March 24, 2011
Tweet Google and the many-tentacled beast that is open source licensing took the Linux spotlight this week as bloggers pondered whether Android has a bit of a copyright conundrum. “There has been a lot of hearsay about what Google may or may not have done to Android,” consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack told LinuxInsider. […]
March 23, 2011
Tweet Earlier in the week I attended an event in Madrid where fellow ZDNet’er Paul Greenberg and independent analyst Esteban Kolsky discussed business responses to the notion of the social customer. My motivation was to hear first hand from subject matter experts I respect even though I have problems with the term ’social anything.’ As […]
March 23, 2011
Tweet Posted by Michele Walsh – Today’s cartoon by Dilbert- Scott Adams made me chuckle.. so so true!
March 21, 2011
Tweet One of my favorite points made by Bertrand Duperrin in a blog post on social CRM (SCRM) I cited in my own post titled Social CRM Moves Focus from “Management” to “Relationship” was that SCRM occurs not just on Facebook or other social channels but also over the phone or in person, in any […]
March 21, 2011
Tweet “A couple years ago, I bought my wife a new Thinkpad,” Slashdot blogger Chris Travers recalled. “She made a specific request: ‘I don’t want to use something weird, like Linux.’” Though the laptop came with Vista, it “never worked right. It had video card issues, power management issues and networking issues.” After a few […]
March 18, 2011
Tweet “I don’t think FOSS needs a figurehead, and that’s good considering we would be screwed otherwise,” said Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack. “Linus Torvalds just doesn’t seem to have the time or interest … . Richard Stallman is a poor public speaker and wastes time arguing over semantics. Eric Raymond can’t keep to just arguing […]
February 21, 2011
Tweet Earlier this month, Apple Computer surprised enterprise IT decision-makers by announcing the demise of its Xserve with the suggestion that they move to the company’s power powerful workstation, the Mac Pro. While this system offers the ability to expand up to 12 cores, it is no enterprise server. My colleague David Morgenstern, posted Apple […]
February 17, 2011
Tweet If the human brain can be compared to a search engine, it seems fair to say that most of us tend to scan the news each day for search terms and phrases that support our existing point of view. That, indeed, could explain why a recent post over at the Linux Foundation has drawn […]
February 15, 2011
Tweet 7:30 ET It’s clear from my initial scan of the agenda, that IBM intends to use its clout with partners to create a broad ecosystem to support its cloud initiatives. It intends to help its partners develop cloud expertise by supporting five types of business partners. Here’s the list of specialties IBM has defined […]
February 15, 2011
Tweet Several months ago I had the good fortune of hearing from Professor David Dobrzykowski who teaches CRM at the College of Business at Eastern Michigan University – university of some 23,000 total students safely ensconced in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Dr Dobrzykowski a.k.a. Dave, told me that his class was using the 4th edition of CRM at the […]
February 14, 2011
Tweet While Slashdot blogger Barbara Hudson loves Linux for introducing her to the open source ecosystem, she didn’t want to carry her ardor too far. “For Valentine’s I prefer chocolate and and dinner with a few drinks,” she said, “but my COMPUTER sure loves linux, and not just on Valentine’s Day. And unlike humans, it […]
February 11, 2011
Tweet Many of the most interesting big economic landmarks in IT have happened around what might be called “re-platforming,” as users take existing applications and redeploy them on new platforms, such as we see when applications move from corporate data centers to the Amazon Web Services EC2 or the Rackspace Cloud. We see this trend […]
February 10, 2011
Tweet Linus Torvalds was the first suggestion of Hyperlogos blogger Martin Espinoza for the Award for the Advancement of Free Software: “It is hard to conceive of a world in which he doesn’t already have one, but we appear to live in it. I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t have one who deserves one more.” […]
February 10, 2011
Tweet We continue to be very enthusiastic about the tremendous amount of opportunity in the Enterprise Infrastructure sector for 2011. In the past few years, we’ve seen significant innovation in technologies such as virtualization, flash memory and distributed databases and applications. When combined with business model shifts (cloud computing) and strong macroeconomic forces (reduced R&D […]
February 9, 2011
Tweet When I started out in the IT world, the first thing I ever did was to develop a Lotus Notes practice for a small company. This was the early 90s, if I recollect correctly (I’m not being evasive, merely making believe I’m an old codger, by cracky). So I would go to Lotusphere – […]
February 9, 2011
Tweet Activity Journal is a tool for browsing and finding files on your computer. I like the potential that the application has for tracking and opening files I use. It is certainly a better option than looking through a file manager window filtered by date. But the app fails in some key points that lead […]
February 8, 2011
Tweet Barclays has said it owes a plethora of business benefits to an efficient master data management system. According to, financial giant Barclays Bank has said it has cut costs, reduced complaints, increased regulatory compliance, improved staff productivity and financial reporting as well as enhanced fraud fighting systems all thanks to more efficient data […]
February 8, 2011
Tweet Focus Research introduced BIQ (Business Intelligence Quotient) a while ago and I think this is a great concept. You can get a free copy here. It aligns well with our thinking here at myDIALS and outlines the following list of “High-Fives”. Encore the fact that BI is everybody’s business Data, Data Everywhere! But I Can’t […]
February 8, 2011
As you may know, LogiXML was positioned in the 2011 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence. You may also already know that that Gartner’s highly regarded Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence is based on Gartner’s evaluation of a company’s completeness of vision and ability to execute.
February 7, 2011
Tweet Several private clouds are now coming to market based on the Vblock technology developed by VCE, a joint venture forged by Cisco, EMC and VMWare. Last week I groaned inwardly as I saw not one, but two announcements plop into my inbox. First came Sungard’s “fully managed cloud offering”, and then a couple of […]
February 7, 2011
Tweet MTBS doesn’t affect only Microsoft users, consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack asserted. “The saying used to be that ‘no one ever got fired for buying IBM,’” he noted. “People have a tendency to stick with what they consider safe, and it takes something large to force a change.” Read more of this blog […]
February 4, 2011
Tweet Arthur Cole spoke with Augie Gonzalez, director of product marketing for DataCore Software, about how advanced SAN management can help with the inevitable bottlenecks that arise from too many virtual machines seeking access to too few physical resources. The more virtualization takes over the server farm, the greater impact it has on network and […]
February 3, 2011
Tweet Wanova has been polishing their desktop management product, Mirage, again. This time, the key focus was scaling to meet the needs of large organizations having many remote branch offices. Read more of Dan Kusnetzky’s blog post
February 3, 2011
Tweet For those of us on the Linux side of the fence, it can be hard to keep quiet about our favorite operating system. After all, there’s no multimillion-dollar marketing budget at work to counteract all the promotion that comes out of Redmond, in particular, so many of us feel it our duty to sing […]
February 2, 2011
Tweet Casually flicking through the latest tech magazines (as you do in this industry) I was struck with one thought – every publication mentions cloud computing at least twice per feature. Now calculating how many magazines I read and how many articles there were in each, it seems the research companies are right – cloud […]
January 31, 2011
Tweet An article by the well-known writer, William M. Bulkeley, offers an interesting view of how Unidesk’s rendition of desktop virtualization has helped the Department of Children and Families in Wisconsin. Thanks for the submission, Bill. Users started to complain after Wisconsin’s Department of Children & Families began installing virtual desktops last fall. Social workers, […]
January 31, 2011
Tweet Are Linux’s current package managers really just overly complex clunkers, especially in a the age of App Stores and quick, no-brainer software installations?’s Frank Karlitschek has called for a nice, cross-distro application installer system for Linux, and his supporters say it’s about time. Critics, however, point to many unified standards in the Linux […]
January 28, 2011
Tweet I got a press release this morning from VMware that was touting the adoption of of vSphere as the virtualization technology of choice for the SMB user. Included in the press release, as usual, were a few brief customer stories and the expected quotes from VMware executives and their business partners. The purpose of […]
January 27, 2011
Tweet The changes are flying fast and furious in the land of Ubuntu, and one of the many shake-ups causing users joy and consternation is that post-Natty Narwhal, Ubuntu will incorporate Qt interface libraries. Reactions in the Linux community ranged from “Bravo, Mr. Shuttleworth,” to “This seems like a horrible mistake.” Read More…
January 25, 2011
Tweet It’s not clear who’s to blame for the Firefox hardware acceleration problem on Linux, said Montreal consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack. “I’ve been running a lot of games that use Open GL with no problem, but I tried enabling it on firefox and the Xserver didn’t crash — Firefox did,” he added. “Perhaps […]