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Briefcase Highlights


B2B Integration: Survival of the Fittest

March 23, 2016 No Comments

In 2016, what really separates B2B integration from legacy internal integration architectures such as enterprise service bus (ESB) or extract, transform, load (ETL)? Have the natural forces of technology and the resulting evolution of business applications simply rendered the distinctions meaningless? If so, which architecture has adapted to become the winner? Which is on the endangered species list? And have any evolved into the ungainly evolutionary equivalent of the giant three-horned chameleon?

A jigsaw puzzle you don’t want put together: IP fragmentation attacks

March 17, 2016 No Comments

Human ingenuity isn’t always used for benevolent purposes, which is a shame. But sometimes malevolent ingenuity is so, well, ingenious that you can’t help but be impressed anyway. Big tobacco. The Ship Your Enemies Glitter business. Every single children’s show, which simultaneously manage to be addictive to children yet make parents want to put their heads through the drywall.

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What to Do When Buying Big Data-Related Tools

March 10, 2016 No Comments

As great as big data can be for many different online functions, it is critical for businesses to be fully aware of what they are doing when trying to get their big data programs to work for them. There is a countless number of options for people to check out when it comes to big data-related programs. Every option has its own features and qualities that make it special. It’s a necessity for businesses to take a look at the many big data-related tools that they can use right now. Here’s a look at what needs to be done when buying such solutions dedicated to facilitating the big data needs that a business may have.

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$9 Single-Board Computer Security Considerations

March 7, 2016 No Comments

What can you anticipate in a development board with a price tag of $9? Referred to as the CHIP (Computer Hardware in Products), this is a product of Next Thing Co., which is located in Oakland, California and was founded by the friends Thomas Deckert, Gustavo Huber, Dave Rauchwerk. This open source product features 512MB of RAM, a 1-GHz R8 ARM processor, and 4GB of onboard storage. Additionally, the CHIP features an in-built Wi-Fi as well as a Bluetooth connectivity, which is configured to work on any screen. When the introduction of this single-board computer system, there are a lot of security considerations to come along with it.

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Why Innovative Technology Matters

March 4, 2016 No Comments

It is impossible to ignore the incredible impact that technology is having on business. It is literally changing the way we work and opening incredible opportunities for us to create new value for our companies and for business partners. It’s a fact: innovative technology helps deepen relationships and grow commerce. Just as consumer apps can simplify our lives, innovative business software can remove the friction from commerce and remove the complexity that drags so many businesses down.

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The Tenets of Any Successful Organization

February 23, 2016 No Comments

With the recession behind us and businesses moving toward profitability again, we must look toward the future with attentive eyes at our best practices and business operations. Hard times called for a regroup, a strategy to realign and restructure our approach to being successful within our own unique sectors of the market.

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A Look at Bluetooth Technology and Advancements

February 22, 2016 No Comments

Even if you don’t own a Bluetooth device yourself, you’ve likely heard the term before. After all, the phrase is everywhere. With each passing day, it seems that some new gadget, device, or product is being sold with “Bluetooth” in its name. Bluetooth thermostat? You got it. Bluetooth speaker? Check! Bluetooth record player? Old and new come together. Bluetooth in your car? Now a standard feature in many models. Suffice to say, you can’t escape Bluetooth.

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What Is the Recommended Minimum Speed to Watch TV Online?

February 22, 2016 No Comments

Internet service providers wants to sell you a faster internet connection, and they will make it pretty simple for you; “pay more every month and get faster Internet speed”. But the big question is, do you really need faster internet?

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Branding 101: Tips for successfully building your company’s brand identity

February 16, 2016 No Comments

Branding your business may seem like such a complicated task. But this only happens when you do not know who you are or what you want others to think of you. When this happens, you end up putting all your attention on the product or services to attract customers and make money, which is not what branding is entirely about. If you want to grow your business and your brand, there is a lot more to do.

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3 Essential Data Security Tips for CIOs

February 8, 2016 No Comments

Data breaches make headlines, and continue to raise very justified concerns. It’s not just random hackers. Nor should we assume that corporations and high-tech firms are the ones at risk. The majority of data theft affects small businesses. Sensitive data like credit card numbers means relatively greater reward for less risk. Retailers with numerous POS systems transmitting data are especially vulnerable. The increasing use of cell phones as payment devices means another avenue of attack opening up to hackers.

5 Web Analytics Solutions for eCommerce Websites

January 28, 2016 No Comments

Data analytics can be used to learn a wealth of information about the potential customers visiting your eCommerce website. By analyzing the customer behavior and tracking their activities, eCommerce ventures can not only gather valuable insights, but also utilize the findings to improve the user engagement, service quality, decision making process and ultimately, the sales figures. Whether you are looking for ways to boost your sales, generate more leads or enhance your brand recognition, analytics is the way forward.

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Incredible opportunities offered by the “API economy”

January 20, 2016 No Comments

API, application program interface, is becoming a buzzword in the IT world. According to Wikipedia, API is “a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications”. For a more appealing definition, let us ask IBM, which describes the API economy as “the commercial exchange of business functions, capabilities, or competencies as services using web application programming interfaces.”

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Surprising ways that scammers use Facebook to get your personal data

January 20, 2016 No Comments

onsider this scenario. A cybercriminal sets up a fake Facebook account for a favorite brand. They lured you into a false sense of complacency while they provided you with excellent, compassionate customer service. Of course they seemed genuine. Best of all they offered everything you wanted – a refund, an upgrade – all in exchange for personal details to help service your account.

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All Systems Fail

December 2, 2015 No Comments

Today, we are seeing more news about sites from major online retailers and service providers like HP, Target, PayPal and Neiman Marcus going down. High site traffic, poor configurations, scalable architectures, and well planned recovery practices all come into play.

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Go beyond Windows 10

November 17, 2015 No Comments

Welcome to a world that many have only envisioned in their dreams. A world where someone can check their email, shop, play games, meet with clients, and store important documents in one location, no matter what device they might be using or where they are. This is the world Windows 10 is trying to build; one platform, one store, and the ability to run across multiple devices from IoT (Internet of Things) to data centers. But does Windows 10 actually measure up to this dream of a connected business environment or are they lagging behind?

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Steps to Using Your Raspberry Pi for Network Monitoring

November 11, 2015 No Comments

The Raspberry Pi has quickly made itself a staple in the tech world – the highly versatile miniature single-board computer is an extremely resourceful and remarkably cheap device. One such use of the Raspberry Pi is for network monitoring services. Formerly requiring wasteful systems setup and dedicated machines, network monitoring best practices for sysadmins is now completely possible with the little Raspberry Pi.

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Avoiding the Circle of Death: Simplified Network Performance Management

October 20, 2015 No Comments

We recently overheard this icon referred as the “circle of death”! Waiting for an app to load is not usually deadly but it can be very frustrating. Frustration is bad enough, but even worse is the productivity that is lost while users wait for applications to load. With all the new people and devices joining networks across the globe, with apps moving to the cloud and content becoming more data-rich, it is not surprising that we are experiencing the “circle of death” more frequently.

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Avoiding Security Threats on Finance Websites

October 6, 2015 No Comments

The internet has made it possible for people to carry out a variety of financial transactions online. From investing to paying your monthly bills, you can take care of your financial obligations from wherever you are. The convenience of using various finance websites has made them a popular option for most people.

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Simple Tips To Choose Web-to-Print Design Software Company

October 1, 2015 No Comments

For the last couple of years, printing industry has been consistently growing its scope and getting more revenues. Behind this, printing technology plays a substantial role as it makes software powerful and flexible to use for various complex designing needs. The perfect implementation of technology is essential to develop a feature-rich tool which is capable of meeting ever-changing product designing requisites. Web to print is a modern technique to build printing tools/software for e-commerce shops. The Internet is a great medium to find the state-of-the-art product design tools powered by web to print technology.

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Essential Tips to Make Remote DBA Services Easier

September 30, 2015 No Comments

Remote DBA services can be defined as the process or practice of managing a huge database from a remote location. The DBA firm may include a service desk function through which all services are being performed. Technical experts from diverse professions may perform from operational centers and meet the queries of the customers when they need them. Now let us go through some effective tips that can be helpful in making the service process easier…

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SanDisks new Wireless Flash Drive: Expanding Mobile Office Possibilities

September 28, 2015 No Comments

Whether it be the need to share video, audio, or basic data files from afar, SanDisk’s new wireless flash drive is making business more capable. Sure, the cloud recently enabled corporations to accomplish much the same thing; however, this new wireless flash drive allows users the same conveniences without as many downfalls. With this device, the most advantageous and alluring feature that is making mobile business a whole lot easier is the ability that SanDisk’s Connect Wireless Stick has to assist people in sharing data from a mobile device without the need for an active internet connection.

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Top 15 Responsive Website Design Companies

September 8, 2015 No Comments

Believe it or not, but still people do judge a book by its cover and simultaneously a website by its visibility on the internet. Hence, the presentation of your website readily influences the credibility of your brand within the reach of digital audience. It is crucial as to how you present your website to the millions of web users engaged in accessing the internet through their mobile phones.

What IBM’s Recent $3M Investment in IoT Means For You and Me

August 24, 2015 No Comments

Recently, IBM—the technology powerhouse—announced to the public that it will be making a brand new “Internet of Things” product. They plan to pour over $3 billion into the project over a four year period. The core idea of this “Internet of Things” is to create a network of data in virtually everything to improve operational efficiency.

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Go Modular for Maximised Data Centre Agility

August 6, 2015 No Comments

The vast majority of today’s data centres have significantly underutilised power systems. Why? Because nobody wants to run short of power. So when power systems are specified it is often done on the assumption that the facility will ultimately have a full compliment of racks all running the power-hungriest equipment possible. And then of course some “contingency” power is added on top, just to be on the safe side.

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IT Pros Need Vacations, Too: Four Ways to Get Ready

July 8, 2015 No Comments

Okay, I get it: As an IT professional, you’re just too darn important to go on vacation. Your whole company might cease to exist if you head to the beach, Disney World, or Las Vegas, turn off the smartphone, and get some rest and relaxation. Right? Wrong.

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Security Implications of the Internet of Things

June 15, 2015 No Comments

From the hacking of the Apple iCloud where celebrities’ accounts were accessed in 2014 to the hacking of Sony that jeopardized the release of the political satire comedy film, “The Interview”, no one knows where the next cyber security threat will be directed or will come from. Internet of things, from car to car communication, social media, Smart Grid to Smart Home among others, we are connected to all kinds of networks and devices, which helps in simplifying how we communicate, work or live.

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Aftermath of Net Neutrality—What’s Next

May 22, 2015 No Comments

February 26, 2015 marked an historic day for the Internet. And not because of the #LlamaDrama or #thedress that blew up on social media, but the 3-2 Federal Communication Commission (FCC) decision earlier in the day that classified Internet as a utility—keeping the medium fair and free. With net neutrality, it keeps business innovative, minority voices shared and lets the Internet continue to function the way it always has. But what about future actions on the opposing side? What’s next concerning net neutrality in America?

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Build versus Buy: File Storage Connectors

May 4, 2015 No Comments

Files are the life-blood of a business. They are also the persistent memory of every digital family. The need to store files is ubiquitous. The competition to own the digital shoebox for individuals and businesses is fierce. New entrants appear every week and old players are at risk of slow death. End-users are adopting every conceivable solution, in every conceivable combination.

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How to Stay Sane When Your Email Management Software Crashes

March 13, 2015 No Comments

Everyone in the IT world knows that nothing gets done when we get mad at a computer. Your computer cannot process your emotion, and it will not speak to you even if you yell at it like Boris in “Goldeneye,” which is just one of the film’s many IT mistakes. Your best chance of getting out of this crash in one piece is collecting yourself, sitting down at your computer and beginning the work of solving the problem.

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Congressional Proposals: Data Breach Notification Law

February 10, 2015 No Comments

At his State of the Union address on January 20, President Obama called on Congress to pass a national law that would require organizations to notify customers of data breaches, in an effort to protect consumers’ personal information. And, Congress has named helping organizations improve their cyberdefenses as one of its “top priorities” for 2015. Today, 47 states have varying levels of cybersecurity-related laws, which has led to a lot of confusion. By creating one uniform federal regulation, the government will be able to provide clarity and accountability for the security of confidential information.

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