Inside the Briefcase

Briefcase Highlights

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Salesforce, Cloud File Sharing and Syncplicity

October 30, 2012 No Comments

The news that will be getting into the file sharing business comes as no surprise – of course Marc Benioff and team know that their users need access to their files from their preferred applications. It makes perfect senses to us that any cloud-based application vendor, especially in CRM, would provide its users better ways to leverage the cloud to access and share files and collaborate. Arguably, Salesforce has already been in the market for some time, and there is no question that the market for business-grade file access and sharing is taking off.

Why mobile computing is stumping even the tech savviest disruptors

October 25, 2012 No Comments

Today’s leading tech, marketing and advertising firms — built and led by the disruptors of our time — still don’t know quite what to make of the mobile computing disruption sweeping the world.

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How are we expected to deliver good software – can DevOps really help?

October 24, 2012 No Comments

This Summit will be held from 9:30am to 5:30pm at the Hotel Casa 400, Amsterdam. For further information call the team or 01895 256 484 or email to request a booking form or reserve delegates place.

The Difference Between See and Do – Five Ways SMBs Are Putting Information to Work

October 22, 2012 No Comments

The “business intelligence” space is loaded to the gills with software and service providers that promise to provide “insight,” “discovery,” “analysis,” and all sorts of other wonderful sounding things that are designed to let people make better decisions.

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Bella Consults for Bissantz: Staring at stars

October 10, 2012 No Comments

The newspaper “Die Welt” drew a picture. Of 100 eBay stars. 23 are filled, 77 are empty. One star is 10 percent. 10 stars are 100 percent. A star can be filled. Each star has 5 spikes. 2 spikes are 4 percent. 10 values are to be starred. The biggest value is 28 percent. That’s roughly 3 stars. Complicated? “Die Welt” thought so, too. For 20, 19, 18, 17, and 15, they simply filled 2 stars completely.

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Best Practices for Enterprise Social Media Management

October 4, 2012 No Comments

Despite their (often) vast resources, it’s sometimes nearly as difficult for large brands to develop a coherent social media strategy as it is for a small mom-and-pop company.

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Yammer Grows in London’s Tech City

October 2, 2012 No Comments

Yammer’s new offices across three floors near “Silicon Roundabout” have been opened by the Duke of York, Prince Andrew. According to Tech Week Europe, the prince claimed to have used Yammer to organize a dinner party for 200 guests.

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Event Report: Think TED Meets Enterprise For The C-Suite

October 1, 2012 No Comments

We are almost 30 days away from Constellation’s flagship event -Connected Enterprise 2012! This event from November 9th to 11th, 2012, celebrates innovation in the enterprise and the impact of disruptive technologies on business. Our theme for 2012 and 2013 centers on the “Art of the Possible”.

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The Digital Company Drives Democratization of Big Data

September 28, 2012 No Comments

As we have been discussing recently, big data is old news: some organizations have been leveraging their big data to extract tremendous business value, for probably as long as computers have existed. But the operating word here is “some” organizations – not all of them. And these organizations tend to belong to the wealthiest industries – financial, retail or travel to name a few. For these businesses, harvesting and processing vast amounts of diverse data drives them to obtain a competitive advantage that translates into measurable return on investment.

Why OpenStack Owes Its Success to Amazon

September 26, 2012 No Comments

Who would have thunk it. The OpenStack Foundation now has a 24-person board, $10 million in funding, and, oh, yeah, 5,600 members. This is becoming more than momentum in the cloud computing market, and it certainly exceeds my expectations from when the standard was first launched.

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Cloud, Automation Drive New Growth in SOA Governance Market

September 25, 2012 No Comments

Market forecast says SOA governance market will keep growing by more than 10% a year.

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Are “Round Pegs in Square Holes” Costing our Government Billions?

September 25, 2012 No Comments

Is the Federal Government trying to put round pegs in square holes? That certainly seems to be the case with the acquisition and contract writing systems they are buying.

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Cloud Computing is not a ‘Thing’ … It’s a way of Doing Things

September 24, 2012 No Comments

I like to think that we are beyond ‘defining’ cloud, but what I find in reality is that we still argue over basics. I have conversations in which people still delineate things like “hosting” from “cloud computing” based degrees of single-tenancy.

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Why ‘Big Data’ is Big Opportunity for Integrators

September 18, 2012 No Comments

New CompTIA study reveals 28% of corporations plan to hire outside IT experts to manage the storage capacity, speed and type of ‘Big Data’ they sent or receive.

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Top 5 Social Enterprise Technologies for Business

September 17, 2012 No Comments

Our world is becoming more social every day. And while companies like Facebook and Twitter have led the social revolution for consumers, a number of innovative companies are creating social transformation within the enterprise.

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Business Intelligence Buzz: Mobile BI, Big Data, and BI Projects

September 12, 2012 No Comments

More results from LogiXML’s recent survey of more than 750 IT professionals on business intelligence (BI) trends and BI users.

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Goodbye, Silos: The Benefits of Converged Data Centers

September 10, 2012 No Comments

IT silos tend to get a bad rap in the data center these days. In an age of ever-increasing consolidation of physical devices (servers, storage, and networks) into one big family of shared resources, the legacy of IT silos is viewed more and more as one of great inefficiency, and as an example of how not to do things

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Gamification’s new role: gathering user behavior data

September 10, 2012 No Comments

Gamification — the application of gaming approaches to addressing business problems — is now a big part of business computing. Projections show seven out of ten Global 2000 businesses will be employing gamification in their operations by 2014, and one out of four business processes will be incorporating games by 2015.

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Cloud computing’s me-too problem: Little boxes all the same

September 10, 2012 No Comments

I’ve been a big fan of “Weeds” on Showtime, now in its eighth season. If you’re a fan, you know that the show have went back to its original theme music, “Little Boxes” by Malvina Reynolds: “Little boxes on the hillside/Little boxes made of ticky tacky/Little boxes on the hillside/Little boxes all the same.”

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Why You Should Start Using a VPN (and How to Choose the Best One for Your Needs)

September 7, 2012 No Comments

You may know what a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is; you probably don’t use one. You really should be using a VPN, and even if you don’t think so now, at some point in the future you may consider it as important as your internet connection.

Anticipating the Unanticipated – the Next Killer App

August 28, 2012 No Comments

At the dawn of database technology in the late 1960s through the 1970s hierarchical and network databases emerged. Hardware was really slow and really expensive. To get databases to perform for an application, one denormalized the data and made sure that all of the data you wanted for the application was physically adjacent on the same disk drive. In the end, the database design worked for one and only one specific application.

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Performance Management No Longer Fixated on Past

August 28, 2012 No Comments

When it comes to the task of managing performance, many organizations still find themselves fixated on the past rather than planning for improvement in the future.

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What’s Your Time To Insight?

August 28, 2012 No Comments

Written by Brad Morris, director of social marketing and analytics for Tidemark, which sells cloud-based enterprise performance management applications.

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Apache Hadoop Community Promotes YARN

August 23, 2012 No Comments

The Hadoop community recently promoted YARN — the next-gen Hadoop data processing framework — to the status of “sub-project” of the Apache Hadoop Top Level Project. The promotion puts YARN on the same level as Hadoop Common, the Hadoop Distributed File System, and MapReduce. It had been part of the MapReduce project; the promotion means it’ll now get the spotlight and developer attention its proponents believe it deserves.

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9 ways cloud will impact IT employment

August 22, 2012 No Comments

There’s a lot of concern, much of justified, about the fate of IT jobs as cloud computing gains traction.At one extreme, some analysts predict much of IT will move outside the organization.

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Wake up, IT: Even CFOs see value in the cloud

August 22, 2012 No Comments

IT may still be wrestling with the notion of cloud computing, but chief financial officers already believe. According to a Google-sponsored study, 96 percent of CFOs believe that “cloud computing provides their business with quantifiable benefits.”

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Emerging Enterprise Systems Social Networks

August 22, 2012 No Comments

“Enterprise Social Networking” is the use of one Online Social Network within the same Business

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What Video Game Best Describes Business Intelligence at Your Company?

August 22, 2012 No Comments

When LogiXML asked more than 750 IT professionals this very question, most said “Pacman – traditional, but entertaining,” or “Call of Duty – cool and sophisticated, but hard to use and somewhat violent.” Others said “Pong – traditional, but useless,” “Solitaire – one man operation,” “Minecraft – new and agile,” or “Frogger – move or die.”

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OpenStack Won Unprecedented Popularity in Asia/Pacific

August 21, 2012 No Comments

On August 10 -11, the first two-day OpenStack Asia-Pacific Conference (OSAC) was held in Beijing and Shanghai concurrently. This conference is jointly organized by CSDN (Chinese Software Develop the Net), the world’s largest Chinese IT technology community and the OpenStack user group (COSUG).

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Why on-premise SOA technology vendors should move to cloud computing pricing

August 20, 2012 No Comments

Let’s face it, there are no guarantees around the success of SOA technology within the enterprise. We pay our million-plus dollars for huge license agreements, prior to one server going online, and then find out after implementation that the technology has fallen short and the project a failure.

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DTX ExCeL London
