Strategic eBook Advisory: “The Evolution to Real–time IT”
December 2, 2011 No CommentsSOURCE: ManagedEngine
Free eBook from ManageEngine Features Leading Industry Analyst Research on How to Augment APM with Conventional Monitoring
- Takeaway 1: Operate at the new speed of business
- Takeaway 2: Gain deep insight into end–user quality of experience
- Takeaway 3: Learn how to augment APM with conventional monitoring
- Download “The Evolution to Real–time IT” at
AUSTIN, Texas – December 1, 2011 – Today’s IT infrastructure is far more dynamic, flexible and elastic than ever before. The result is the rise of “real–time IT,” which demands IT to make the most of today’s game–changing technologies and deliver immediate services to organizations that are operating at an ever–increasing pace. Real–time IT compels IT departments to operate at the speed of business, leveraging technologies to support new business models and applications. These applications are often customer facing and directly tied to business and revenue objectives. Non-stop availability is a baseline requirement, and optimizing applications for the users’ quality of experience becomes imperative.
A new strategic eBook published by ManageEngine and featuring research from Gartner, Inc. offers insights to effective application performance management that can make the most of today’s new opportunities. In this eBook, ManageEngine reveals how to manage day–to–day IT tasks more effectively and deploy IT services more efficiently and responsively. Readers also learn how to deliver business results that drive revenue and profitability strategies while enabling new processes and business models.
“As businesses increasingly rely on applications to perform functions ranging from the mundane day–to–day to the business critical, we are seeing IT teams place a lot of importance on proactively monitoring applications for performance and availability,” explained Sridhar Iyengar, vice president of product management at ManageEngine. “It has become a key requirement of the IT operations role.”
What: “The Evolution to Real–time IT” strategic eBook delivers practical advice on how to:
- Realize efficient application performance and availability management through ManageEngine IT360, an Integrated IT Management solution
- Solve application performance management (APM) issues before they impact users
- Give business managers the IT–management tools needed to monitor business processes
- Establish consistent application performance on physical, virtual and cloud and harness mobile technologies
Who: Written for CIOs, IT managers and others charged with harnessing the power of cloud computing, application availability and performance, virtualization, social and collaboration applications, smart mobile devices and other technologies transforming IT and business.
Why: In a world where user experience is of paramount importance, real–time IT is the necessary response to non–stop management demands on IT departments. Increasingly, IT must synchronize with the 24⁄7 needs of business; ensure that business applications perform at the highest level; leverage mobile, social, collaboration and other “always–on” technologies; deliver real–time services to organizations that are delivering applications and services within (and beyond) the firewall; and use a “single pane of glass” to monitor IT assets, key business processes and quality of experience.
When: Available today
Where: Download “The Evolution to Real–time IT” free eBook at
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About ManageEngine
ManageEngine is the leading provider of cost-effective enterprise IT management software and the only one making the 90-10 promise – to provide 90 percent of the capabilities offered by the Big 4 at just 10 percent of the price. The ManageEngine suite offers enterprise IT management solutions including Network Management, HelpDesk ITIL, Bandwidth Monitoring, Application Management, Desktop Management, Security Management, Password Management, Active Directory reporting, and a Managed Services (MSP) platform. ManageEngine products are easy to install, setup and use, and offer extensive support, consultation and training. More than 50,000 organizations in 200 countries, from different verticals, industries and sizes use ManageEngine to take care of their IT management needs cost effectively. ManageEngine is a division of Zoho Corp. For more information on ManageEngine, please visit
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