘bring your own device’ in their quest to reduce their IT overheads.
July 21, 2015
Understand thy customer! It’s not just a business rule, it’s a commandment. From the very first fruit stand to the most sophisticated tech company, the customer relationship has been, and always shall be, the single greatest success factor. Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably busy writing their own business obituary. Which brings us to an important point. What’s up with I.T.?
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July 16, 2015
The benefits of bring a greater degree of automation to a warehouse environment can be considerable, allowing business to reduce costs, improve productivity and create a more streamlined working process. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average wage of warehouse workers exceeds 18 dollars an hour. Automated working environments can be operated with fewer staff, allowing businesses to create a materials handling process capable of meeting existing and future needs in a more cost-effective manner. Equipment that may reduce the need for manual labors can pay for itself overtime by lowering operational and overhead costs.
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July 9, 2015
Remote support tools have long been a mainstay for IT pros and their end-users, but new trends are emerging and have been doing so for the past three to five years—trends that have disrupted the way IT pros use remote support tools, and the way executives purchase these tools. But as new trends come and go, the bottom line remains the same—IT ultimately needs to resolve tickets throughout the day regardless of location to keep users productive and the business running smoothly.
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July 1, 2015
New advanced technological solutions – both hardware and software – are changing the security, public safety, and law enforcement sectors to the very core – and for the better. Advanced mobile applications and rugged mobile computers have greatly improved these professions’ ability to perform in time-critical situations and in less than favorable environments.
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June 25, 2015
Few organizations today have the luxury of time – business is global, high octane and competitive. So it’s unfortunate that turning an idea into reality is often a long process. Taking a great new concept, from initial discussions to an official launch, might take anything up to a year – by which time, the idea might not be relevant to the market any longer.
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June 23, 2015
An efficient database manager can work well both in your house and in the office. The database management system manages and maintains huge number of data and keeps them within a system that any one can access. If you are the database manager of an organization, then you can utilize database management system in an organized way.
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June 22, 2015 recently announced the launch of the Service Cloud Intelligence Engine. The launch has elicited a lot of hype in the industry, but is the product worth the hype. An analysis of the benefits it offers and its features will help you make an independent decision.
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June 22, 2015
This week, the U.S. Open heads to the Pacific Northwest for the very first time. Chambers Bay Golf Course in Washington State will play host. Anyone familiar with this course knows “there aren’t traditional golf hazards, like water and trees, but there is trouble everywhere at Chambers Bay” says one sports blogger.
June 17, 2015
If you are currently running an e-commerce shopping business, you must know that ecommerce sites are a hotspot for tech crackers and fraudsters. Imagine about the thousands of credit card data and other confidential data resides within an ecommerce stores. This is the reason what makes these websites attracted towards web hackers. You must ensure about the ecommerce website security and restore the system from its vulnerable stage. The tips given below will provide you the most effective methods to protect your data against them. Most of these are simple solutions that anyone can put into practice and must consider it as part of an essential security checksum before opening any e-shop.
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June 10, 2015
We are living in a world that is increasingly IT dependant, and this is particularly true of the business environment. Finding the right software for your SME is a crucial step to putting your business on the track to success. Only a decade ago, businesses had a very limited number of software options to choose from; mostly big brand names such as IBM and Microsoft. Today, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to business software, and the true challenge is finding the software solution that best suits your business.
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June 9, 2015
Business hasn’t been as usual since mobile entered the scene. Mobilizing technology with network-connected devices like smartphones, tablets, and ultra-thin laptops has pushed innovation in general and specifically mobile integration at work. Here are three major ways mobile technology has changed business.
June 5, 2015
Innovation cycles in today’s advanced IT landscape are evolving rapidly and businesses are tasked with not only adopting the latest technology, but also adapting to the frequent phasing out of legacy solutions and hardware they have come to rely on for years. Case in point: Microsoft recently announced that as of July 14, 2015, the company will no longer support its reported 11 million servers and applications running on Windows Server 2003. This means that, while businesses can continue to utilize the “legacy” server, Microsoft will no longer issue security updates for any version of Windows Server 2003 after July 14.
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June 5, 2015
In recognition of Internet Safety Month, the American Bankers Association is reminding consumers that for all the Internet’s advantages, it can also make users vulnerable to fraud, identity theft and other scams.
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