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The ROI of Taking IT Career Chances

June 5, 2017 No Comments

If there were a recipe for a successful career as an IT leader, the most important ingredient would be initiative. When I give advice to potential IT leaders, I tell them they have to take control of their professional destiny. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on a company, boss, or mentor to develop your career. You have to take the initiative. You have to have something in your gut that says, “This is my goal, this is my plan, I’m going for it!”

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Transform HR Services in Seven Easy Steps

May 25, 2017 No Comments

Behind the scenes of many organizations’ HR operations are dedicated, hard-working teams faced with a complex web of processes. Despite their dedication, often these teams are ill-equipped due to decentralized systems and a lack of modern technology tools. The resulting inefficiencies keep HR teams from providing the level of service that team members deserve.

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The Top Three Ways to Monetize Your Blog

May 24, 2017 No Comments

Blogging can be a great hobby, but for many bloggers, it is also a main source of income. There are many different methods to choose from when it comes to generating a blog revenue, but perhaps the most popular are either Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing, or affiliate programs. Using these schemes, you will promote products and services on your blog on behalf of other businesses in your niche; for example, if you run a tech blog, then you can advertise electronic gadgets and technological accessories for interested readers to buy.

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Everything Novice Tech Users Need to Know to Start Blogging

May 24, 2017 No Comments

There seems to be an endless supply of information that will tell you how to setup a WordPress website in as little time as possible. Starting a WordPress blog is easy, but there are some things that can confuse those of us who aren’t very tech savvy. In this post, we’ll cover the more technical aspects of blogging that will help you feel less like a novice and more like a seasoned pro.

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How to Ensure that You Always Have Access to Reliable Business Data

May 22, 2017 No Comments

Do you record and always have access to reliable, accurate data in your business? Having the correct information to hand will ensure that you make better business decisions, make better business plans and that your company runs as smoothly as possible. Below are some of the ways you can ensure that you always have access to reliable business data.

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5 Things You Did Not Know About Google Forms

May 19, 2017 No Comments

Google Forms is a free tool that can help you plan events, create quizzes or surveys, collect information from users and then automatically record their responses in a timely fashion. In fact, many businesses use it to handle the majority of their customer service requests. However, even if you’ve used it in the past, there is still plenty to learn in perfecting it to build the ultimate form. Plus, there are plenty of intuitive tools that are hidden and waiting for you to find them. Follow this guide to get to know Google forms a little better and improve the way you handle forms for your business.

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4 Tips for Hiring a Great Freelance Programmer

May 9, 2017 No Comments

Outsourcing program development jobs allows your business to cut costs on hiring a full-time developer. Selecting a technical freelancer you can trust with your projects can be an intimidating task. Coming from a non-technical background makes it even harder when most programming jargon is unknown to you. In this article, we’re going to lay out some of the critical steps you should follow when hiring a new programmer.

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The ROI of Taking Career Chances

May 8, 2017 No Comments

If there were a recipe for a successful career as an IT leader, the most important ingredient would be initiative. When I give advice to potential IT leaders, I tell them they have to take control of their professional destiny. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on a company, boss, or mentor to develop your career. You have to take the initiative. You have to have something in your gut that says, “This is my goal, this is my plan, I’m going for it!”

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If Most IT Security Professionals are Aware of GDPR, Why Are Less than Half of US Businesses Preparing?

May 4, 2017 No Comments

Well-talked about in international circles, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new regulation to protect the privacy of European citizens – however, many people may not realize that it applies to all businesses that hold and process personal data collected in the European Union, regardless of their industry or location. It becomes effective on May 25, 2018, so there is just over a year to prepare. It sounds like a long way off, but will there be enough time for your company to comply?

5 PPC Trends that Can Make a Difference to Your Business in 2017

April 25, 2017 No Comments

Depending on the nature of your business and its objectives, there might be a requirement of significant changes to your PPC campaigns. Whether you want more traffic, leads, transactions, up-sells, views or subscriptions, your efforts must be precise. The entire landscape of paid marketing has changed over the past decade, owing to the popular usage of social media and more importantly, mobile devices. In this scenario getting the expected ROI from a Pay Per Click campaign can be a challenging task; especially for start-ups.

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Docker: The New Ordinary

April 19, 2017 No Comments

There you were. You heard about Docker, become mesmerized, floated into it’s new special world…and then all chaos broke out. Things were not that easy and you scrambled for knowledge. Some folks saw the light and stepped forward, while others are still trying to figure the out the happy path home where containers will become part of their new ordinary.

What Can AI Actually Do Today?

April 18, 2017 No Comments

Artificial intelligence (AI) has grown leaps and bounds in the last decade becoming reality no longer limited to science fiction. A common component of many popular films, movies with AI playing a critical role in the storyline include…

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Advantages of a Virtual office

April 13, 2017 No Comments

This article will take you through some advantages of a virtual office, there are many ways that a virtual office could be a great asset to your company. Loc8 Commercial can locate you your dream office. Here are some ways your employees and your business can benefit from virtual offices.

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How eBay Is Continuing to Evolve as a Marketplace

April 10, 2017 No Comments

Everyone who is online is aware of eBay, even if they have never actually bought or sold anything on the site. When it emerged, its unique angle of being an auction site where anyone could sell anything and things like rare memorabilia could be bid on from sellers anywhere in the world, made it an exciting prospect and ultimately made us change the way we thought about the things that were available for us to buy, as well as about how to make money from our unwanted goods.

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An Importer Of Record Ensures Your IT Equipment Arrives With No Hassles

April 10, 2017 No Comments

World-wide cloud-based service providers such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Netflix have been on the frontlines of technological innovation, spearheading video media and social media into the 21st century. Over the last decade, they have influenced the way in which current generations consume data, instantaneously and often. It is therefore crucial that the IT equipment enabling these companies to transmit their signals and satisfy this need is shipped with speed, supervision and care.

Out In The Field – How FSM Delivers

April 6, 2017 No Comments

Today – at some point – you will probably encounter someone working ‘out in the field’. It could be a technician completing work outside of their company premises on-site, or even at home. It could be someone carrying out maintenance or repairs. Regardless of industry, field service is all about getting the right employees, skillsets and equipment onto the job as quickly as possible.

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March 29, 2017 No Comments

In today’s worldwide network of complex interconnectedness and unprecedented vulnerability, how concerned should small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) be about cyber threats? According to news outlets across the country, the answer is: “VERY!” A poorly protected network infrastructure can lead to unwanted exposure, profit loss and even total collapse. SMBs represent the largest demographic targeted by hackers, putting them in a position to take action, or potentially face grave consequences.

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Choosing the Right RAID Configuration for Different Purposes

March 28, 2017 No Comments

The technology behind disk arrays and RAID has evolved so much these past few years. The availability of more reliable hard drives and SSDs as well as more advanced RAID controllers have made more RAID configurations possible, even for home users. Each RAID configuration presents its own set of advantages, which is why they suit specific types of usage and circumstance.

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The Value of Recruitment Outsourcing

March 23, 2017 No Comments

Whether you’re growing a business or just trying to replace workers who have left the company for one reason or another, it’s crucial to bring on the right people. Unfortunately, doing so can cost a company quite a bit in time and resources—two things that aren’t always readily available. To ease the burden, many companies are turning to third-party recruitment firms, which specialize in onboarding new employees for companies.

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The Future of IT Troubleshooting

March 21, 2017 No Comments

A common approach to addressing any number of performance issues in IT environments is to throw a bunch of potential solutions at the wall and see what sticks. However, IT environments are becoming increasingly complex and varied, making the dart-on-the-wall strategy even less effective than it already was. As such, here I will cover what IT troubleshooting should look like in the hybrid IT world we now find ourselves in, and will continue to be encompassed by into the future.

Breaking an IT Procurement Myth: Utilizing the Online E-Auction for IT Accessories

March 21, 2017 No Comments

It is at first hard to understand why more and more companies do not rely on the reverse e-auction process to source IT accessories. However, upon closer examination, it is revealed that there are several myths pertaining to e-auctions that prohibit companies from truly understanding and employing this method. First, the online reverse e-auction process is commonly believed to be long, arduous, and complicated as compared to the traditional request for proposal (RFP) method. Second, the trustworthiness of the process is often called into question, with detractors claiming that it does not sustain savings.

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Defining a Service Catalogue and Tips to Help You Improve It

March 13, 2017 No Comments

A service catalogue is exactly what you might expect: an online portal that an organization uses to list is collection of services it provides and a display window of said services. For the user (an employee, for example) the service catalogue provides a concise, yet detailed services overview; terms and conditions of services offered, the ability to track and trace services; and frequently asked questions about the services. For the organizations, the service catalogue clarifies service clarity; manages user expectations; markets the organization’s services to users; and justifies their existence.

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Reasons Why You Should Consider a Career in e-Commerce

March 7, 2017 No Comments

The e-Commerce business is piping hot at the moment and everybody wants in: investors, retailers, and of course, job seekers.  The e-Commerce sector also has tons of great job opportunities that shouldn’t be overlooked. Here are a few reasons why everybody with an AACSB online MBA should consider a career in e-Commerce.

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Cloud Connected Cars and Your Safety

March 6, 2017 No Comments

As vehicles become more advanced, a lot of people are hoping that there will be large improvements in driver safety. One of the riskiest things that many people do regularly is driving their automobile. Each year, 30,800 people die because of a car crashes. This massive carnage is something that every driver risks whenever they turn the key. Thankfully, some clever manufacturers like Tesla and Google are thinking differently.

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3 Essential Tools for Online Students

March 3, 2017 No Comments

In a previous blog, we’ve talked about 3 essential tools for bloggers, particularly about the photography gear you can pick up to improve the photos you post on your blogs. That article received a lot of positive feedback, which is why I’m making another 3-essential-tools post. Since a lot of bloggers are now taking online courses and pursuing a higher degree, I think it is time to take a look at the gadgets that will make the whole online learning experience much more enjoyable. In this part, we’re going to talk about the three essential tools every online student must have.

A Beginner’s Guide to a PIC Microcontroller

March 2, 2017 No Comments

Many people often take for granted the level of time it takes to create everyday appliances, such as cars, household appliances and telephones. However, as any experienced engineer will know, these innovative devices could not possibly work without the use of embedded smart electronics.

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5 Essential Steps to a Successful Digital Transformation

March 2, 2017 No Comments

The digital age is upon us, and companies across the world must be ready if they hope to compete with their forward-thinking counterparts. The next two years may prove critical for various companies in every industry, because the digital revolution is only set to become stronger – and an organization could become as weak as their digital strategy.

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eSource: The Next Emerging Category of Software

March 1, 2017 No Comments

eSource is the next emerging category of software; it’s the “last mile” of clinical research, where paper-based data capture can be replaced with a digital system. The Pharmaceutical industry is actively looking for a solution, and the FDA is encouraging  an electronic solution. It recently issued guidelines to encourage integration between EMR systems and EDC systems.

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March 1, 2017 No Comments

Android TV? Is that a thing? Wait, is it for real? Yes it is! Yes, you should know about it, and yes, it is the next big thing to come into our homes! So, what is all the buzz about? We bring to you the complete ‘need-to-know’ about the android TV! In the year 2010, Google launched a Google TV, an interactive television set for its users, to take smarting the technology to another level, which has now been replaced by Android TV in 2014.

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10 Ways to Prepare To Run Your Business at Home

February 27, 2017 No Comments

More people are starting business out of their home, which makes it convenient to increase your productivity and avoid having a commute. Many homes feature offices, which creates a private and quiet place to work in that is separate from the rest of the property. To ensure that you’re prepared to run a business out of your home, there are a few important steps to take.

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