Inside the Briefcase

The Future of Mobile Analytics is NOW

The Future of Mobile Analytics is NOW

Check out this presentation from Sapphire NOW Madrid by Steve Lucas, general manager, business analytics and technology, SAP, covering the latest on business analytics solutions from SAP for mobile devices.

Briefcase Highlights

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CRM Watchlist 2012 Winners – Customer Service Strikes Again

January 31, 2012 No Comments

The funny thing is that for all kinds of reasons, customer service has been the lynchpin for what we’ve all called Social CRM. That means going well beyond the contact center and well beyond the ordinary customer service interactions that we’ve come to…. love/hate/pick one.

Blogs, Featured Blogs

5 Ways Cloud ‘Supercharges’ Enterprise Initiatives

January 30, 2012 No Comments

Cloud can be positioned as the platform for a range of initiatives intended to help increase the agility and ability of the organization’s business technology. That’s the gist of a new book, authored by Pankaj Arora, Raj Biyani and Salil Dave, all Microsoft executives.

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7 Steps for Business Success With Big Data

January 30, 2012 No Comments

No longer the new technology on the block, big data continues to generate significant buzz.

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4 Cloud Myths That Won’t Go Away

January 28, 2012 No Comments

You would think that rank-and-file IT staffers and leaders would understand the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing by now. However, the misconceptions continue to show up, some of which are disconcerting. Here are a few of the most common:

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7 Tips for Securing Your Cloud, from the Federal Government

January 26, 2012 No Comments

The federal government has been very active in the cloud computing space in recent times, and accordingly, The National Institute of Standards and Technology has been busy researching and setting definitions and guidelines to ensure agency and contractor understanding and compliance.

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Cisco: Nearly half of IT managers still against BYOD trend

January 24, 2012 No Comments

Tablet computing in the enterprise world is about to hit a major turning point in 2012, but there are definitely some serious roadblocks ahead, according to a new report from Cisco.

CRM Watchlist 2012 Winners – The Generalists

January 20, 2012 No Comments

Today, we start with the generalists. These are the ones who provide more than just one of the pillars of CRM (sales, marketing, customer service) and, in two of the three cases, CRM itself is just one of their offerings in a larger enterprise suite. Interestingly those two, Infor and NetSuite both apparently are reinvigorated about CRM and are pushing it a bit more forward as a lead element of their enterprise suite – though I’d say this was the case more for Infor than NetSuite.

Blogs, Featured Blogs

All Hail Debian, King of the Web Server World

January 19, 2012 No Comments

There’s nothing like a popularity contest to elicit a wide array of opinions — particularly those of the opposing kind — but recently an example appeared in the Linux blogosphere that seems to be something of an exception.

Blogs, Featured Blogs

Why CES 2012 should have been called the Cloud Electronics Show

January 18, 2012 No Comments

I watched the new product announcements at CES 2012 with much more interest this year. Why? Because the use of cloud computing has gone from few and far between to pretty much anything and everything. CES 2012 shows that shift in no uncertain terms.

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Why a Hybrid Approach to Cloud Computing Works Best for Now

January 18, 2012 No Comments

Cloud turns backup and recovery on its head, making it possible to provision back-up sites as needed, for pennies. Ironically, however, this goes against the gut instincts of many IT executives, who spend a lot of time worrying about data security and availability.

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BPM Is Key to Proactive CRM

January 18, 2012 No Comments

As useful as business process management has been in helping companies improve and streamline their internal processes, I think it holds even more promise as a way for them to perform the same kind of magic on their customer-facing processes. Lots of experts seem to feel the same way.

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The Defense Department’s Forced March to the Public Cloud

January 13, 2012 No Comments

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act directs the DoD (Department of Defense) to transition from private clouds controlled by the DoD to public, commercial clouds.

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What to Do When Your Organization Says ‘No’ to Cloud Computing

January 13, 2012 No Comments

here are many objections or issues that get raised with cloud discussions. That’s why cloud proponents need to do their homework, and understand the dynamics of their organizations.

Featured Blogs

Mint With Cinnamon: A New Sweet Spot for Desktop Linux?

January 12, 2012 No Comments

Well CES is nearing its conclusion for another year, winding down an event that may well have brought Linux more mainstream attention than any other in the show’s four-decades-long history. Much of that heightened focus has been due to the widely trumpeted Ubuntu TV debut, of course — the culmination of Canonical’s mysterious announcement from last week — but there’s certainly been plenty of other Linux-enabled news coming out of this year’s show as well.

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Dell’s Marc Stitt talks about virtualization and private clouds

January 10, 2012 No Comments

Marc Stitt, formerly of Quest and now Dell’s Senior Manager for Virtualization and Private Clouds Marketing, reached out to me recently. He wanted to tell me that he had changed positions and wanted to spend some time talking about Dell’s vision. Since I don’t speak with Dell all that often, I appreciated the effort.

Blogs, Featured Blogs

The Future of Mobile Analytics is NOW

January 10, 2012 No Comments

Check out this presentation from Sapphire NOW Madrid by Steve Lucas, general manager, business analytics and technology, SAP, covering the latest on business analytics solutions from SAP for mobile devices.

Huge Cloud Computing Data Breach Waiting to Happen

January 6, 2012 No Comments

This year promises to be one that will be remembered as the year that outsourcing to the cloud gained significant momentum. But it could also be the year that cyber-attackers target the cloud and send shockwaves through corporations by causing a huge cloud security breach.

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2012 Plans and Dreams From the Linux Blogs and Beyond

January 4, 2012 No Comments

Looking ahead to this new year, “I wish and expect that the world will discover FLOSS, particularly Debian GNU/Linux, to be the rich and efficient software system I have been using for years,” said blogger Robert Pogson. “It is as different as night and day from that other OS, with all its restrictions and fragility.”

Blogs, Featured Blogs

10 cloud startups to watch in 2012

January 3, 2012 No Comments

Here are 10 cloud computing startups that launched in 2011 and that have a chance to make it big in 2012.

How Capacity Management Changes in the Cloud

January 3, 2012 No Comments

Capacity management is all about creating a plan assuring the business there will be just enough volume (servers, storage, network, and so on) for critical applications and data when needed.

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How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions

January 3, 2012 No Comments

Just as cloud computing is a game-changer for many companies, it is also changing the nature of jobs – not only within the information technology department, but in other parts of the enterprise as well.

Featured Blogs

3 Game-Changers in the Cloud: Get Ready — Or Else

December 29, 2011 No Comments

We saw this before, back in the early days of the Web. Some businesses got it and thrived. Others did not, and they had to play catch-up or shut their doors. Indeed, a great business skill is to understand when technology will require you to move in different directions, and cloud computing is another instance of that shi

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Virtualization: How much availability is enough?

December 29, 2011 No Comments

Virtualization technology offers many ways to increase application availability. Before installing anything, however, it is wise to consider how much availability is enough for each application.

Blogs, DATA and ANALYTICS , Featured Blogs

Many Paths to the Green Data Center

December 28, 2011 No Comments

It doesn’t take much of a genius to realize that the data center will become more energy efficient in the coming year and beyond.

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The IT Disasters of 2011

December 28, 2011 No Comments

Apparently, no one told Google that a government law enforcement account would need to meet security standards. Who knew? That is, except virtually every other vendor that has ever had to sell into a government account. It is pretty impressive to create a hugely visible reference account and then piss all over it in public. I haven’t seen this big a screwup since Netscape.

Blogs, Featured Blogs

Retailer or a Data Company? Wal-Mart is Now Both

December 27, 2011 No Comments

There are many classifications of businesses in the world, from aircraft manufacturers to candy stores. But the bottom line is that everyone is now in the data business.

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What Cloud and SOA Will Bring in 2012: Seven ‘Half-Baked Ideas’

December 21, 2011 No Comments

The year 2011 has been an interesting year in terms of SOA-cloud convergence, and the next year will see even more of it. Looking ahead, here are some half-baked ideas — or HBIs — on what appears to developing for the year ahead, and beyond:

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How Agile is Your BI Solution?

December 21, 2011 No Comments

It’s one thing to read about agile business intelligence (BI). It’s a whole other thing to experience it yourself.

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10 Ways Cloud Computing Will Disrupt our Businesses in 2012

December 19, 2011 No Comments

If anything, 2011 should be remembered as the “Year of the Cloud.” The past year was an energizing one in terms of the advancement of cloud computing.

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SAP HANA Emerges as Database Platform

December 14, 2011 No Comments

While the SAP High Performance Analytics Appliance (HANA) initially started out as a specialty engine designed to run analytic applications, HANA has rapidly morphed into a full-blown database platform

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