May 29, 2012
Numbers consistently drive the business of selling. Sales managers love numbers, and have different ways to use them to demonstrate the success of their team through conversion rates, sales growth and just about anything that can be converted into a digit. However, the metrics are only as valuable as the methodology behind the measurements. If the underlying method is misaligned, none of this matters.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 29, 2012
It’s been an eventful year already here in the Linux blogosphere, but it seems fair to say few events have drawn as much attention as the Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL) v. Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) trial.
Bloggers have been discussing it for weeks already, of course, but developments last week brought forth nothing less than dancing in the streets of the Linux blogosphere.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 29, 2012
Enterprises that use cloud computing resources must often retrofit management after the fact. Don’t be those guys
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May 25, 2012
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a panel on Business Intelligence in the Cloud at the SIIA All About the Cloud event in San Francisco. I thought I’d take some time to share a few thoughts about LogiXML’s work in the cloud and where I see the discussion headed with regards to BI in the cloud. There are a number of key areas where BI projects are impacted by the cloud.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 23, 2012
As a BI practitioner, I always shutter to hear the un-nuanced pronouncements made by the marketing machine faction of our industry. I suppose it is the same with any industry, particular in technology. All the practitioners cringe when they hear blithe statements that mislead and misguide, and result in our customers coming to us and asking for the impossible – and getting mad when we squash the hype.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 23, 2012
The move to big data is afoot. Recently, Yahoo and Google both tossed their very big hats into the ring, and the cloud computing leaders are already offering access to big data services. It’s becoming the killer application for cloud computing, and I believe it will drive a tremendous amount of growth in 2012 and 2013.
Featured Blogs
May 23, 2012
Many companies seem happy with their own private clouds. Is this a market that public cloud infrastructure providers can ultimately crack?
Featured Blogs
May 22, 2012
While, like most people, I have become accustomed to averting my eyes from online ads, I do click a banner ad every now and again. Yesterday, this ad for Microsoft Internet Explorer caught my eye.
The heading states, “See how Internet Explorer beats other browsers. No, seriously.”
You have to love self-deprecating advertising. I found this rather amusing.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 21, 2012
If there’s anything important in this competitive world, it’s the ability to tell one’s friends from one’s enemies.
We here in the Linux blogosphere tend to be pretty good at that, but recently a surprising turn of events left us befuddled. Namely: Mozilla’s decision to leave Linux support out of the initial release of its upcoming Web Apps marketplace.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 16, 2012
Miro is an aggregator and viewing app that does it all. It’s a BitTorrent client and a fully-featured podcast catcher. It’s handy at finding and downloading many types of online media. Its built-in HD video player handles a large variety of file types. Miro Guide helps you find content, and the app can help sync media on multiple computers. Miro seems to have a bit of an issue with Flash Player, though.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 16, 2012
Soon, any and all forms of computing will be taking advantage of a mix of network and local resources. Why bother to call it anything but ‘computing’?
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May 14, 2012
Are we there yet? Think of cloud computing as a continuum that stretches all the way from one-off projects — that is, companies simply moving some IT assets to the cloud to gain cost savings — all the way up to a game-changer that strategically leverages online resources to open up new markets or ways of doing business.
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May 10, 2012
There’s no denying the incendiary nature of the topic of desktop Linux, which tends to gets rehashed in heated detail every so often both on these pages and beyond. What some may not remember, however, is that there’s another recurring Linux subject that can be equally controversial. It hasn’t appeared in some time, but apparently some slow fires have been burning all along, because they just flared up anew.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 8, 2012
If you look at the hour hand of a clock you will not notice the movement, but you cannot conclude from your observation that hour hand does not move.
Featured Blogs
May 8, 2012
My client Janet already had her laptop open when I asked how many versions of the budget report were on her company’s SharePoint drive.
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May 7, 2012
There’s a lot of theoretical talk in BPM circles about proper methodologies and principles for automating processes — and rightly so. With that in mind, though, it’s too often that we forget the ultimate objective of any BPM project: making life easier for the end user.
Featured Blogs
May 7, 2012
It’s been a cheerily good spring for FOSS fans here in the Linux blogosphere, so we may perhaps be forgiven for our utter shock and disbelief at the affront recently committed against us by a certain brick-and-mortar purveyor of books and magazines.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
May 5, 2012
It was less than two years ago the federal government began egging on its agencies to adopt a “Cloud-First” rule to IT procurement and “Shared-First” initiative to pare down its $80-billion-a-year budget.
Featured Blogs
May 4, 2012
I’m confident that any version of Ubuntu released in the last five years will have absolutely no problem beating [Windows 8],” said Slashdot blogger Barbara Hudson. Of course, “after the success of Windows 7, this is Microsoft snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,” she added. “What’s the logic? Did Steve Ballmer secretly invest a fortune in Apple stock or something? Off his meds? Run out of chairs?”
Blogs, Featured Blogs
April 30, 2012
After a great introductory session from Walter Isaacson (biographer of Einstein, Franklin and Jobs), we kicked off the main session at IBM’s largest IMPACT conference with over 8,500 attendees with a focus on re-thinking IT.
April 30, 2012
There’s been virtually continuous cause for celebration here in the Linux blogosphere over the last month or so, but it seems safe to say that few news items have caused quite as much jubilation as what greeted one tidbit last week, in particular.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
April 27, 2012
I’ve written before about using CRM to deliver highly personalized services, and to enhance customer intimacy. Ideally, we aim to meet customers with precisely the right offer, delivered at precisely the right time, and at precisely the right price and conditions. CRM solutions can facilitate this, but only if the right information is coming into the solution. Moreover, it can facilitate this only if it can sort through and connect all that information and expose the opportunities that you seek.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
April 27, 2012
The world is moving increasingly towards environments where consumers and employees download apps from sanitized app stores and use software that is native to the devices on which they run
Featured Blogs
April 25, 2012
Millennials, those folks who are currently between the ages of 18 and 29, are the core of Facebook’s audience. But where do they stand with Facebook brand pages, you ask?
Featured Blogs
April 24, 2012
Although I never imagined myself in this position, it’s happening just like the Precogs said it would: I’m writing about BI and Tom Cruise in the same piece.
April 24, 2012
We are fortunate that customers share with us their experiences with other dashboard and reporting applications, as well as with LogiXML technology. Such information is invaluable for numerous reasons, not the least of which is managing our product roadmaps.
We’ve had many customers tell us of their trials and tribulations with Crystal Reports. Additionally, our own Business Intelligence Consultant, Nicholas Keune, has extensive experience with Crystal prior to recently joining LogiXML. Nick shared his insight in a recent webinar, recording available here.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
April 24, 2012
If you carry a smartphone, you might take for granted all of the location-based services that you have access to. Weather forecasts, local headlines, finding stores or restaurants, are just some of the ways you can leverage your location to harness relevant information and data.
Every day, business becomes increasingly mobile, leveraging a wide variety of connected devices, phones, tablets, netbooks, laptops, etc.; BI applications that recognize the location of the user can be a great at providing the most meaningful data, reports, and analysis wherever your users in the field might be.
Blogs, Featured Blogs
April 23, 2012
Tweet As I travel around the country meeting with IT professionals and attending or speaking at industry events, I am amazed by how many different versions there are of “cloud computing.” As the guy who wrote the Storage Area Networks for Dummies book, I have decided to take a stand and make known my simple […]
Featured Blogs
April 19, 2012
Tweet For many businesses, cloud computing means more cost savings and greater flexibility. But that’s only a piece of the story. Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of cloud is that it is springing forth a new generation of businesses, designed on the cloud, for the cloud. Some businesses emerging on the scene today are 100% […]
Featured Blogs
April 18, 2012
It used to be that analytics were applied in batch, updating the database with a score or customer segment based on yesterday’s data.
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