Inside the Briefcase
This white paper from CSC looks at the consequences of the Presidential Order and initiatives for securing critical infrastructures and the next steps organizations should take.
When IT leaders were asked this question, what was their verdict? If you’ve started on the journey to move your applications to the cloud, just how far can you go?
The evolution of the way we produce, process and analyze data is changing the world around us in fundamental ways. Download this CSC white paper to view more.
This comparison guide looks at 14 Application Performance Monitoring products developed for the enterprise and SMB.
View August 2013 Newsletter on IT Security. This newsletter features enticing interviews and articles on Information Technology Security.
IT Briefcase's Inaugural Product Comparison Report for Enterprise Social Networking. This comparison guide looks at 9 Enterprise Social Networking products developed for the enterprise and SMB.
Tweet The focus of this white paper is to offer both business executives and IT executives insights into the key issues that customers consider paramount when utilizing cloud services, paying particular attention to the types of applications organizations currently...
Tweet New Initiatives and Mandates for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity: An Analysis for Owners and Operators Due to these escalating attempts to disrupt or destroy infrastructure, President Barack Obama issued on February 12, 2013, an executive order (EO) and presidential...
IDC predicts that by that same year, as much as 10 percent of all data will be maintained in a cloud.
“Big data” is a big buzz phrase in the IT and business world right now – and there are a dizzying array of opinions on just what these two simple words really mean.