Inside the Briefcase

Eco-mode: Benefits and Risks of Energy-saving Modes of UPS Operation  – created link already

Eco-mode: Benefits and Risks of Energy-saving Modes of UPS Operation – created link already

Many newer UPS systems have an energy-saving operating mode known as “eco-mode” or by some other descriptor. Nevertheless, surveys show that virtually no data centers actually use this mode, because of the known or anticipated side-effects. Unfortunately, the marketing...

Creating Order from Chaos in Data Centers and Server Rooms

Creating Order from Chaos in Data Centers and Server Rooms

Data center professionals can rid themselves of messy racks, sub-standard under floor air distribution, and cable sprawl with a minimum of heartache and expense. Whether the data center mess is created over years of mismanagement or whether the cable-choked...

Preventing Data Corruption in the Event of an Extended Power Outage

Preventing Data Corruption in the Event of an Extended Power Outage

Despite advances in computer technology, power outages continue to be a major cause of PC and server downtime. Protecting computer systems with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) hardware is part of a total solution, but power management software is also...

Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Optimized Power, Cooling, and Management Maximizes Benefits

Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Optimized Power, Cooling, and Management Maximizes Benefits

IT virtualization, the engine behind cloud computing, can have significant consequences on the data center physical infrastructure (DCPI). Higher power densities that often result can challenge the cooling capabilities of an existing system. Reduced overall energy consumption that typically...

How SMEs Can Tap into Real-time Business Intelligence

How SMEs Can Tap into Real-time Business Intelligence

Real-time business intelligence (BI) delivers information about business as it occurs.

Adding the Time Dimension to BPM

Adding the Time Dimension to BPM

Time is a critical element of the planning, oversight, and improvement of business processes. However, business process management (BPM) solutions have traditionally focused on other aspects of the BPM challenge, such as quality and governance. Time represents a vital...

White Paper: Architectural Strategies for Cloud Computing

White Paper: Architectural Strategies for Cloud Computing

Tweet Opportunities for improving IT efficiency and performance through centralization of resources have increased dramatically in the last few years with the maturation of technologies such as SOA, virtualization, grid computing, and management automation. A natural outcome of this...

Implementing Energy Efficient Data Centers

Implementing Energy Efficient Data Centers

This paper explains how to quantify the electricity savings and provides examples of methods that can greatly reduce electrical power consumption.

Sustainable Compliance: How to Align Compliance, Security and Business Goals

Sustainable Compliance: How to Align Compliance, Security and Business Goals

This white paper will examine some of the challenges that modern organizations face in their efforts to develop and adapt a compliance program to solve today’s needs and support new requirements in the future.

Address the Insider Threat of Privileged Users

Address the Insider Threat of Privileged Users

This white paper is divided into two sections. First it discusses the business issues around insiders, especially IT administrators. Second, it discusses how to reduce or eliminate many of the issues that are described through out the white paper.

The Challenges of Administering Active Directory

The Challenges of Administering Active Directory

This whitepaper outlines seven common challenges assoctaied with securely administering Active Directory, and provides helpful insight into what NetIQ can do to assist you with these difficulties.

Payment Card Industry X-Ray: File Integrity Monitoring

Payment Card Industry X-Ray: File Integrity Monitoring

To effectively deal with the broad and complex requirements of Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security, you need to break the elements apart to provide enhanced clarity. This document deals with file integrity monitoring for PCI, while providing technical...

Best Practices for an On-Demand CRM Implementation

Best Practices for an On-Demand CRM Implementation

Tweet Effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical to the success of your business, and it takes technology-enabled solutions. But the selection and deployment of a CRM solution often proves to be challenging for organizations with complex processes and...

The Alignment-Focused Organization: Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Execution

The Alignment-Focused Organization: Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Execution

Most companies have a well-defined strategy that is intended to align the actions of all individuals, teams, and business units to achieve corporate goals. But when it comes time to execute, they can run into trouble. To close the...

Briefcase Highlights

Featured White Papers

Eco-mode: Benefits and Risks of Energy-saving Modes of UPS Operation – created link already

May 27, 2012 No Comments

Many newer UPS systems have an energy-saving operating mode known as “eco-mode” or by some other descriptor. Nevertheless, surveys show that virtually no data centers actually use this mode, because of the known or anticipated side-effects. Unfortunately, the marketing materials for these operating modes do not adequately explain the cost / benefit tradeoffs. This paper shows that eco-mode typically provides a reduction of 2-4% in data center energy consumption and explains the various limitations and concerns that arise from eco-mode use. Situations where these operating modes are recommended and contra-indicated are also described.

Creating Order from Chaos in Data Centers and Server Rooms

May 27, 2012 No Comments

Data center professionals can rid themselves of messy racks, sub-standard under floor air distribution, and cable sprawl with a minimum of heartache and expense. Whether the data center mess is created over years of mismanagement or whether the cable-choked data center is inherited, solutions for both quick fixes and longer term evolutionary changes exist. This paper outlines several innovative approaches for dealing with the symptoms of chaos and for eliminating the root causes of disorder.

Preventing Data Corruption in the Event of an Extended Power Outage

May 26, 2012 No Comments

Despite advances in computer technology, power outages continue to be a major cause of PC and server downtime. Protecting computer systems with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) hardware is part of a total solution, but power management software is also necessary to prevent data corruption after extended power outages. Various software configurations are discussed, and best practices aimed at ensuring uptime are presented.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Optimized Power, Cooling, and Management Maximizes Benefits

May 26, 2012 No Comments

IT virtualization, the engine behind cloud computing, can have significant consequences on the data center physical infrastructure (DCPI). Higher power densities that often result can challenge the cooling capabilities of an existing system. Reduced overall energy consumption that typically results from physical server consolidation may actually worsen the data center’s power usage effectiveness (PUE). Dynamic loads that vary in time and location may heighten the risk of downtime if rack-level power and cooling health are not understood and considered. Finally, the fault-tolerant nature of a highly virtualized environment could raise questions about the level of redundancy required in the physical infrastructure. These particular effects of virtualization are discussed and possible solutions or methods for dealing with them are offered.

How SMEs Can Tap into Real-time Business Intelligence

May 16, 2012 No Comments

Real-time business intelligence (BI) delivers information about business as it occurs.

Adding the Time Dimension to BPM

May 9, 2012 No Comments

Time is a critical element of the planning, oversight, and improvement of business processes. However, business process management (BPM) solutions have traditionally focused on other aspects of the BPM challenge, such as quality and governance. Time represents a vital third dimension, enabling business users to gain additional control over their processes and creating the opportunity to predict how later stages in the process will be affected by changes introduced in the earlier stages.

White Paper: Architectural Strategies for Cloud Computing

May 2, 2012 No Comments

Tweet Opportunities for improving IT efficiency and performance through centralization of resources have increased dramatically in the last few years with the maturation of technologies such as SOA, virtualization, grid computing, and management automation. A natural outcome of this is what has become increasingly referred to as “cloud computing”, where a consumer of computational capabilities […]

5 BI Project Landmines to Avoid

April 19, 2012 No Comments

The business intelligence (BI) vendor selection process can be long, confusing, and complex. Aspects of any BI solution, such as performance, implementation, and long-term costs, are often discussed at a high level, but the details are often missing until the end stages, when dealing with them can be a much bigger pain. Even when discussed, some details are often over-looked or forgotten until it’s too late. Digging into the details as early as possible is necessary to uncover these late-stage landmines.

Spoofing Server-Server Communication: How You Can Prevent It

April 11, 2012 No Comments

Advances in attacks on network security over the last few years have led to many high-profile compromises of enterprise networks and breaches of data security. A new attack is threatening to expand the potential for attackers to compromise enterprise servers and the critical data on them. Solutions are available, and they will require action by company officers and administrators.

How Extended Validation SSL Brings Confidence to Online Sales and Transactions

April 5, 2012 No Comments

Symantec™ Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates can be a key factor in helping increase customer confidence during online business transactions. More confidence can mean more conversions for customers with EV SSL certificates. Symantec EV SSL turns address bars green in high-security browsers for an extra layer of website security that customers can see and trust.

Best Practices and Applications of TLS/SSL

April 3, 2012 No Comments

TLS, widely known as SSL, is the standard for secure application network communications both within the enterprise and across the Internet. TLS can help secure your applications by strengthening authentication, encrypting data communications, and ensuring integrity of data in transit.

Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates: Making the Best Choice When Considering Your Online Security Options

April 3, 2012 No Comments

SSL stands for “Secure Socket Layer.” It is a technology that establishes a secure session link between the visitor’s web browser and your website so that all communications transmitted through this link are encrypted and are, therefore, secure. SSL is also used for transmitting secure email, secure files, and other forms of information.

The Shortcut Guide to Business Security Measures Using SSL

April 2, 2012 No Comments

The Shortcut Guide to Business Security Measures Using SSL examines current information security threats to business and describes techniques for developing a security management strategy that leverages established best practices.

The Shortcut Guide to Protecting Against Web Application Threats Using SSL

April 2, 2012 No Comments

Businesses face an increasingly complex set of threats to their Web applications—from malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs) to disgruntled employees and unintentional data leaks.

Reducing the Cost and Complexity of Web Vulnerability Management

February 8, 2012 No Comments

Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly refining their attacks and targets; you need agile tools to stay ahead of them. By using automated vulnerability assessments to identify exploitable weaknesses and taking corrective action, you can reduce the risk of hackers finding your site and attacking it.

How SSL Certificates Can Protect Online Business and Maintain Customer Trust

February 8, 2012 No Comments

SSL certificates enable encryption and authentication. These are essential for securing Web applications and protecting customers from eavesdropping, data leaks, and spoofing attacks.

Protecting Against Web Application Threats Using SSL

February 8, 2012 No Comments

Businesses face a double threat from cybercriminals: the loss of information and the loss of customer trust. You do not have to be an IT professional to have an understanding of the risk of data losses and the subsequent fraud and identity theft that can follow.

Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring

February 8, 2012 No Comments

The Gartner’s comprehensive 2011 “Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM)” report evaluates 29 vendors on completeness of vision and ability to execute.

Implementing Energy Efficient Data Centers

January 26, 2012 No Comments

This paper explains how to quantify the electricity savings and provides examples of methods that can greatly reduce electrical power consumption.

Sustainable Compliance: How to Align Compliance, Security and Business Goals

January 25, 2012 1 Comment

This white paper will examine some of the challenges that modern organizations face in their efforts to develop and adapt a compliance program to solve today’s needs and support new requirements in the future.

Address the Insider Threat of Privileged Users

January 25, 2012 No Comments

This white paper is divided into two sections. First it discusses the business issues around insiders, especially IT administrators. Second, it discusses how to reduce or eliminate many of the issues that are described through out the white paper.

The Challenges of Administering Active Directory

January 25, 2012 No Comments

This whitepaper outlines seven common challenges assoctaied with securely administering Active Directory, and provides helpful insight into what NetIQ can do to assist you with these difficulties.

Payment Card Industry X-Ray: File Integrity Monitoring

January 25, 2012 No Comments

To effectively deal with the broad and complex requirements of Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security, you need to break the elements apart to provide enhanced clarity. This document deals with file integrity monitoring for PCI, while providing technical guidance to help ensure PCI compliance before your auditor shows up.

Ascending the maturity curve: Effective management of enterprise risk and compliance

January 25, 2012 No Comments

Most organisations have come a long way in managing financial risks, and it is a rare large company that does not have a C-level executive focusing on the overall approach to risk and compliance. That does not mean that risk and compliance are under control; in fact, there are usually varying levels of effectiveness throughout the organisation. Despite recognising the benefits of an integrated approach, few organisations manage risk and compliance activities consistently and efficiently.

Best Practices for an On-Demand CRM Implementation

January 17, 2012 No Comments

Tweet Effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical to the success of your business, and it takes technology-enabled solutions. But the selection and deployment of a CRM solution often proves to be challenging for organizations with complex processes and unique workplace cultures. And, of course, there are additional aspects to consider when implementing an on-demand […]

The Alignment-Focused Organization: Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Execution

January 17, 2012 No Comments

Most companies have a well-defined strategy that is intended to align the actions of all individuals, teams, and business units to achieve corporate goals. But when it comes time to execute, they can run into trouble. To close the gap between strategy and execution

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Healthcheck

January 17, 2012 No Comments

Assess your ERM strategy and get recommendations with this FREE tool!

Featured White Papers

Reduce the Risk of Data Loss and Customer Trust Using SSL

January 12, 2012 No Comments

Businesses face an increasingly complex set of threats to their Web applications—from malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs) to disgruntled employees and unintentional data leaks.

Future Tech: Where Will ERP Be in 2 Years?

January 4, 2012 No Comments

ERP is in a state of flux. The ERP of the future promises to be simplified, more accessible and easier to use, shaped by trends that began taking hold this year.

Top Trends in Telephony for 2011 and Beyond

January 3, 2012 No Comments

This year, telephony stopped being a separate solution for some companies and, in the near future, is likely to be part of a larger communications and collaboration strategy for more and more organizations. This is enabled by Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems, and a general commodification of telephony services, and ongoing adoption of Unified Communications (UC).


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