August 25, 2015
For many years, IT has been a gatekeeper. When anyone wanted new server capacity, additional storage, a password reset, or a new application deployed, they had to come to IT to get the job done. The processes and friction IT put in place to manage the demand led to IT being seen as a barrier, rather than as a business enabler. IT was not focusing on the experience, the perception but only on the technology. In recent years, things have started to change. For instance, the public cloud has made it relatively easy for end users to provision their own computing capacity on demand, and outsourcing has created profound competition for internal IT departments.
August 25, 2015
Expedient’s new guide, 6 Steps to Disaster Recovery Preparedness, outlines key ways that IT leaders can prepare for a disaster before it strikes. More than 70 percent of companies are not currently confident in their ability to restore data in the case of an outage. Collectively, companies cited $754 billion in data loss and $954 billion in downtime in 2014. Are you really ready for disaster recovery?
August 25, 2015
The majority of business owners are somewhat familiar with analytics, and most analytic services such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and YouTube Analytics are free to use. However, not all businesses are aware of just how useful analytics can be. When using analytics it’s important to realize that they are an effective way of gaining inside knowledge regarding your audience and your brand and company’s marketing campaigns. No company can afford to ignore analytics as the data gathered from them is a legitimate way of tapping into the minds of your consumers. Many business owners agree that the time spent checking their analytics throughout the day could be the most important fifteen minutes or so that they spend.
August 25, 2015
It’s a matter of fact that many businesses today overlook the impact that mobile browsing has on them, and many are not putting any plans in place for the future when most online activity is likely to take place on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Although a few businesses are taking advantage of this today rather than waiting until they have no choice, and to them it may not seem like there’s much of a problem. However, providers of SEO tools that we all use appear to be under the impression that the market is not yet asking for tools and features to track the impact of mobile on social revenue and search. Perhaps the reason behind this is that marketers aren’t fully aware of the differences and impacts.
August 25, 2015
When traveling across sub-Saharan Africa, commodities that are essential for life – such as water and electricity – are often in very short supply. But even in the remotest of villages you will regularly encounter plenty of people using mobile phones, and mobile cell towers are continuing to pop up all over the continent at a staggering rate.
August 24, 2015
If you are an IT manager, the number of Big Data products contending for your attention these days is simply mind-blowing. Hive, Impala, HBase, MongoDB, Cassandra, Drill, Redis, Couchbase, Aerospike, Flink, Spark, Tez, YARN, Mesos, Pig, Storm, Heron – If you haven’t heard all these buzzwords yet, rest assured that you will soon. How do you choose the right platform to solve your Big Data problem?
August 24, 2015
Content marketing has been the buzz phrase many marketers have been using for the past few years. Many brands and businesses are now fully on board with producing content – to mixed results. However, those that have succeeded with content marketing all have one thing in common. Each of them has leveraged their content with social media. The question for today is – how, exactly, do they do this?
August 18, 2015
Once simply conceptual, the Internet of Things has finally made its way from the IT department to the Boardroom – and it is having a major impact on the bottom-line. From R&D to marketing and customer service, the possibilities for modern business to successfully integrate IoT are endless. And decision makers are finally seeing that by investing time and money into these programs, their business is gaining a competitive advantage.
August 18, 2015
In recent years, Microsoft’s hustle to compete with newer, more flexible technology innovators like Google, Apple, and Samsung has resulted in a handful of enthusiastic projects. However, despite Microsoft’s unchallenged supremacy in computing, Microsoft phones are few and far between. Windows 8, the operating system for the mobile era, was beautiful and seamless on touch devices, but wasn’t perfect. Though a few of their tablets, including the most recent Surface Pro 3, have earned top reviews, most Microsoft users prefer true laptops — and continue to reminisce about the powers of XP.
August 18, 2015
Fast deployment time compared to traditional brick and mortar facilities is one of the biggest advantages of prefabricated data centres. Time can be saved in many areas of a project. However, when it comes to the actual initial design phase of a data centre, it simply does not pay to take shortcuts.
August 17, 2015
This White Paper has been produced to explain the nature of BYOE (Bring Your Own Experience) and demonstrate how it can make Unified Communications more valuable to the business as well as more relevant to your employees.
August 17, 2015
J Arnold & Associates monitors the communications technology landscape extensively, and has
identified three “hot button” trends organizations need to know when selecting the right communications technology.
August 17, 2015
Early adopters who want to update their original UC solution or first time UC buyers may find it difficult to keep up with evolving UC feature sets, so this document will offer an overview of the current “top ten” requirements to consider for a premise – based UC solution.
August 11, 2015
Just like any other tool, ensuring your business has the right software to meet its needs can make the difference between accomplishing what you want — or watching tasks linger undone on your to-do lists. For a long time it was a sad fact that most of the top software companies focused on big enterprises, instead of small businesses. This meant most of their solutions were unaffordable or full of features smaller firms didn’t need, or both.
August 11, 2015
When considering what you need in a new data centre, it is very easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and get caught up in the minutiae. The resulting design can often end up being far from ideal, causing delays while it gets reworked or, worse still, significant long-term problems if it actually gets built. The good news is that keeping focused on the following five key questions will ensure that your data centre design is accurately specified right from the word go…
August 6, 2015
(And what could you learn about your business?)
August 6, 2015
IT continues to commoditize. How is this trend forging transformation in the world of IT service management? Consumer behavior is driving IT to the cloud, and outsourcing is moving from the enterprise to the mid-market. We believe that this will result in IT organizations integrating their service management applications with those of their customers, but this is easier said than done.
August 4, 2015
Researchers have detected Russian hackers operating in plain sight using the cover of legitimate services including Twitter, Github and cloud storage services to steal data from organizations during the work day. Recently, a cyber gang known as APT29 created malware called Hammertoss which is very hard to detect. Using a variety of Twitter handles daily, they are able to send commands to infected machines using images embedded with encrypted command information, these commands allow them to upload the stolen information to cloud storage services. They also infect legitimate web servers and usethem as part of their command and control infrastructure.
August 4, 2015
Perhaps the most valuable thing about your computer is the data and files that you have saved on it. After all, the main reason for having your PC or laptop is in order to store the data that is on it, and it’s the main priority for putting a protective strategy in place, such as anti-virus software. Whilst operating systems and downloadable software can always be re-downloaded or re-installed, unique, user created data has the potential to be lost forever. Let’s look at some simple steps that can be taken in order to protect your computer or laptop from data loss.
July 30, 2015
with Israel Lifshitz, NuboIf you’ve been tracking the evolution of our BYOD work culture, you’ll know that most enterprises are at some stage of getting a grip on a myriad of issues, including employee adoption, compliance, Shadow IT and user privacy just to name a few. Read More >>>
July 30, 2015
Tweet As the use of cloud computing matures, more mission-critical applications will leverage cloud computing, more technologies and standards will be needed to enable interoperability and cross management among cloud providers (including on-premises cloud services), and more services will require integration, governance, customization and oversight. These requirements will drive the need for an intermediary between […]
July 29, 2015
With the release of Windows 10 comes another opportunity for Microsoft to align its direction for mobile to better serve developers and IT departments. Together with a subtle name change to Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft is looking to draw a line in the sand on its failed attempt to chase Apple in the consumer market with Windows Phone.
July 28, 2015
with Sam Ganga, DMIZK Research reports that the Internet of Things (IoT) will have 50 billion endpoints by 2010 and will create 2.5 trillion new revenue streams in the next 10 years. That represents a huge opportunity for organizations large and small across all industries. Read More >>>
July 27, 2015
by Daniel Joseph Barry, NapatechThe number of network end points is growing into the billions as the Internet of Things (IoT) expands its presence, spurred on inexpensive sensors, the rapid adoption of mobile devices and innovative minds. This presents engineers and administrators with the challenge of managing and protecting the network in real time. Read More >>>
July 22, 2015
by Kristen Gramigna, BluePayMobile payments can equip small businesses to accept payment by credit or debit card, using the mobile device that small-business owners likely have within reach most of the time. While mobile payment technology can benefit both customer and business owner, some customers remain hesitant about them. Read More >>>
July 21, 2015
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) programs are much more than the software brand that runs them — they can serve as the foundation for business success. However, the majority of companies that operate ERP systems today (no matter the platform) struggle to get the most out of their ERP investment, primarily due to issues with governance.
July 20, 2015
The next recommendation/version of the JavaScript standard, also known as “harmony”, “”, “ECMAScript 6”, “ES6”, and “JavaScript/ECMAScript 2015”, is cemented at last. The major language updates included in ES6 are expected to end a rather stagnant history of change. For those who aren’t familiar, I encourage you to explore the real-world usages of ES6 in the wild since ES6 is most likely being integrated into a tool that you already depend on or will be integrated in the near future.
July 16, 2015
MSPs have to delicately dance between two key priorities: constantly scanning for the latest technologies to meet their customers’ changing needs and running the numbers to see if they can afford to provide those new technologies to their customers and do it in a reliable manner. One technology service that MSPs are struggling to figure out is how to add security and systems monitoring to their business portfolios, which is in great demand.
July 15, 2015
About This 451 Research Report: A May survey of 1,240 members of the 451 Global Digital Infrastructure Alliance looked at key enterprise datacenter trends – including overall spending on datacenter facilities, current capacity utilization and what organizations plan to do as they run out.
July 15, 2015
451 Research’s latest ChangeWave corporate IT spending survey shows a very slight uptick in overall U.S. business IT spending going forward. A total of 1,544 respondents involved with IT spending in their organization participated in the May survey, which also focused on business demand for smartphones and PCs. ChangeWave Research is a service of 451 Research.