Inside the Briefcase

Infographic: The Three Pillars of Digital Identity: Trust, Consent, Knowledge

Infographic: The Three Pillars of Digital Identity: Trust, Consent, Knowledge

8,434 adults were surveyed to gauge consumer awareness of digital identity. The findings suggest that companies should look to realign their online interactions with customers with three key principles in mind: trust, consent, and knowledge.

Briefcase Highlights


POS Systems and How They Shape the Customer Experience

June 14, 2018 No Comments

A point of sale (POS) system is hardware combined with a software system that allows day to day business activities to take place by providing a platform where your customers will pay for the goods and services provided. A POS system does away with traditional cash registers that were normally used to complete transactions in stores. A POS system is very beneficial to use for your business as it greatly simplifies the accounting process by offering built-in digital reports.

GlobalData SD-WAN Research Report

June 14, 2018 No Comments

Enterprise IT experts share their views about SD-WAN and how it helps scale and modernize their IT infrastructures. Learn more in this GlobalData research study.

Ease your Transition from Legacy Voice to VoIP

June 14, 2018 No Comments

Get expert guidance on transitioning from legacy voice (PBX) to Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C).

Infographic: The Three Pillars of Digital Identity: Trust, Consent, Knowledge

June 11, 2018 No Comments

8,434 adults were surveyed to gauge consumer awareness of digital identity. The findings suggest that companies should look to realign their online interactions with customers with three key principles in mind: trust, consent, and knowledge.

IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: The Value and Incresed Use of Facial Recognition Software

June 8, 2018 No Comments

In this interview, we talk to Brian Strock, Manager, Public Safety Group at Numerica Corporation, about facial recognition software, the increased use of this technology by law enforcement, and Numerica’s latest software solution, Lumen FR.

IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: Examining Kafka’s Growth as an Enterprise Must-Have

June 5, 2018 No Comments

Open source Apache Kafka – which provides powerful distributed processing of continuous data streams – continues to gain traction within enterprises. Ben Bromhead, the CTO and a co-founder of open-source-as-a-service platform provider Instaclustr, gives his perspective on Kafka’s growing popularity, along with strategy considerations for getting the most out of the technology.

How the Foreign Exchange can Have an Effect on Digital Transactions

May 31, 2018 No Comments

The foreign exchange market gives traders a place to buy or sell currency pairs such as GBP/USD, depending on how they think one currency will fair against the other. Of course, it also has an impact on the foreign exchange rates that you will come across every day when moving money between countries. Naturally, the foreign exchange moving in one way or another can have a big effect on your finances or any money that you are sending abroad.

Data Preparation is the Key to Good Analytics

May 25, 2018 No Comments

The proper preparation of data influences the type of analysis which can be performed with data analytics tools. The less prepared data is, the more difficult it will be for data analytics to be performed and for end-users to answer questions in a simple manner. Also, effective data preparation and modelling has a major influence on the overall performance of a business, so proper data preparation is key for business operations, not just good analytics.

Is Cloud Gaming the Future?

May 21, 2018 No Comments

Cloud computing is perhaps the most important subject in all of computing today. Ever since cloud technologies have come along, there have been people looking for a way to make use of cloud technologies in the context of gaming. At the heart of cloud technologies is the notion that you don’t need to store your files locally in order to access them. Cloud computing allows users to access their files from wherever they are – and using a variety of devices.

GDPR: What Is It and How Will It Affect Your Online Business?

May 17, 2018 No Comments

If you use any type of online service, chances are you received several emails about updates to the privacy policy of those services. Some of those emails may even mention GDPR, a new regulation by the European Union regarding data protection. This is a change that affects all websites that collect user data in any way. What is GDPR exactly? How will it affect your digital life? More importantly, does the new regulation affects your online business? We are going to answer these questions in this article.

How Can You Make Your Online Store More Secure?

May 17, 2018 No Comments

Adding an online store to any home business is an exciting milestone. With your own online store, the chances of making some serious cash increase precipitously. However, if you don’t take security seriously, it will come back to haunt you.

How to Set Yourself Up as a Professional Online Business

May 8, 2018 No Comments

Many people dream of going into business for themselves. A relatively select few will actually pursue these dreams and take steps towards making it a reality. The reason why there are so few business owners is that the nature of the business world makes running a business a difficult endeavor. Between developing a truly great idea to securing the capital necessary to open your doors, the challenges can be immense.

IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: Selecting the Best BPM Tools for Your Business

May 8, 2018 No Comments

In this interview, we talk to Thomas Kohlenbach, Principal Consultant with Promapp Solutions, about the role business process management can play in supporting process improvement, and how to go about selecting the appropriate BPM tool for your business.

Top ERP Systems – Definitive Pricing Guide 2018

May 7, 2018 No Comments

Get an in-depth comparison of the costs and implementation models for the top ERP systems. This practical guide helps buyers compare the cost factors and product limitations of the most popular ERP systems. The SelectHub platform contains expert software analysis across key criteria and vendor data. These built-in analyst ratings are combined with subjective user ratings to create SelectHub ratings reports—which allow us to provide you with highly accurate recommendations and pricing.

Top BI Analytics Tools for 2018 – Expert Reviews and Pricing

May 4, 2018 No Comments

Zero in on the best BI solutions for your company. Interactive analyst report gives you comparison ratings, reviews and pricing from actual software selection projects. Unlike some ratings, SelectHub product scores are taken from multiple sources including top analysts and actual software buyers—ideal for your shortlist.

IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: Better to be Smart than High, When it Comes to Availability

May 4, 2018 No Comments

with Don Boxley, DH2iIn this informative interview, Don Boxley, CEO and Co-Founder of DH2i , talks about the discussion transition going on in enterprise IT datacenters around the world. Read More >>>

Top HR Software for 2018 – Expert Reviews & Pricing – Free Analyst Report

May 2, 2018 No Comments

Zero in on the best HR software for your company. SelectHub ratings and recommendations are based on professional analysis of the top systems matching your needs.. Find out which systems support the functions that matter most to your operation. Get a comprehensive list of the key requirements for use in your software evaluation and vendor selection. Easy pricing: Get recommendations and pricing for solutions matching your business needs.

The Top Benefits of Remote Desktop Services

May 2, 2018 No Comments

You can boost your office productivity simply by investing in the right technology. Remote desktop services, in particular, can be the key to corporate success, no matter what industry you are a part of. In this post, we’ll look closely at the top benefits of using remote desktop services! Read on for insight.

SDWAN: The Future of Networking

April 27, 2018 No Comments

Have you ever heard of SDWAN? It could be the answer to every and all of your networking issues! Here is everything you need to know about this networking tech! Have you heard of SD-WAN? Well, if not, brace yourself for a significant shift in enterprise networking. Software-defined WAN, or SDWAN, is a technology that allows enterprises to route traffic through a hybrid WAN. This can be done using the existing network infrastructure. In 2015, this technology had a value of $225 million. This is expected to hit $8.05 billion by 2021.

What Marketers Need to Consider When It Comes to Protecting Customer Data

April 26, 2018 No Comments

The amount of integrated information, marketers would get about their customers, three or two decades ago, is tremendously different to the granularity they can achieve now with customer data platform, machine learning, and third-party apps. In the course of digitalization, data is being generated, stored, processed and analyzed on a scale that wasn’t possible before, and we are all part of it.

How to Effectively Use Apps for Marketing

April 25, 2018 No Comments

With a rapid growth in mobile app use over the past five years, it’s no wonder that creative and insightful business owners are hunting for killer apps to promote their services and goods. Mobile apps are now viewed as an essential part of the modern business strategy and an essential tool for its successful implementation in life. Therefore, the world’s leading companies tend to invest a great deal of money in building a cool app with a promise of having their cash back as a significant revenue. Read more on what benefits a mobile app can bring to your business.

Network Access Controls in the Age of Enterprise Mobility

April 23, 2018 No Comments

Enterprise mobility is an approach to work in which companies allow their team members to work from anywhere using a variety of devices and applications. The term “Enterprise Mobility” typically covers both the mobility of corporate data as well as the mobility of team members. This includes the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops for business purposes, from anywhere – in the office, at home and in transit to remote cities or countries, while maintaining access to corporate data, communications and programs.

How Poor Web Design Can Impact Your Brand

April 23, 2018 No Comments

Setting up a website for your business is easier than ever thanks to a large number of tools and services available for would-be online entrepreneurs. However, just because something is possible does not necessarily mean it is always the best solution. A poorly-designed, ill-conceived website will hurt your brand and damage your sales. Read on for a few key elements to avoid if you want to ensure your business enjoys steady growth.

Data Scientist vs. Data Analyst

April 18, 2018 No Comments

We have witnessed immense growth in data science over the recent years, and it is applicable in various fields of practice. Some of the popular areas where data science is of great significance include online marketing, Search Engine Optimization, banking, finance, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and healthcare. Data science involves the use of scientific methods, mathematics, and statistics, among others to examine and handle data in a skillful manner.

DevOps – Ensuring Everyone at a Large Organization is on the Same Team

April 17, 2018 No Comments

Think about playing tennis and about playing football. Or how about relay swimming compared to soccer? What is one of the biggest differences between these sports? Tennis and swimming are individual sports and at most require coordination between only a couple of people, while football and soccer have a lot more moving parts that need to work perfectly in sync to ensure success. DevOps in SMEs vs. DevOps in large organizations is a similar concept – in small organizations, successful DevOps strategies require coordination between small, tightly-integrated teams.

IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: Streaming Data Automation and the Internet of Things (IoT)

April 17, 2018 No Comments

The emergence of The Internet of Things (IoT) has created frenzied excitement for the technology industry because it heralds the leap from technology being something that supports our modern lifestyle to something that pervades our modern lifestyle. And with this shift comes a huge commercial opportunity. Gartner research says there will be 20 billion IoT devices by 2020, with the IoT economic value expected to reach $11.1 trillion by 2025. It’s a new Gold Rush.

The Digital Revolution: Progression or Regression?

April 10, 2018 No Comments

Life has changed almost beyond recognition over the past 30 years, and that can mainly be attributed to the rise of the internet and its associated technologies. Every aspect of our lives has been touched by the digital revolution, and some may argue, not for the better. Here is how the internet has transformed our lives.

Three of the Latest and Greatest Ideas in Technology

April 9, 2018 No Comments

When it comes to the fastest growing ideas in technology and business, they are being driven by the digital innovation the world is seeing. These changes affect every industry. And if you want to compete in the coming years, you need to understand what these growing ideas are and why they have taken hold. That way, you can stand out from the competition and grow your market share.

How New Touch Screen Technology Is Stimulating Innovation

April 7, 2018 No Comments

Ever since touch screen technology emerged in in the 1970s, it has been linked to a wide array of breakthroughs in industries as diverse as logistics, computing, entertainment, and the military. As touch screens have become more sophisticated, they have opened up new possibilities for developers to create products that would not have been imaginable without high quality, responsive touchscreens. Just as the smartphone revolution was made possible by the projected capacitive (PCAP) touch screen, new developments in resistive screen technology are now fuelling new applications for kiosks, industrial control panels, and mobile computing devices.

Taxing the Internet of Things

April 6, 2018 No Comments

Many companies investing in IoT solutions remain unaware that creating those connections can completely change the taxes they’re liable for and regulations they’re subject to. Such oversights have the potential to turn profitable revenue streams into costly headaches due to increased risks of penalties, fees, and audits.


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