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Private equity fund managers, do your homework and back a winner

September 24, 2014 No Comments

Private equity funds come in all shapes and sizes. You have funds that invest in entrepreneurial start-ups, you know, the ones whose main asset is just a great idea. And then you have the funds that buy established businesses in more traditional industries (retail, transport, resource, and so on) with the aim of reviving them to their former glory.

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Can IT managers ensure the security of their social software?

August 21, 2014 No Comments

Enterprise social software is high priority for IT departments today, as professionals expect to have access to the best of the consumer tools they use in their personal lives at work. These include social networking, simple file sharing and cloud storage, all available on their mobile devices. However, there is a belief that social tools like these can cause additional security risks, which probably comes from risks associated with public social networking. This concern is well founded as using a public social or file sharing tool like Facebook or Dropbox for business-related communications does cause some unique risks.

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Deconstructing big time data breaches: Where the big boys failed and what your business can learn

August 14, 2014 No Comments

These days, it seems not a day goes by without a data breach story appearing in the news. As these security incidents become more prevalent – not to mention more costly – one of the best things that small businesses can do to prevent them is to learn from others’ mistakes.

IBM X-Force Finds Apache Cordova Vulnerability That Might Expose Nearly 5.8% of Android Apps

August 5, 2014 No Comments

The IBM Security X-Force Research team has uncovered a serious vulnerability that affects many Android applications built on the Apache Cordova (previously PhoneGap) platform. According to AppBrain, this affects 5.8 percent of Android apps. While 5.8 percent might sound like a low percentage, some widely-used Android applications are built on Cordova. In fact, researchers found that out of the 248 applications tested containing the keyword “bank,” 25 apps were built using Cordova — roughly 10 percent. This means an attacker could steal users’ banking credentials and perform transactions, such as withdrawing or transferring funds from their bank account to another account.

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IT Infrastructure is a Competitive Advantage

July 31, 2014 No Comments

The results are in… I am pleased to announce the new IBM Institute for Business Value global study titled “The IT infrastructure conversation: New content, new participants, new tone”.

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Got WiFi? Free App Helps You Meet Basic User Needs

July 28, 2014 No Comments

Did you hear the one about the teacher who asks a group of students to name something they need but can’t see or feel? The hip-hop loving, smart-gadgets sporting, what’s-apping generation answer in unison, “WiFi.” Increasingly, WiFi is becoming indispensable and, apparently, a candidate for inclusion in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic human needs.

What to do when you rely on Internal Names in TLS/SSL Certificates

July 28, 2014 No Comments

A deadline set by the CA/Browser Forum for the use of Internal Names is quickly approaching, and many system administrators need to understand how best to adapt to this change. At the same time, hundreds of new top-level domains are being launched, which redefines what constitutes an Internal Name. In this post we’ll explain what the changes are, why they’re being made, and how you can update your systems in response to the problem.

LinkedIn: The Secret Menu

July 24, 2014 No Comments

As a Californian and lover of all things In & Out Burger, do you know how pumped I was when I found out that there was a secret menu with things such as Animal Style Fries and Protein Style Burgers. I felt like a kid on Christmas. Fast forward to my life as a professional marketer.

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A Quick Guide to Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

July 22, 2014 No Comments

Create and implement the most effective DR strategy for your organization with the help of Bluelock’s action-packed guide to Disaster Recovery in the cloud. This helpful guide will help you set your DR plan in motion with a comprehensive checklist and detailed information to follow during each step.

Introducing Policy-Based Sync with Storage Sync 10.0

July 16, 2014 No Comments

According to a recent McKinsey , global data is expected to grow by 40 percent per year, with US companies having at least 100 terabytes of stored data and many having more than 1 petabyte. This large amount of data presents a huge challenge for corporate IT to manage and enable access for its employees. Today, we’re happy to announce Storage Sync 10.0 that can solve this major pain point for businesses managing and syncing large amounts of data.

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“Gameover” malware returns from the dead…

July 14, 2014 No Comments

In early June 2014, international law enforcement agencies combined to carry out a hugely successful action called Operation Tovar against the cybercrime group behind the malware family known variously as Gameover, Gameover Zeus or GOZ.

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Security Trust Networks – Developers Welcome

July 7, 2014 No Comments

An associate with the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Alexander Klimburg has advised the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, the EU, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and NATO on issues of international cyber security. In his 2011 “Mobilising Cyber Power,” Klimburg points out that cyber criminals, cyber terrorists, and cyber warriors “share the same social networks and have comparable goals.”

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Mitigate IPO execution risk with cloud collaboration

July 3, 2014 No Comments

One of your biggest clients, United MegaCorp, needs to raise capital. It seems they’ve got into a bit of a pickle and need to start repaying some hefty debt, not to mention getting their hands on some much needed working capital. Having looked at MegaCorp’s business, you come to the overwhelming conclusion that it’s time for the big leagues – it’s time to make an initial public offering (IPO).

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The Data Driven Data Center

July 2, 2014 No Comments

The first generation of Google Wear technology was released last week, bringing with it a new era of interaction, connectedness and in the long run, potential strain on the world’s data centers. As smartphones have become ubiquitous and lost their excitement factor, phone manufacturers are searching for new ways to increase their sales bases. As consumers claw for a simpler, more natural user experience, wearable technology presents one of the largest opportunities.

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The world is flat. Shouldn’t software security be, too?

June 26, 2014 No Comments

Deliberately provoking people is both the upside and the downside of putting a provocative title on the cover of your book. Since its publication in 2005, Thomas L. Friedman’s The World Is Flat has been an international bestseller even as it has provoked some sharp shape-based criticism. One critic (for instance) protests that, no, “The world is spiky” and another that “The world is round.”

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The Farmer, the Cowman, and the Prisoner’s Dilemma

June 18, 2014 No Comments

I’m in Austin. Gave a talk at the ISC2 Secure SDLC event and stuck around to hear a few others, including one that’s got me all wound up. It was delivered by a “security expert” working for one of the big antivirus firms, who had some scary things to say to us in the developer community. Now, when I say “scary,” I don’t mean “sobering” or even “frightening.” Those are grown-up words. “Scary” is what you expect from children and what you use when addressing children. What this speaker had to say was definitely scary. To wit …

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Implementing Successful Business Intelligence Projects: What the 2014 World Cup Can Teach Us

June 18, 2014 No Comments

After years of planning, the 2014 World Cup is set to kick off in Brazil this week. Here we look at what it takes to pull off a global sporting event – and what this can teach us about delivering successful Business Intelligence projects.

Let’s Talk About the Real Issues in Software Security

June 10, 2014 No Comments

Cross-site scripting (XSS as it has come to be known) can grab session information, account numbers, you name it. But I could also imagine the far greater damage that possible by exploiting a back-end message queue (MQ), something website users never see and know nothing about. I could vividly imagine a developer, with larceny in his heart and nothing in his bank account, using it to make one covert million-dollar transaction after another.

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The top 10 ways to use a secure virtual data room

May 30, 2014 No Comments

Did you think virtual data rooms were just for mergers and acquisitions? Think again. There are many various deals and transactions which virtual data rooms can help you with. Below are our top ten.

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How to Generate Revenues for Businesses Using Mobile Apps?

April 24, 2014 No Comments

The world is connected to the internet at all times! If you see, people are dependent on the way smart phones work, and are mostly addicted to using smart phones. Some of the main reasons for using smart phones apart from communication are knowledge. People seek knowledge on roads, on good restaurants, on top news trending for the hour and other such things.

Turn Your Android Phone Into a Chromecast for $0

March 3, 2014 No Comments

Chromecast is considered to be worth about $35 in the market today. However individuals who use Android tablets or phones can convert it to the digital media streaming adapter that was developed by Google. This is made possible for free using an app that is known as CheapCast.

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How UPMC Handled the Data Explosion

March 3, 2014 No Comments

UPMC, a major healthcare provider and insurer based in Pittsburgh, operates 22 hospitals and 400 outpatient sites, with locations in the United States, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Canada and China. The organization’s Insurance Services Division has nearly 2.3 million members.

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Looking to the Future of Computing in a Big Data Environment

March 3, 2014 No Comments

Ask a hundred pundits, and you’ll get a hundred definitions of big data. Some suggest a specific size (“anything over 50 TB is big data”); others like to talk about the 3 Vs (volume, velocity, variety) or the 4 Vs (3 Vs + veracity). But I think the simplest definition is best: Big data is any data too overwhelming to mine for insight with naive methods .

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Famigo’s Four Favorite Apps of the Week

February 20, 2014 No Comments

It’s difficult to find great apps that are entertaining and safe for kids. But the Famigo family loves a good challenge, especially when it involves finding the absolute best apps for toddlers, kids, tweens, and teens. Which is why every week we present the best new apps that our review team has discovered and determined to be built for kids and families alike.

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There’s a New Way to Think About Data

February 13, 2014 No Comments

Why is it that despite beautiful visualizations, better performance and lower cost, BI still might as well stand for Business Incoherence? The KPIs, metrics and charts that were supposed to liberate the average business user have ended right back up in the back office with the business analysts. According to research by BI tools expert Cindi Howson, only 18 percent of employees ever adopt BI tools, a sorry number considering BI’s transformative potential.

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The 3 stages of cloud computing resistance

February 7, 2014 No Comments

How do many enterprise IT departments approach cloud computing? Their path mirrors that of a person going through the stages of grief: denial, anger, and acceptance.

5 Cloud Predictions for 2014

January 27, 2014 No Comments

As the cloud market matures there will be some churn in the space, but mostly through consolidation and recalibration. While some smaller companies may fall away or run out of fuel, larger companies are recalibrating their objectives. They may be spinning off new business units or recalibrating through acquisition.

Always-On SSL, Part I

January 22, 2014 No Comments

There is no doubt that content owners and publishers have a duty to encourage trust and the confidence during internet usage by adopting security best practices. If a customer believes that their data and identity are safe and protected, they are more inclined to continue their online transactions. Industry best practices for website protection should be vendor-neutral, easy to implement, and globally accessible. Websites should take all the reasonable steps possible to adopt best practices in secure design and implementation, and this includes using Always-On SSL across the entire website.

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Big Data – How much do we really want to reveal?

January 15, 2014 No Comments

A lot of this big data is now becoming open to the public. How much of this data do we really want to reveal? OpenData by Socrata is a data aggregation website that has more than 10,000 different lists of education, government, business, personal and FUN data. Read More >>>

The Perfect Data Storm, Fueled by Big Data & Hybrid Cloud, Looms for 2014

December 30, 2013 No Comments

By Yves de Montcheuil, TalendWith regards to cloud computing, we are now way past the initial hype and entering a new era of hybrid deployments, where the cloud transparently extends the data center. Read More >>>


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