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Future Tech in Movies that Are Becoming Reality

May 2, 2016 No Comments

One of the reasons we all love sci-fi so much is the incredible tech. Even when a space movie is a total bust, no one can resist the awe of a full-fledged spacecraft equipped with all the amenities we have here on Earth. There’s just something about the technology we see in future-based films that intrigue and inspire; we become hungry for innovation and excited for what lies ahead.

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4 Factors to Consider Before Buying an Expired Domain

May 2, 2016 No Comments

Buying expired domains has become such a trend over the past few years. Actually it has been done for ages. It is only recently that people realized how beneficial these domains can be. You know as they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. There are so many reasons why domains expire, but that is not what this article is about. How can you figure out the best domains to purchase? An expired domain can be great for SEO purposes. The only thing that you need to do is get the right one.

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Access Governance and Identity Management Continue to Shine

April 29, 2016 No Comments

According to new research by Forrester and IDC, the identity and access management market is a bright post in the slumping IT market. The vast majority (77 percent) of respondents to the survey of 239 security decision-makers in the U.S. and the U.K. indicated that plans are underway in their organization for new investment in IAM of externally focused website and applications.

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Next-Gen Security Operations Center in Action: Eyewitness Account of a Bank’s Incident Response

April 25, 2016 No Comments

This blog contains an eyewitness account we received from one of our U.S. bank customers following a security incident. Names and details have been withheld for confidentiality purposes.

How To Migrate Your Android App From Parse?

April 22, 2016 No Comments

The news most app developers dreaded came out last month – Parse was going to shut down, and it was only one year in which you could make any pending Parse migrations. This was akin to a tech tsunami, the closure of Parse. Parse has been hosting apps for some time now and doing a pretty good job at that. In fact they were doing everything. The entire back end work was being handled by parse and all the app owners and stakeholders would do was count their earnings.

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How to Keep Your IT Career from Stagnating

April 15, 2016 No Comments

Tweet  Featured article by Rachel Reese, Independent Technology Author As fast-paced and ever-changing as IT can be, it is still possible to get comfortable, even complacent, when you have a great job. While many see their IT career as an ongoing journey — the final destination being the executive suite — many others don’t really […]

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3 Tools To Measure The Performance of your Digital Marketing Strategy

April 6, 2016 No Comments

Measuring and analyzing the success of your business’ digital marketing strategy requires tools that will give the exact information about your performance. SEO agencies and consultants will advise you differently on your business marketing strategies. Some will be out for your money but the qualified ones who really value your business and theirs will use or advice you to use the following tools to track the performance of your business through digital marketing strategies. These tools guide you to make the right decision to increase sales.

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Some Important Facts to Know about Droppers

April 4, 2016 No Comments

A dropper is a kind of malware created for launching viruses by dropping or installing them. Dropper viruses usually go unnoticed and undetected simply because they are tough to pinpoint, are hidden and relatively less common. Droppers are supposed to be relatively new kind of virus that a host of anti-virus programs are not suitably equipped to detect. Droppers are actually, programs containing viruses, which are known to hinder the normal functioning of the so-called targeted computers.

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6 Key Reasons to Use Taxi Applications

March 31, 2016 No Comments

Uber has been on a roll! With a presence in over 60 countries and an ever increasing user base, Uber has its own charm. Statistics suggest that this taxi company has had customers take so many trips in it in the last five years, that one could take a trip to Saturn with that distance travelled.

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Three steps to ensure successful data governance

March 29, 2016 No Comments

In many companies, the data governance strategy is one of an IT gatekeeper. This traditional approach—centralized, strict, and secure—is still valid for enterprise multidimensional data warehouses. But it isn’t right for every organization. To promote innovation and experimentation among teams, a new way of handling data governance is needed. Here are the three key steps businesses should take to ensure data governance helps rather than harms their overall BI strategy.

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npm gate – Lessons Learned Again

March 29, 2016 No Comments

The recent events in the world of JavaScript developers and npm definitely caused a storm on twitter and the internet in general. If you want to find out more around the kik package, the trademark threats, the unpublishing of the left-pad package and the resulting breakage of packages and builds everywhere, check out this recap.

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Through The Looking Glass: Data Visualization and Decision-Making

March 23, 2016 No Comments

Big data is a big deal. Enterprises and small businesses alike are looking for ways to manage this unending flood of information, mine it for actionable insights, and make it a key driver of ROI. Yet with so much data generated moment to moment, it’s easy for IT pros and C-suite executives to get bogged down in the details instead of seeing the big picture. The result? Increased emphasis on data visualization — charts, diagrams and infographics that distil complex concepts down into easily understood, bite-sized pieces. The problem? Not all data visualizations are created equal — here’s how they can all go wrong and how your company can find the right fit.

How To Use An Internet Resource for Employee Timesheet Software

March 21, 2016 No Comments

One of the factors that is always considered during payroll is the hours that an employee has worked. Most employers have a fixed rate that they pay per hour. Thus, at the end of the month they calculate the number of hours worked and then calculate one’s payment.

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16 of the Biggest Google Algorithm Updates that Have Given SEOs Headaches

March 18, 2016 No Comments

Google is the biggest search engine in the world. Actually, Google is a brand in its entirety. If you want to search for anything, you will definitely use Google. It is such a great searching tool that it is now a verb. It is common to hear people say, “I will just Google it”. For the company to get to this point, they have had to go through multiple updates over the years. It is hard to believe that there was a time that Google was just another search engine on the worldwide web. However, everyone starts somewhere, right? Google did exactly that.

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For Cassandra, Newer May Not Be Better

March 8, 2016 No Comments

One of the leaders in the NOSQL database space is Cassandra. Originally developed by Facebook in 2008, Cassandra combined the schema-less flexibility of Google’s BigTable with the reliability of Amazon’s Dynamo. The result was a database that supported schema-less data variety, tunable consistency, seamless failover and full master-master datacenter replication.

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A practical estimation of the Exchange mailbox migration speed

March 3, 2016 No Comments

The typical question asked by clients in any mailbox migration planning workshop is – How much time it will take?. And the common answer from migration specialists is a casual ‘It will be done just as fast as you want’. But wouldn’t it be better for everyone if we could be a bit more specific here?

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DROWN Vulnerability: A Breakdown of the Threat and How to Avoid the Next One

March 3, 2016 No Comments

Understanding open source vulnerabilities is a daunting challenge. Most companies do not have a good handle on where open source software is being used across their organizations. As a result, when vulnerabilities in open source (e.g., Heartbleed, Shellshock, Ghost, Freak and now DROWN) come to light, companies are not able to quickly assess their exposure and take action to remediate that exposure.

Get the Best Data Migrator to Move your Salesforce Test Data Faster

February 24, 2016 No Comments

Management of business data is not such a simple task. There are so many activities that have to be conducted in order to ensure that your business data is kept at its cleanest at all times. It is important to make sure that you hire a database administrator to watch over your content. This data will come in really handy during the processes of decision making as well as app development and system upgrades in your business. You will need this data in order to do the testing activities that will ensure you get the best results from your development activities.

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How Technology and Service Startups Are Disrupting the Automotive Industry

February 24, 2016 No Comments

With few major advances in the automotive industry over the last few years, startups are disrupting the market with innovative services and technology. A resistance is forming against the automobile market, which has been mostly stagnant since the release of safety services such as the omnipresent defensive driving school online. Beyond the development of autonomous vehicles, which stand to completely change the very nature of the industry, there are also shifts being made in other areas. Engines, batteries, and other technologies and services are being improved by start-ups that are pushing for a change in the standard.

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6 Uses For Video Conferencing Software That You Hadn’t Even Thought Of

February 22, 2016 No Comments

As you probably know by now, video conferencing has become to the best way of conducting meetings. No matter where you are, what you’re doing, or what device you’re using, you can be right back in the office and in the heart of the action. Plus, having the software means you can speak to anybody in the world with just the touch of a button. It really doesn’t get more connected than that. However, there’s a multitude of things that you can use video conferencing for that you’ve probably not even considered. It’s a fantastic business tool, but people outside of the boardroom can use the technology to enhance their work, too.

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Welcome to the New DNS: Five Elements to Incorporate Now

February 11, 2016 No Comments

In a world marked by rapid change and record-breaking firsts, one of the more fundamental changes in the recent history of computing is that applications are now distributed by default. This has become possible through the widespread availability of globally distributed cloud computing providers, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and deployment automation. These and other modern server tools have slashed the expense and complexity traditionally involved in deploying applications and have improved performance and uptime in decentralized environments.

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What Car Mufflers Can Teach the Software Development Industry

February 8, 2016 No Comments

Imagine that you are designing the 2017 Ford Mustang. Like all gas-powered vehicles, each one needs an exhaust muffler. Ford has already vetted and narrowed in on a preferred provider of mufflers. But imagine what would happen if the designers and factory line workers could pick from any one of 20+ past versions of that exhaust muffler from any provider for the new model year—even if that part is outdated, has lower performance, does not meet current emission standards or has a known defect.

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Build your content marketing campaign from the bottom up

February 5, 2016 No Comments

The rate at which content marketing is increasing in popularity is alarming. People from across the globe are making use of this marketing strategy intensely. This is probably because internet access has been made available to a good number of people all over the world. Studies show that at least 90 percent business-to-consumer and 93 percent of business-to-business marketers are using content marketing for their world. With humongous numbers like these, it is hard to comprehend what the remaining 10 and 7 percent are waiting for.

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Bimodal IT Blueprint: Quick Tips for Mastering Mode 1 and Exploring Mode 2

January 29, 2016 No Comments

CIOs approach the concept of operating a bimodal IT department with the best intentions, but best-laid plans can often go awry. According to Gartner, 75 percent of IT departments will be bimodal by 2017. On the other hand, Gartner also predicts half of those will be functioning in complete chaos. So, why the disarray?

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Why the Newest Cell Phone Technology Can Be a Lifeline for Seniors

January 28, 2016 No Comments

Your cell phone allows you to stay in touch easily with everyone you know, no matter where you go. This means that you can quickly get help whenever you need it, whether you need to call the police or you need to call a friend or family member. And it is no different for seniors. In fact, having a cell phone as a senior is actually probably more important than you might realize.

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Creating Service Desk Success

January 26, 2016 No Comments

As one of the UK’s oldest and most successful universities, St Andrews has much to be proud of. In 2015 it added to its list of commendations by becoming the first in the world to be accredited with a four-star service desk certification from the Service Desk Institute (SDI). St Andrews attributes its success to stellar communication. That’s how the university brought about change in culture, whether it involved feedback from the surveys conducted, a suggestion scheme within the university or facilitating more engagement from the second and third line teams with the end user.

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SEO and WordPress: Answers to your 5 most Pressing WordPress SEO Questions

January 26, 2016 No Comments

WordPress is currently the most popular content management and web publishing platform. It is used to host company websites and ecommerce shops, as well as blogs. Web designers love it because it’s extremely versatile an adaptable for a range of applications. Users love if for its simplicity and efficacy. Using WordPress requires little knowledge of web design, coding or other technical skills. In fact, WordPress currently hosts over 25% of the top 10 million websites worldwide, including Search Engine Land, Mashable, Marketing Land and TIME, popular marketing websites.

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Three Ways Businesses Can Conquer Unproductive Meetings

January 22, 2016 No Comments

With 11 million meetings taking place in the US everyday, employees are spending an estimated 31 hours of that time unproductively every month – costing corporations $37 billion per year. This goes with the saying that time spent together is not always time spent getting work done. Ineffective meetings not only affect company revenues, but also decrease positive job attitudes and perceptions of the work environment which can lead to more employee turnaround. While professionals consider meetings unproductive, integrating new processes and technology can help employees run effective and engaging meetings. Below are three ways businesses can improve meeting productivity and engagement.

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What Does An Employee Monitoring Software Tells About An Employee?

January 21, 2016 No Comments

As an employer you try to get to know your employees as well as you can. However, at the time of hiring them, there is only so much that you can derive from their resume. Why would an employer be interested in an employee so intricately? It is primarily because they want to protect themselves and their companies and secondly because a firm is like a small family and it is always good to know about your family in any way you can. With the help of monitoring applications, there are different aspects you can find out about your employees.

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Finding the best way to Learn Web Design

January 20, 2016 No Comments

The world is changing at a rapid pace. Just as you grow accustomed to websites and the Internet came smartphones and now we have screens inside eye glasses. The world of web design is constantly changing and evolving, so much so that it can be overwhelming to think about where to start.

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