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How To Turn Your Smartphone Into The Ultimate Portable Storage Device

February 27, 2017 No Comments

Do you remember those little USB memory sticks you would carry around with you? At one point in time, there was no denying they were the ultimate portable storage solution. Suddenly they were rendered useless thanks to the smartphone and it’s only improved over the last few years. Unfortunately, I don’t think the majority of people are using their smartphone to its maximum potential when it comes to data storage. It could easily be fixed if they followed a few tips, so let’s take a quick look at the main ones you should use.

How to Create a Strong Brand Through Web Design

February 23, 2017 No Comments

Your website is one of the first things that people will see when they research your brand. With this shift in consumer focus towards the internet, entrepreneurs have gained the power to reinforce their brand through their web design.

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Upgrade Your Skills Anytime, Anyplace, With Online Learning Platforms

February 22, 2017 No Comments

It’s considered essential for today’s employees and job seekers to keep their skill sets current and to possess a broad range of talents if they want to be able to pick and choose the best jobs.

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The Ins and Outs of Technology Integration and How to Incorporate it into the ESL Classroom

February 21, 2017 No Comments

The typical classroom of today is nothing like it was 5 years ago. The mobile revolution has swept through learning institutions. A while back, a computer lab was enough for learning institutions as far as technology was concerned.

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Coming Soon Pages: Web Design Guidelines for Success

February 20, 2017 No Comments

Many people are entertaining a misconception that it is necessary to have a fully-complete website for initiating lead-building and also for promoting their business actively. In reality, however, you could be generating a tremendous amount of buzz regarding your client’s website and business with an effective and smart coming soon page. What is the perfect mix of elements in the coming soon pages that would put your client’s website on the road towards inevitable success? Here are a few guidelines to jump start the process of your client’s web success even when the website is still under construction.

Featured Articles

Featured Tech Article: Preemptive Transformation at Western Union

February 16, 2017 No Comments

Western Union has always been on the forefront of technological innovation. The company launched in 1851 with the invention of the telegraph. Now, 165 years later, we are digitally transforming ourselves and devising new and easier ways for our customers to move money around the world.

Is Slack facing new competition, or old?

February 15, 2017 No Comments

In an exclusive with MSPowerUser recently, Microsoft unveiled the company’s latest project: Skype Teams. According to the article: Skype Teams is going to be Microsoft’s take on messaging apps for teams. Skype Teams will include a lot of similar features, which you’ll find on Slack. For example, Skype Teams will allow you to chat in different groups within a team, also known as “channels”. Additionally, users will be able to talk to each other via Direct Messages on Skype Teams. Though not even six months since unveiling long-awaited SharePoint mobile apps, it’s unsurprising that Microsoft is investing in other areas of their suite of productivity tools. Like SharePoint, Skype has been an essential, if not outdated, enterprise tool for years. After all, Microsoft was the first to innovate in the productivity space. But, as it always seems to do, the pace of innovation in this space has accelerated in the last several years, leaving Microsoft working to catch up. But don’t count them out just yet. Despite a rumored failed attempt to acquire Slack earlier this year, Microsoft has the resources to compete in the rapidly changing market landscape. In addition to a string of strategic acquisitions, including LinkedIn earlier this summer, the company’s given its tried-and-true platforms an infusion of new life that have allowed the company to compete in the cloud while maintaining its stronghold on the desktop market. In fact, while 93% of enterprise employees are still using Microsoft Office on premise, Office 365 continues to pick up traction with 87% of enterprises now using the cloud platform. While Microsoft may seem like Goliath to Slack’s David, the company is proving that it’s still agile. Take LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner’s comment on why LinkedIn sold to Microsoft: Long before Satya and I first sat down to talk about how we could work together, I had publicly shared my thoughts on how impressive his efforts were to rapidly transition Microsoft’s strategy and culture. After all, it’s extremely rare to see a company of that scope and scale move so quickly to make fundamental changes. The Microsoft that has evolved under Satya’s leadership is a more agile, innovative, open and purpose-driven company. The bottom line is that productivity tools are gaining traction in the enterprise. In today’s workplace employees are driving purchasing decisions. This is why we’ve seen an influx of new productivity tools hitting the market in the last several years. It’s also why we’re now seeing the incumbents like Microsoft make strategic investments in these technologies. One thing is clear: we’ll all benefit from this new (and old) competition.

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Shared Service Management at the Heart of a Customer-Centric Organization

February 14, 2017 No Comments

A customer-centric organization exists because of two major reasons: Keeping your customer in mind when implementing services and when improving your services. The most important factor here is that you should try to take the customer-focused perspective when examining services to be offered then making sure the leadership in your department is also customer focused to bring those services to the actual customer.

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A Modern Day Love Story: Security and DevOps

February 13, 2017 No Comments

It’s a tale as old as time, the last person you ever thought you would love becomes the one person you can’t live without. Enter – software security and developer teams, did you see that one coming? While these teams may not always see eye to eye, one cannot succeed without support from the other.

Secrets to Social Media Marketing You Wish You Knew Before

February 10, 2017 No Comments

Did you know that over 300,000 tweets are sent out every minute? If you own a business, you are aware that there is a lot of competition in your industry. You must have strategies in place that are strong enough to ensure your business can be seen in a sea of other businesses who offer the same or similar products and services.

Washington DC Global Lead in Autonomous Vehicle Infrastructure

February 9, 2017 No Comments

Ten global cities, including Washington D.C., are participating in an initiative by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Aspen Institute Center for Urban Innovation to bring leading global mayors together for preparation and planning for the advent of autonomous vehicles in their cities. The global cities participating in the Bloomberg-Aspen initiative are: Austin, USA; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Los Angeles, USA; Nashville, USA; Helsinki, Finland; Paris, France; London, England; Tel Aviv, Israel; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Washington DC, USA.

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10 Online Website Accessibility Tools that You Cannot Ignore

February 1, 2017 No Comments

Online Accessibility Tests are among the most care-free means to evaluate your website anytime through the internet. The reason why these tools are popular among the ecommerce community is because website accessibility is closely interlinked with site usability. If a website fails to produce optimum results in website accessibility test, then it will directly affect the conversions the store gets. In short, Accessibility and Usability go hand in hand. Finding the right tools to evaluate your website against accepted guidelines is not all too easy.

Featured Articles, News

How to Use Conversational Commerce in Your Business

January 30, 2017 No Comments

Shopping online is easily one of the most popular methods of buying products today. In fact, about 70 percent of U.S. adults shop online monthly according to Mintel. But even with personalized content recommendations, personal shoppers, and a host of other technological improvements, online shopping can still feel very impersonal.  Many millennial customers value the experience as much as they do the price, and brands that are focused on the experience have found a new tools that help them create a personal relationship with their customers at scale.

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Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Life: The Technical Lifecycle

January 27, 2017 No Comments

In the wake of an increasingly digital economy, businesses are racing to build operational knowledge around the vast sums of data they produce each day. And with data now at the center of almost every business function, developing practices for working with data is critical regardless of your company’s size or industry.

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UBER and Self Driving Cars

January 25, 2017 No Comments

In science fiction stories about future society, one of the mainstay tropes is the self driving car. Such books, movies and TV shows let us see corporate movers and shakers making deals, slackers playing video games and harried office workers putting the finishing touches on a project – all while the vehicle gets them safely and efficiently to where they are headed.

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Software Outsourcing: Why to Give It a Try!

January 24, 2017 No Comments

Outsourcing is a great way sought by many business organizations to cut their cost and save time in completing a particular task. And with the internet being a major platform for today’s work patterns, outsourcing comes in very handy! When it comes to dealing with the IT and software related tasks, software outsourcing can be the best pick for the companies that are not generally involved in the IT work.

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Developing a PR Strategy for Your SaaS Product Launch

January 23, 2017 No Comments

For most IT companies, launching a new software-as-a-service product is a time of excitement and high hopes. It’s also a time for assessment, establishing goals, and strategy. When it comes to generating PR buzz, it takes some informed planning. Several factors can make your product launch PR more effective.

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How California Turned the Self Driving Car into the Ugly Duckling

January 18, 2017 No Comments

Just one day after California authorities banned Uber’s autonomous car program in the state, Uber on Thursday decided to pick their self-driving vehicles and relocate to Arizona. This sudden move was necessitated by the collapse of Uber’s pilot program in the state of California, a program that had only run for one week. The California authorities had directed Uber to apply for a $150 permit so as to use the public roads in the state. Uber, however, declined the order and decided to pull out.

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Choosing Your Perfect Managed Services Provider

January 17, 2017 No Comments

If you aren’t familiar with the term, managed services is definitely something worth digging into – it’s among the fastest growing sectors in the world of business technology. Whether it comes to data management, system monitoring or IT security, it seems that everyone is turning to this trend that’s on the rise! We hope that this guide will help you choose the perfect managed services provider for your needs.

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The Best in IT from 2016: A Year in Review

January 16, 2017 No Comments

Disruptive digital forces like cloud, mobile, hybrid IT, BYOD, virtualization, and the hyperconvergence of infrastructure services are upending the data center as we know it. Add to this the increasing reliance on applications and the need for ever-greater application performance, and it’s clear to see that the role of the IT professional is more demanding and complex than ever.

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How to Speed Up Your Website: Top 4 Cutting Edge Technologies

January 12, 2017 No Comments

Did you know that almost 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less? Did you also know that about 40% of them would leave or abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Well, if you haven’t, these are some stats that describe some of the harsh realities in the digital world today and are equally applicable for an “About Us” page as well as a shopping website page.

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CompTIA to Launch IT Pro Association to Help Foster Skilled Workforce

January 9, 2017 No Comments

Expanding significantly its activity to help foster an IT workforce that meets the technology sector’s unmet job-skill needs, CompTIA, the world’s leading technology association, today announced that it will launch its first IT professional association.

Featured Articles, News

Keeping Up With Today’s IT for the Older Generation

January 5, 2017 No Comments

Everything in the world seems to be entering the technological world, and that might be a little difficult for those of us who weren’t born in the middle of the digital revolution. After spending life completely disconnected from the internet and technology, making the transition to this new world isn’t something all of us are looking forward to. But it doesn’t have to be a difficult thing.

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Recruiting and Retaining Women in Tech: Three Phases of Challenges

January 4, 2017 No Comments

Technical recruiter Speak With A Geek (SWAG) is using its voice in the industry to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by women in technology. The Bay Area agency hopes to educate and provide a deeper analysis into the topic of a lack of female representation in technology.

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Small Business Techniques for Increasing Visibility Online

January 3, 2017 No Comments

Today’s small businesses can grab a lion’s share of visibility by simply improving their online presence. There are several points to consider when attempting to increase online visibility. The first is an objective review of the existing presentation of products and/or services. Next, there is the all important “hook” that captures optimal traffic. These are the basic steps that represent how well a small business will succeed with its branding and business image.

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How the Self-Driving Car Market Could Mean Another Renaissance for American Car Manufacturers

December 26, 2016 No Comments

Every year, car manufacturers release models that provide more automation. While the first truly self-driving car is still some time away, manufacturers are working quickly to solve the last few barriers to true automotive automation. The impact of self-driving cars is inherently difficult to predict accurately, but there’s a good chance that it could spawn another renaissance for American car manufacturers. Here are a few reasons why.

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Operational and Transactional Success Is Crucial For Your Database

December 22, 2016 No Comments

No matter what the aim of a business may be in either its niche or its offers, operational and transactional success are crucial for making the most out of the database’s value. The following are just a few of the ways that small, mid-sized and large businesses can use the principles of operational and transactional efficiency to ensure that their database is leveraged in the best possible fashion for maximum results.

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How to Train Your Employees on a New Technology

December 20, 2016 No Comments

With the rate at which new technology is being developed, almost every company is going to have to deal with implementing new technology every few years. While the technology is time and cost-saving, sometimes it can be difficult to get employees, especially those accustomed to doing it a certain way, excited about transitioning to a new way of doing things. Here are some useful tips for training your employees on a new technology.

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App Indexing and SEO: How has it Affected Developers?

December 19, 2016 No Comments

In October 2013 the world saw Google indexing applications for the first time. This was published for a limited set of publishers for the next eight months and then expanded for public use in June 2014. Google had set up the search indexing in such a way that even if a person/user did not have a particular app, related searches would automatically recommend him to install it. After almost a year, in May 2015, iOS support was integrated to Chrome and finally in October 2015 Google announced app indexing extensions for Safari.

How Email Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

December 19, 2016 No Comments

Bulk email marketing can be an extremely powerful tool. It can be a great option to drive quality traffic towards your website while focusing on the targeted potential prospects. Remember, there are unlimited number of people available on the virtual world looking for exact services and products that you are offering. The only thing you need to do is locate these prospects and notify them about your products and services. With the help of email marketing services, the situation can be managed with extreme ease.

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