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Choosing the Right Videoconferencing Technology

December 19, 2016 No Comments

Businesses big and small frequently rely on videoconferencing solutions to improve collaboration and communication, especially when they have teams spread across a great distance. In fact, the technology has become so popular that nearly three-quarters of workers believe it will replace traditional conference calls.

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11 Apps That Have Replaced Classic Technology

December 19, 2016 No Comments

What are the apps that have replaced classic technology? A few years ago, a device known as the VHS player was the trending electrical appliance. Most people watched home movies on these devices. After a while, the DVD player joined the party, and the VHS cassette tape soon became obsolete. Today –the overwhelming popularity of watching series and movies online is threatening the use of the DVD.

5 Secrets to Obtaining Relevant Products or Services Information Online From Asda

December 14, 2016 No Comments

Isn’t it frustrating when you call the customer services line severally, each time getting the busy tone or unavailability of someone to attend to you? Whether you were shopping or looking for finances, you are bound to find a long virtual queue of callers. This could mean a delay on your part, or a cancellation of an important event. It could also mean that you will have to wait longer to access the services or get the product.

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How to prevent ads from killing your web site

December 13, 2016 No Comments

We’ve all seen it and we’ve all hated it. Your web page begins to load and then, right in mid-load it stalls out. It’s not just a brief hiccup, you stare at half a page for an eternity while an ad loads. Get past that ad and then the next one starts. Pretty soon you don’t care anymore about the website, you just want to move on.

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What is a Virtual Reality Music Platform and how it Works?

December 12, 2016 No Comments

VR is basically a simulation of a specific environment replicated using computer technologies to give the user a near real experience of that environment. More details about VR, it’s kinds and VR software development can be found on this website.

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5 Ways How to Start an Online Business With No Money

December 12, 2016 No Comments

While it may be true that you can make money by investing money, it does not in mean that it is the only way to make money. Millions of people across the world have given up their day jobs and are earning a full-time income online through businesses. They did not have to spend a single penny in order to get started. Getting started is easy. With a little bit of focused time, effort, energy, and discipline, you too can be well on your way to building a successful online business.

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Are Robots About to Take Over E-commerce Warehouses?

December 6, 2016 No Comments

Depending on your perspective, automation can be an exciting or a very scary concept. Some think it will revolutionize almost every industry, other dread the idea of humans becoming obsolete. But, while the debate was on – the technology has already done its part and robots have found their way into a lot of jobs.

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5 Things to Consider Before Partnering for Innovation

December 5, 2016 No Comments

It is an exciting time for enterprise software developers. Driven by the rise in the power of mobile computing, image recognition, the Internet of Things and big data and analytics, there is a new wave of technologies that will fundamentally broaden the way most enterprise software works. Because of the rate at which these new technologies are growing, many software vendors are racing to incorporate them into their product suites to remain at the competitive forefront.

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Interested in a Career in Social Business? Read This

December 1, 2016 No Comments

The goal of most business endeavors is simple: to make money above and beyond the initial investment. The vast majority of businesses adhere to this simple principle and attempt to achieve both clout and viability by ensuring that the business brings in more money than it spends. Conventional business wisdom would find it difficult to accept a business model that does not earn a profit, but various businesses like do exist. One such type is known as social business, which has a primary goal of affecting change in the world. If you’re interested in a career in business but also want to do social good in the process, then continue reading to find out more.

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6 Smart Home Gadgets That Will Inspire You

November 30, 2016 No Comments

Though artificial intelligence hasn’t yet developed virtual assistants with the complexity of Samantha or sentient robots to do all our cleaning, devices in the home keep getting smarter. Today, we have robots that vacuum our floors and kettles that can be set to boil on a schedule. With the Internet of Things (IoT), home gadgets are making our lives easier, saving us money, and even helping us have more fun.

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Decision-making in Today’s Digital Age

November 30, 2016 No Comments

The speed of technological advancements has heralded an era where consumers are bombarded with new offerings of products, services, and even new types of work. Hyper-connectivity and the mobile workforce have made it even easier for consumers to switch products or services and for employees to move from one company to another.

What to Expect from a Masters of Science in Computers Degree

November 29, 2016 No Comments

Are you thinking about going into a tech career that will pay really well and always keep you on your toes as new advancements come about? Well, first off, you want to look into the best schools that are offering online computer information systems degrees and master of science in computer information systems degrees. Beyond that, continue reading to learn a bit more about what you should expect from this type of degree program.

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The Ultimate IT Survival Guide: Surviving Impossible Situations

November 29, 2016 No Comments

Ever watch one of your favorite action movies and wonder how its stars could possibly do all that? Is it possible to jump from a moving car, for example, and survive, let alone get up and run wildly away? Or, do you get the heebie-jeebies when, near the climax of the movie Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Jack, is handcuffed to a pole and you wonder how you would get yourself out of a similar situation?

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Infographic: Why Are IT Audits So Important?

November 28, 2016 No Comments

Regular audits are key to improving performance in all industries and can facilitate the achievement of many goals that a particular may have in their sights. One of the main reasons that audits should be out on a regular basis is to ensure that corporate quality management systems are ISO 9001 compliant. There are four main phases to an internal audit: Preparation, Performance, Reporting and following up. The first two of these phases can be broken down into a series of smaller steps.

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We May Be Able to Teach Cars to Drive; but Can We Teach Them to Be Ethical?

November 21, 2016 No Comments

The idea of a self-driving car seems perfect in theory. Fatalities have been a tragic reality ever since driving became widespread, so it’s easy to understand why an autonomous car, one that eliminates the chance of fatal consequences caused by human errors of neglect and distraction, would appeal to so many, not to mention that naturally safer driving records would be more likely to have low insurance premiums. However, some have expressed concern that self-driving cars will not be able to come up to snuff in one crucial area: ethics.

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How Self-driving Vehicles Could Change New York City as We Know it

November 16, 2016 No Comments

Cars have been a fixture in New York City since they were available to be used by the general public. Traffic jams, taxi drivers, bus drivers and the many different types of verbal exchanges between drivers define driving in the city. The latest technology to make its way to New York, and around the country, are autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars. Many wonder if this technology will change things in a city the size of New York that has a history with every type of vehicle driven.

Featured Articles, News

What Are the Best Majors for Job Prospects in 2017?

November 14, 2016 No Comments

It’s still surprising how many new students pick majors out of pure guesswork and preference. While there’s nothing wrong with choosing a major based on interest, the bottom line is that you’ll want to get a major that will give you a chance to get a high paying job. While some majors were very popular not too long ago, some sectors have become saturated leaving graduates with limited options. In this article, we’re going to cover some of the best degrees to pursue in 2017.

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Operating Room Block Scheduling Needs an Overhaul

November 14, 2016 No Comments

One minute of utilized operating room (OR) time can be worth more than $70 in revenue and one minute of staffed OR time can cost $50 or more, making underutilized OR time a huge problem. Each year, roughly 51 million surgeries are performed in the 5,000+ hospitals and 5,000+ surgery centers in the U.S. MGMA estimates that the corresponding utilization of operating rooms across these centers is, at best, 55-60 percent.

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10 Components of An Effective Vulnerability Management Process

November 12, 2016 No Comments

Vulnerability management processes are an integral part of a company’s security plan. Often you will hear the terms “risk management” and “vulnerability management” used interchangeably. But the two are quite different even though they both involve the same aspect of your business. It is important to take vulnerability management just as seriously as risk management given that without vulnerability management policies and systems in place, risk management is far less efficient. The ultimate goal of the protocol is to identify weak points and determine what should be done about potential threats.

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3 Lessons from Millennials that can Empower IT Strategy

November 10, 2016 No Comments

Perform a few searches online for “millennials” and you’ll come across a number of people trying to define and understand a generation. They’re referred to by some as “lazy, entitled, and self-obsessed.” But in reality, millennials are a massive collection of personalities that can be impossible to generalize.

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Is Your Website Properly Optimized for Video? Three Tips to Get You Ahead of the Competition

November 7, 2016 No Comments

If you’re a company looking for new ways to draw in your target audience, then you’ll need to incorporate video into your marketing campaign. What many brands don’t realize when they are working with video is that you can have a killer video — and it will fall flat if your website is not optimized to handle it. If you want to incorporate video into your content marketing strategy, then make sure your optimization goes hand-in-hand.

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Why standardization needs to be blockchain’s biggest priority

November 4, 2016 No Comments

The roller chain is a small miracle of modern convenience. Its interlocking ovals, held together by links, are a reliable means of transmitting mechanical power through a variety of sprockets and gears. Because of its efficiency, the roller chain has found its way onto a variety tools, ranging from bikes and motorcycles to chain saws, farm equipment, industrial tools and, sometimes, even aircrafts. Not bad for a technology whose origins date back to Leonardo da Vinci sketches in the 16th century.

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Technology Services Your Business Can’t Do Without

November 3, 2016 No Comments

In order to run a successful business, there are a number of essential business services which you will need to rely on. Ensuring that you choose these services correctly can make or break your business, therefore it’s imperative that all business owners, no matter which stage your company is at, be aware of the services that you simply won’t be able to get any further without. Whether you’re launching a new startup or are looking for ways to improve the profitability and success of an existing business, it’s important to always seek the best solutions when aiming to become more profitable and efficient.

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5 Ways Technology Can Help You Run Your Warehouse Business

November 3, 2016 No Comments

It’s no secret that we are living in the age of technology and there are numerous ways you can take advantage of it when it comes to business. This is especially the case if you are running a warehousing business. Not only does technology save your employees a lot of time but it makes them more productive as well. There are many ways technology can help you run your warehouse business and we have singled out 5 of them that you can benefit the most from.

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5 Secrets To Pass The Computer Science Paper

October 28, 2016 No Comments

Computer science is an extensive practical and theoretical paper. As a problem solving science, you will need exceptional analyzing, and modeling skills that also call for design of possible solutions, and testing the effectiveness of the strategies. Your creativity, precision, and reasoning will make it possible for you to pass the program’s courses like programming languages, operating systems, software engineering, information storage and retrieval, and computational sciences. Unfortunately, passing these units is challenging and you will need help.

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Private Equity Insights: The Painful Truth about your High IT Costs

October 26, 2016 No Comments

Let me confirm your suspicion; your IT department is needlessly wasting a ridiculous amount of money on all the wrong things while under delivering what the business requires to succeed. The supporting benchmark studies for the mid-market paints a dismal picture; although IT is supposed to enable the business to succeed, IT is increasingly a board level topic to approve unbudgeted money or worse yet is the reason the business can’t execute a strategic initiative critical to value creation.

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Driving While Distracted: Can technology stop the problem it caused?

October 25, 2016 No Comments

Texting while driving, checking Facebook, answering tweets, and glancing at Instagram are just a few ways that technology has impacted driving habits. Nearly everyone knows someone that has that bad habit, driving while distracted.

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What I Learned by Spending Three Days with 20 High-Powered CIOs

October 21, 2016 No Comments

I recently spent three days in a closed room with 20 CIOs discussing the tech industry landscape and the growing importance of technology in improving business strategies and unleashing competitive advantages. Everyone in attendance agreed on the value of this subject, but people’s viewpoints varied widely about the best ways of getting there. What everyone agreed on is that what got us here won’t get us there. All of the gathered tech leaders were members of Trace3’s Client Advisory Board, which meets annually to share some mutual problems and discuss a range of suggested solutions.

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The Dangers of High Tech Cars No One is Talking About

October 20, 2016 No Comments

As cars become saturated with more onboard tech, the potential for dangers involving such vehicles has increased in step with these advancements. While you may have taken a driving safety course to prepare you for taking your high tech car out on the open road, this may not prepare you for what could happen to your high tech car at a moment’s notice as control is stripped out from under you. In fact, you may not be in as tight control of what your car does as you might think.

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Infographic: What if you started work on your house but without a full set of tools?

October 18, 2016 No Comments

More storage software will be needed as businesses add Flash, file, object and software defined to their IT infrastructure. Are you properly equipped?


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