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Managed or Unmanaged? Pros and Cons of Dedicated Server Options

January 10, 2019 No Comments

Over the past few years, the web hosting industry has introduced a myriad of hosting options to suit every need. If you’re planning to move from shared hosting to some robust hosting environment, most probably you’re looking for a reliable and cheap dedicated hosting provider. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it looks. Apart from searching for a reliable hosting provider, you will also have to decide between managed and unmanaged dedicated hosting. Confused what are these?

Windows Safe Mode Is Still the Best Diagnostic Tool for System Recovery: Here’s Why

January 4, 2019 No Comments

It’s officially 2019 and Windows safe mode still remains the go-to tool for system recovery. This is a feature that’s truly survived the test of time. It’s available in all Windows operating systems right from the prehistoric Windows 95 to the latest Windows 10. This often begs the question why is safe mode still used by IT professionals for system recovery. After all, there are no shortages of third-party tools that can run diagnostic tests and perform everything from registry “cleanup” to freeing up the HD space by clearing out non-essential files

Why Cyber Security Is Essential To Your Business Success

January 4, 2019 No Comments

Cyber Security is an area that’s been growing bigger and bigger over the past few years, but aside from people who are completely in-the-know about what it is, it doesn’t seem like it’s essential to helping your business. After all, cyber security positions are currently one of the most in-demand positions across the UK, and it’s easy to see why; cyber crimes are at an all time high and they show no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Because of that, more and more businesses are turning to cyber security specialists in order to help protect their businesses.

How to Safeguard Your Business’s Data

January 3, 2019 No Comments

Data is seen as a goldmine in this digital age. It is being used by businesses everywhere as a means of gaining deeper insights into who their customers and prospective ones are. As a result, many have invested money in buying software and tools that can help with gathering and analyzing data. In addition to this, they’ve likely hired a team dedicated to the cause as well.

What is the Real Impact of Technology on Social Media?

January 3, 2019 No Comments

At present, it is impossible to live happily without social media. Social websites and applications have become an integral part of our lives, so the question is not if we use them, but why. The most popular reasons for using social media include keeping in touch, filling up time, and general networking. It is true that a significant number of people are leaving it, yet there is no reason to worry when it comes down to the digitally native generation. Social media is a relatively new technology, which is the reason why it is a little bit controversial. With time, social websites and applications will continue to grow and improve.

Securosis Report: Scaling Network Security

December 18, 2018 No Comments

Upgrading your network doesn’t have to be a big headache. Get the Securosis report Scaling Network Security and discover your options for improving security architecture on your terms, using existing infrastructure and intelligently applying security controls at scale without major overhauls.

The risks and rewards of IoT in healthcare

December 12, 2018 No Comments

The Internet of Things (IoT) is taking the industries of the world by storm, and the healthcare sector is no exception. With 101 million IoT devices worldwide, the healthcare industry is becoming more connected by the day, and this figure is expected to increase by over 62% by 2020. As is always the case with new technology, the growing presence of IoT in the healthcare industry poses several threats to both patients and providers – but do the rewards outweigh the risks?

7 Tips to Create an Incident Response Plan for Data Breaches

December 11, 2018 No Comments

The number of data breaches is on the rise, and by July of this year there had been over 600 breaches that exposed upwards of 22 million records. While it is important to protect your data, you also need to plan for the worst – that involves creating an incident response plan. To make sure the incident response plan you create is effective, there are a few tips that you will need to keep in mind.

How can Machine Learning Secure an Online Payment?

December 11, 2018 No Comments

There millions of people who are making online payments right now which gives cashless payment system a great boost but others do tend to refuse to implement it as many are afraid to fall into the trap of fraudulent acts. Mobile phones are pushing ecommerce payment gateway which means that consumers are using it like never before and it is convenient and one doesn’t need to purchase it offline or visiting the store. One should understand that machine learning reduces the risks of fraud when doing online payments.

UDM – Taming The Unstructured Data Beast

November 27, 2018 No Comments

The Beast is Big and Getting Bigger Never has this famed quote been more appropo. Organizations have been losing the battle with the growth and rampant sprawl of unstructured data. To help put this into perspective, according the IDC’s DataAge 2025 report they predict that global storage datasphere will grow from 16ZB in 2016 to 163ZB by 2025 and over 90% of that data will be unstructured vs structured. Taming the unstructured data beast is the opportunity in the chaos for the channel. The Unstructured Data Test Do you want to find a new opportunity with your clients or prospective clients? If so, here is a simple set of test questions you can ask. 1. How much data capacity is online today in your org, both on-premises and in the cloud? 2. Where is this data located, and is that where it should be? 3. Who owns this data and can you identify them for governance compliance? 4. What data sets belong to which applications? 5. Is that data protected and secured to your required SLAs? I can guarantee that 4 out of 5 times you will get more “I don’t know…”s, “that is hard to say…”s, or non-committal monosyllabic grunts, sighs and shrugs than anyone is comfortable with. Why? Because the answers to very simple questions are often the most difficult to provide. These five questions should be enough to to find a new business opportunity, show your value to your clients, and increase your standing as a trusted advisor. To back up this test, we gave it to over 200 IT leaders and application owners and the results are available at (Link). Unstructured Data Management Report In the Unstructured Data Management (UDM) report, over 200 IT leaders and application owners shared their current perspectives, challenges and predictions about unstructured data. In this report, we sought to understand three core trends facing IT leader and applications owners. 1. What is the scale of unstructured data under management? 2. How is that data being is being generated differently today and into the future? 3. What are the new ways that data is being applied in the business? From a scale perspective, 40% indicated that the “age of machine file creation” is upon us and machine created data will far exceed human generated data going forward. This is driven by analytics, IoT, medical imaging, EDA, media, financials and dozens of other automated functions. With IDC predicting that global storage datasphere will grow by 10X (16ZB in 2016 to 163ZB by 2025) and over 90% of that new data will be unstructured, it is easy to see that we are just beginning to see the scale and scope of the unstructured data beast. The second major data trend is the cataloging and management of metadata and tagging files into data sets that feed specific workflows and real-time analytics. Organizations are beginning to think of data in groups and datasets with shared metadata categories. This better enables them to support the needs of specific workflows, applications and analytics As the metadata is more visible it helps enhance the value, usability and mobility of data to support a greater range of use cases. They are clear that data must always be searchable, shareable and deliverable for any need. Next was the transition in unstructured data’s importance. It went from being important for business continuity to being strategic for generating revenue and improving operating models. This is best demonstrated in the the use of real-time analytics and the training of machine learning models. Analytics and machine learning are improving everything from marketing (via churn prediction, recommender systems, and targeted ad placement) to cancer diagnosis (via image recognition). The ability to operationalize data is a competitive weapon, and when combined with auditable integrity, it’s a game-changer. Competitively, data must and will be used for driving revenue, improving product designs, creating better customer interactions, finding ways to lower cost, and optimizing supply chains (both physical and digital). The Unstructured Opportunity for the Channel All of this leads us to the opportunity for the channel. The problems have changed and the solutions need to evolve with them. We think that when you ask your clients to take the “unstructured data test” you will find an consulting and business opportunity right in front of you. There are now new tools that can help you scan these vast sources of data and create a single catalog. Use these tools to help clients understand the scope and scale of the challenge in front of them. Help them to think of data as a dynamic resource instead of a static one stuck in silos. We see an evolution happening. Legacy unstructured data, new machine-generated data, IoT, real time analytics and AI/ML can be leveraged using a modern UDM approach that provides: ● Data visibility: The ability to see, search and find all of your data ● Data classification and organization: : The ability to organize, understand and govern your data ● Data protection: The ability to backup, archive and recover data ● Data mobility : The ability to programmatically move your datasets to the right places throughout their lifecycle We have seen this opportunity manifest in the real world, with companies like Paige.AI improving cancer diagnostics by accelerating machine learning workflows, moving the data to the right place at the right time and then providing the ability to track and recreate data sets for specific ML models. This closed loop UDM capability is required to meet the challenges of the future. Best of all, this is not just a future vision, but something we are deploying today with channel partners like FusionStorm, Red8, SnowCap, and P1 Technologies.

Contract Management Tech Tools You Can Use to Save Time Today

November 27, 2018 No Comments

Contracts particularly need to be managed well, so you don’t end up with any legal or other issues down the track. Thankfully, though, you no longer need to spend hour upon hour handling contract management. Due to the advancement of technology, there are many excellent low-cost software programs and apps on the market to make this business task quicker and simpler. Read on for some tools you should know about, plus tips to help guide you to selecting the right option for your needs.

How the GDPR is Changing the Way the Internet Handles Personal Data

November 26, 2018 No Comments

In the first quarter of 2018, Facebook was placed under intense scrutiny following the compromisation of millions of its users’ personal data. Cambridge Analytica, through a third-party app, harvested sensitive information from millions of Facebook profiles. This collected data was then used illegally for political purposes; allegedly it was to hold sway over the 2016 US elections.

3 Things to Think About When Choosing the Right Hosted VoIP communications Provider

November 20, 2018 No Comments

Finding the right provider is key since deployment and research can take months. To avoid any IT disasters and start a contract with the wrong provider, be sure to think about these 3 hot button issues before picking your new provider.

12 Ways to Showcase Company Culture in Everything You Do

November 20, 2018 No Comments

Your company’s culture is one of the most crucial elements of your organization and is a key component to retaining and attracting workers. That’s why it’s critical to keep culture front and center in everything you do.

Governments of the Future: IT in Service of Governmental Institutions

November 19, 2018 No Comments

Digital transformation trends are continuing to change various industries in the world and it’s safe to say that the latest achievements in technology are literally revolutionizing government institutions. Federal, state and local governments are relying on modern technology to provide their citizens with better living conditions. In fact, these entities realized that things like the internet of things and automation can improve not only the lives of their citizens but almost every other aspect of life such as workplace efficiency.

7 Reasons to Invest in Custom Mobile App Development

November 16, 2018 No Comments

It is becoming increasingly common for today’s businesses to make many of their services available online. From providing customers access to FAQs to offering a way to make purchases online, even the smallest shop understands the importance of doing business online. However, most small businesses also understand just how beneficial mobile apps are and if you have any doubts whatsoever, here are seven reasons to invest in mobile app development for your company.

How to Develop a Paperless Office Strategy That Works for You

November 15, 2018 No Comments

The benefits of going paperless are as varied as they are incredible. More efficient operations, increased competitiveness, better security, reduced costs, less environmental impact — the list goes on (and on, and on).

The Benefits of Using an Industrial Computer

November 13, 2018 No Comments

In many different industries such as medical, food and pharmaceutical, industrial computers are vital to help with everyday tasks that your standard computer just would not be able to do. Below, we are taking you through the many great benefits of using an industrial computer and why your business needs one.

Expert Tips For Maximizing The Power of Amazon Redshift Spectrum

November 13, 2018 No Comments

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is revolutionizing the way data is stored and queried, allowing for more complex analyses and better decision-making. This fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud allows organizations to run complex queries on data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Help increase performance and potentially reduce the cost of your queries with Amazon Redshift. Download your complimentary ebook and get ten valuable tips on using Matillion ETL for Amazon Redshift.

Give Your Employees the Tech They Want — and Need

November 13, 2018 No Comments

In this eBook, “Give Your Employees the Tech They Want — And Need,” HR analyst and author Meghan M. Biro and Paychex show you how choosing and using the right HR tech can meet the needs of employers and employees — closing the gap between mere employment and long-term, productive engagement.

Report: 2018 Pulse of HR Paper: Tech Adoption Continues to Build HR’s Strategic Skills

November 13, 2018 No Comments

HR professionals are gaining power within small to midsize businesses (SMBs). Find out how the industry is changing, where it’s going, and how to keep up.

2018 Enterprise Digitization Progress Report

November 9, 2018 No Comments

The new State of Intelligent Process Automation Study identifies how company decision makers and line of business employees view their enterprise digital transformation progress, successes, and adoption challenges.

Top 5 IT processes that are the culprits of busy work

November 8, 2018 No Comments

Find out how automation can help you work efficiently, improve morale, and protect against risk.

HIPAA Compliance Checklist for the Digital Transformation

November 7, 2018 No Comments

Since Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996, healthcare organizations have been required to ensure the privacy and security of all medical records. However, the world has changed greatly since HIPAA’s inception, namely through the digital transformation. To keep operations more organized and agile, the healthcare industry has traded paper for electronic processes.

Best Practices for Blended Workforce Management

November 7, 2018 No Comments

As the U.S. freelance economy continues to grow, businesses are forced to find efficient ways to manage a blended workforce comprised of different types of talent, including freelancers, full-time employees and vendors. As work is being completed by a variety of different parties, it’s integral to identify solutions that streamline the entire blended workforce management process. Ultimately, by simplifying the process of managing a blended workforce, companies will be able to focus on what really matters – revenue and growth.

What Is a Data Catalog and Why Is It Important?

November 6, 2018 No Comments

A lot of organizations want to say they’re centered on data, but without a data catalog that’s not necessarily true. So what exactly is a data catalog, for organizations new to the concept? “This invaluable tool enables different types of datasets and sources to be cataloged in place, and the metadata gathered and organized into a single repository,” according to Mahesh Gandhe of Unifi.

The Rise of the Digital Factory

November 5, 2018 No Comments

Learn how innovative companies are adapting to this shift by creating digital factories.

Data Breach Prevention for Healthcare: A Best Practices Guide

November 5, 2018 No Comments

earn to build and implement a sound cybersecurity strategy. Download Data Breach Prevention for Healthcare: A Best Practices Guide now.

Forrester PSA TechNow Report

November 5, 2018 No Comments

Read the report to get an overview of 17 PSA providers, along with recommendations to help you find a vendor that fits your firm’s needs.

2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Core Financial Management Suites

November 1, 2018 No Comments

Download your complimentary copy of Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Core Financial Management Suites.


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